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verizon rhyme "crystal"

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    verizon rhyme "crystal"

    I know there will be a great raucus uproar of laughter but..... and I know that this is a "retouched" picture....

    but that "crystal" lights up when there is a phone call.....the point being that the woman has the phone in her purse with the crystal hanging outside...

    Now is a doof piece of plastic with an LED in it.... but.....

    I think we are really quickly heading for a "crystaline" storage system... Ya gotta get people to thinking about things befoe you can sell them a new technology....

    just a piece of plastic... but... dunno.... Star Trek may be closer than the research labs are letting on...

    Here is the video... it is presently wired, but I think it will be quickly wireless:

    let the guffaws begin!!


    Re: verizon rhyme "crystal"

    woodsmoke, may I suggest the article "Quantum storage of a photonic entanglement in a crystal."



      Re: verizon rhyme "crystal"

      Thanks for the linky Steve.

      Well, I am greatly chagrined!

      I SHOULD have known about that.... it indicates that my age is beginning to show.

      This will probably be lost on a lot of folks, but to have a demonstration that has a "violation", quantum terms that means that the particle is not where it is "supposed to be", of three SDs is a pretty big deal.

      A particle can, theoretically, be enywhere, including loitering around Betelguese but in practice, of course, it does not.

      Thanks muchly, I DID NOT know about that.



        Re: verizon rhyme "crystal"

        Originally posted by woodsmoke
        how about you discuss "spooky action at a distance" for folks like me that aren't too bright about this stuff, it is involved with entanglement.
        Start with this lecture from UC Berkeley. Skip to the 9:00 mark to avoid tedious speaker introductions.

        Oh, and please resist the urge to apply what happens at the quantum mechanical level to the physics that happens at the sizes and in the dimensions we inhabit. They are not the same; Deepak Chopra is basically a moron.


          Re: verizon rhyme "crystal"

          SteveRiley--The Skepticblog is an excellent summary of some of the so-called "new physics" (as applied in "mysticism" writings). I had forgotten the de Broglie equation (from Physics, 1968!), but a good reminder and good application of it. I am also skeptical of the likes of Deepak Chopra. He used to write books and appear on PBS promoting mind-body health programs using his pseudo physics. (He may still be doing this, I have not checked his lists lately.)
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

