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What if BSD....

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    What if BSD....

    I know......the vieux groaners will wipe their hands on their faces and shake their heads.

    But.....what if....

    What if.... "upstream" from Kubuntu either Ubuntu or KDE changed so RADICALLY that the "normal" interface of Kubuntu became so unwieldy to maintain that the whole interface might go the way of the vieux groaners.... ?

    Is there any way under the blue sky above that somehow BSD could be used as a base for "Kubuntu" as we now know it?

    Specifically, without confusing people like me too much... what specifically of Kubuntu could NOT be done using BSD as a base?

    just a question.................and if there is no answer because the two are SO FAR APART then that would be an acceptable answer..

    It is just that BSD has really just kind of "stuck around"....and there does seem to be an active development community...

    don't know....


    Re: What if BSD....

    You mean like the kde3 -kde4 transisiton?

    the 'desktop' bsd variants iirc all use KDE already......... note the screenshots

    kde and whateer desktop have long been available in *bsd
    But there is the problem of hardware support........

    There is zero reason why something kubntu-like could.t be done on a bsd -- Kubuntu is fairly close to a vanilla KDE already. software management is one place where there is nothing GUI afaik, but really it doesn't lend itself to that anyway.


      Re: What if BSD....

      hi claydoh
      thanks for the kind response.

      I dunno about the whole thing.... it may be that everything "linuxy" is changing in ways we don't perceive. I happened to hear an advert for the Ipod a few days ago about how it has an app that will let one listen to 4483 internet radio stations. Sounded suspiciously like ShoutCast to me....

      I mentioned in class and ShoutCast in general and within about two minutes a woman had her Ipad online with ShoutCast.

      Just a few years ago that would have been unthinkable without an ethernet hookup and a tower.

      If the whole Gnome or Unity thing blows up in developers faces, and Linux people defect en masse things could change quickly and big time in Linux per se... so...

      It was just kinda wondering.



        Re: What if BSD....

        What Claydoh said, and ...

        The KDE developer's paradigm doesn't lend itself to "blowing up". Version control systems like Baazar and Git allow developers to set any particular past branch to be head of the main trunk. It's only when a change like that from 3 to 4 occurs, which was a total rewrite, is it not possible to "revert" to a previous trunk because there is no previous trunk. The 4.x version control does not affect the 3.x release. That's why the "Trinity" group was able to continue supporting 3.5.

        But, the changes in the development paradigm of 4 is so superior to that used in 3.x the results are what you saw taking place between 4.0 and 4.2, .... the ability to rapidly try several ideas and approaches and revert quickly if things didn't work out well. That ability is why KDE 4.7.1 is so great today.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: What if BSD....

          Originally posted by woodsmoke
          what specifically of Kubuntu could NOT be done using BSD as a base?
          udev, ALSA, I think ConsoleKit is also Linux specific. Otoh, you could use some awesome stuff like native ZFS (or UFS/FFS with soft updates), and pretty much all the applications.
          "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"

