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Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

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    Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

    So I was at my local Hastings, a book, video, and music store combo place like Barnes and Noble, and saw a copy of Linux Pro magazine for $12 on the magazine stand. I had a little cash and decided to grab it. Inside, it had the latest Knoppix DVD. Now, I love Kubuntu and I don't intend to change, if for no other reason than I finally got my computer perfectly set up already. I never intended to try out the DVD or anything. i just wanted to read the mag.

    Well, curiosity finally got the better of me and I put the DVD in and I was very pleasantly surprised. The live DVD ran dang near perfectly on my machine! It came loaded with almost every program I've ever installed and then some. I was shocked with what all it came with on just a DVD! The desktop effects were spectacular! I even went online with Chromium and browsed the Internet and posted some. It also seems to boot up much faster than the Kubuntu or Ubuntu live CD, just a little slower than a Windows boot.

    As impressed as I was, I will keep a Knoppix DVD on hand from this point on and perhaps one day I'll even give it a whirl on my computer and see how well it does. For now, I'm extremely happy with Kubuntu, but as far as having a Live DVD/CD goes, Knoppix is hands down better, IMO.

    I just thought I'd share.

    Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

    The Knoppix Live DVD should boot and run well -- knoppix has been designed forever to be run in a RAM disk, from a Live CD or DVD. Did you play with the audio? Reportedly knoppix audio is problematic.


      Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

      a knoppix live disc or pendrive is one of the handiest things you can have lying around or carry around, the amount of times it's got me out of a tight spot is frightening, sound can be a tad dodgy though, but the same can be said about most linux distro's.


        Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

        Knoppix is a standard tool for testing (when building your own PC) and rescue (fixing broken/unbootable systems, recovering lost partitions and files using its TestDisk./PhotoRec program and its terminal in live session). (Other choices might be the SystemRescueCd, Puppy (customized), or your own custom bootable flash drive or CD.)
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

          Originally posted by dibl
          The Knoppix Live DVD should boot and run well -- knoppix has been designed forever to be run in a RAM disk, from a Live CD or DVD. Did you play with the audio? Reportedly knoppix audio is problematic.
          Audio worked great! No problems at all! So were the graphics.


            Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

            Originally posted by charles052
            a book, video, and music store combo place
            Um, what are these?


              Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

              that's nothing, try grml
              "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


                Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

                Knoppix gave me my first RPM thrill ride.

                I decided to install a nifty KDE app and in the process was informed that 240+ packages would be removed and 300+ would be added, because the app required the newer version. I agreed and 20 minutes later I was running the latest release of KDE and the nifty app.

                A couple weeks later, while adding another app, I was told that x number of packages would be removed and y added. Carelessly I hit "Ok", but moments later realized that KDE was being downgraded!

                When it was done my DE and installation was a total mess. It taught me a good lesson, and I never recovered from my distrust of the RPM.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!


                  When my former better half had not backed up her Windblows family tree software, like i had shown her how to do at least ten times, and the hard drive "crashed" on her Toshiba Lappy, I was able to boot Knoppix into ram and find the file for the family tree stuff AND her pictures etc. in the obligatory MS "documents" and move them to an external HD.

                  Knoppix really is an awsome distro but I just can't get "interested" in it to use it as a day to day OS. There is an old saying lke one can not live by bread alone and Knoppix is truely monkeybread!!!!

                  lol, but I need Kubuntu's particular flavourings to keep me "interested".



                    Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!


                    What is that? What's in it? It sure looks good.


                    Knoppix is Debian-based IIRC.
                    The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                      Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

                      Hi bsniadajewski

                      It is an image of what is known by people who have been to multiple interplanetary conferences with G'Kar as "monkey bread".

                      One might also remember his aside that no matter where he went in his thousand year appointment as ambassador that the whole universe serves something like what is known on Earth as "Swedish Meatballs."

                      G'Kar, apparently was an avid shopper at Neiman Marcus because he mentioned the establishment in aside to the Captain.

                      However, leaving the Swedish Meatballs aside,.... "monkeybread" is a VERY TOOTHSOME agglomeration of "dough" and....ooooooo SUGAR AND CINNAMON!!!!!

                      Basically one grabs "handfulls" of the delection and stuffs it into the mountain which one views in the previous post and cooks it like a "bread" and one gets something that can only be decribed as Babylonfivish, or for believers as "Heavenly".

                      BE FOREWARNED....however, that if you make it, and you have a party with NUBILE YOUNG LADIES that are SINGLE in should NOT have your better half at the party!!!

                      Monkey Bread


                      4 cans refrigerated biscuits
                      1 cup packed brown sugar
                      1 1/2 sticks butter (3/4 cup)
                      1/2 cup white sugar
                      2 Tablespoons cinnamon
                      1/2 cup raisins (these are optional, it's great with or without them)


                      1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and grease a 9-10 inch tube pan.

                      2. Mix white sugar and cinnamon in a medium sized plastic bag. Cut the biscuits into halves or quarters and place six to eight biscuit pieces in the sugar cinnamon mix. Shake well.

                      3. Arrange pieces in the bottom of the greased pan. Continue layering until all the biscuit pieces are coated and in the pan. If you are using raisins, place them among the biscuit pieces as you are layering.

                      4. In a small saucepan, melt the butter with the brown sugar over medium heat. Boil for 1 minute. Pour over the layered biscuits.

                      5. Bake for 35 minutes. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a plate. Pull apart and enjoy!



                        Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

                        Originally posted by woodsmoke
                        Knoppix really is an awsome distro but I just can't get "interested" in it to use it as a day to day OS.
                        You're not really supposed to. It's designed as a live CD. I mean, you can install it, but - they don't encourage it

                        grml, on the other hand, not only discourages a HD install, but it is without a doubt, the best Linux installer I've seen.
                        "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


                          Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

                          If you think Knoppix is interesting, but would rather have something that you can install on the hard drive, you might want to give aptosid a spin. It is pure Debian (sid branch) with custom installation and maintenance scripts. Being based on sid, it is a "rolling" release that gets updated with every update of the sid mirrors (every 6 hours). It has an excellent manual that covers most subjects that might give the user some challenges. Review the manual first, to avoiding being stung by the scorpion.


                            Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

                            Hi De_koraco

                            I agree that it isn't supposed to be installed, but the whole talking thing is very intriguing. In a "high light" environment with a laptop, I would imagine that it facilitates using it.

                            Curiously, the college whereat I teach had a guy teaching in the Microsoft classes that also promoted Linux a few years ago. He used Knoppix which, at the time was a pretty easy to "use" distro for the uninitiated. However, he incurred the wrath of the full time teachers, who can only use MS products and eventually lost his job.


                            I did Aptosid a coupla years ago and have a hard drive with it installed. I like the distro and it works well, but, although people say it is cranky I found it to work quite easily

                            Also, I found the forums to be quite friendly, although the developers weren't there much. If I asked a question that needed a developer one appeared rather quickly so they do pay attention, which is not the case at all forums.

                            Again, both of the distros are quite interesting.


                              Re: Knoppix live DVD is awesome!

                              Originally posted by bsniadajewski

                              Knoppix is Debian-based IIRC.
                              Not when I used it. IIRC, the fine German engineers were using SuSE as the orginal base. I never used or tried a *.deb based distro until I used Kubuntu in Feb of 2008. My experience with Knoppix was when KDE was 2.x
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

