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a guy all the libs hate predicted this a year and a half ago.

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    a guy all the libs hate predicted this a year and a half ago.

    A guy that the libs detest to the nth degree predicted this and the ORDER of the countries in which it would happen a year and a half ago....

    All the libs said, "no way" that guy is a ##$$%%& idiot and besides he is not a lib and therefore consummately STUPID.......

    I was almost thrown off the forum, if I had not removed the post I would have been....

    ummmm he was right......they were wrong....and it will only get worse and they will take the Libs down at the same time...

    just lie a bunch of dominoes.....his predictions are coming true....

    when ANARCHY reigns.......

    the 9th form kid with the biggest fist beats the geeks to a pulp ......

    just like ANARCHISTS always have....

    These people will come after YOU YOU are not one of THEM....

