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snotty store clerk article

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    snotty store clerk article

    The following article is about a store clerk in a very high end clothing store in Australia being extremely rude to a customer and thinking that it was the normal way of doing things, and also hwo the manager reacted.

    I'm not going to comment on the appropriateness of the behaviour because I tend toward Pierre Cardin suits and Duluth Trading informal clothing myself and some folks would say that is snooty. However, I also shop the second hand stores so that might ALSO say something! lol .

    But, the one comment I would make, after watching almost all of the seasons of "Project Runway" ..... is that....

    Tim Gunn and Heidi Klume would NEVER mangle the Queen's english in the way that the chain's manager exhibited in his letter.

    And that might also say something about the people and their attitude!


    Re: snotty store clerk article

    You know, many stores are tailored to a certain clientele.

    When a person goes into a high-fashion store that does not cater to obese whales and the customer starts to complain that the store does not cater to obese whales, i think the store has a right to throw the customer out.

    It's like Microsoft or Apple plants that come and rant in Kubuntu forums about what Kubuntu supposedly does not do. Is it mandatory to cater politely to this? No, there is even a word" FUDDITE" for those who sow Fear, (Mis)Understanding, and Distrust.

    It is not a person's God-given right to complain ad nauseum and expect store clientele to put up with it.

    Of course, if I were running these forums, I wouldn't let all the stream-of-consciousness posts that seem to flood Kubuntu forums from a certain individual (and which have nothing to do with Kubuntu) be allowed, either. Life is too short to be distracted by endless nonsense.


    Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
    and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


      Re: snotty store clerk article

      nice reply perspectoff.

      any other kibbitzers?



        Re: snotty store clerk article

        Of course, if I were running these forums, I wouldn't let all the stream-of-consciousness posts that seem to flood Kubuntu forums from a certain individual (and which have nothing to do with Kubuntu) be allowed, either. Life is too short to be distracted by endless nonsense.
        Funny, I was thinking something similar about someone else on this forum who seems to be only interested in dealing out insults rather than accurate advise or even pleasant conversation.

        Oh, I know! Lets have a vote and decide as a group which of these two persons we delete from forum membership...

        BTW: Isn't this the Social/Casual Talk section? Just checking.

        Please Read Me


          Re: snotty store clerk article

          Originally posted by woodsmoke
          But, the one comment I would make, after watching almost all of the seasons of "Project Runway" ..... is that....

          Tim Gunn and Heidi Klume would NEVER mangle the Queen's english in the way that the chain's manager exhibited in his letter.
          I don't watch Project Runway, but I certainly noticed the mangled English! Are rules governing the use of who vs whom different in Australia than they are in the US? If not, that manager really needs to learn the difference. And the author of the article needs to learn the difference between whose and who's.
          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


            Re: snotty store clerk article


            LOL, nice take DKY!

            As an aside, I was given a one sheet, one side flyer from the local university, where they are trying to have a "reading club" for the faculty and staff and, to put it mildly, the description of the book to be read was chock a block with grammatical errors.....from a FACULTY member......

            It was about a book describing the travels of a fellow to South America who disappeared and one of the many sentences that were just plain WRONG... went something like this:

            ".....numerous searched for him for several years".

            When I asked the bearer of the flyer if we would be able to find a biography of numerous so we could expand the reading it went......right over her head!

            A spell checker does not a writer make! lol



              Re: snotty store clerk article

              For those in our community who enjoy language, I heartily recommend Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct. He thoroughly enjoys eviscerating those who anoint themselves as "language mavens." Especially the grammar police -- up with whom he shall not put!


                Re: snotty store clerk article

                Originally posted by woodsmoke

                LOL, nice take DKY!
                I'm REALLY picky about spelling...and I don't mind admitting it!

                As an aside, I was given a one sheet, one side flyer from the local university, where they are trying to have a "reading club" for the faculty and staff and, to put it mildly, the description of the book to be read was chock a block with grammatical errors.....from a FACULTY member......

                It was about a book describing the travels of a fellow to South America who disappeared and one of the many sentences that were just plain WRONG... went something like this:

                ".....numerous searched for him for several years".

                When I asked the bearer of the flyer if we would be able to find a biography of numerous so we could expand the reading it went......right over her head!
                Oh no!

                A spell checker does not a writer make! lol

                I don't use a spell checker so I don't know if they're this advanced yet, but being able to flag a word such as your when it seems to be used incorrectly instead of you're, or it's used incorrectly instead of its, and so on, would be GREAT.
                Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                  Re: snotty store clerk article

                  I agree, the ability to check context is probably some way down the road, possibly a never ending road or a road not taken or....maybe a FORK IN THE ROAD at the Slausson cutoff!!!



                    Re: snotty store clerk article

                    Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
                    I don't use a spell checker so I don't know if they're this advanced yet, but being able to flag a word such as your when it seems to be used incorrectly instead of you're, or it's used incorrectly instead of its, and so on, would be GREAT.
                    I, um, realize the risk of what I'm about to do ... please take a look at this:



                      Re: snotty store clerk article

                      Originally posted by SteveRiley
                      Originally posted by DoYouKubuntu
                      I don't use a spell checker so I don't know if they're this advanced yet, but being able to flag a word such as your when it seems to be used incorrectly instead of you're, or it's used incorrectly instead of its, and so on, would be GREAT.
                      I, um, realize the risk of what I'm about to do ... please take a look at this:

                      Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                        Re: snotty store clerk article

                        Originally posted by woodsmoke
                        I agree, the ability to check context is probably some way down the road, possibly a never ending road or a road not taken or....maybe a FORK IN THE ROAD at the Slausson cutoff!!!
                        If I had the energy--and desire--I'd work on it myself. But I don't!
                        Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


                          Re: snotty store clerk article



