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Expanding my computer repair business

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    Expanding my computer repair business

    I've mentioned this on a couple of other different threads and had some feedback which I value greatly from members whose comments and opinions I value greatly so In order to avoid hijacking those threads any further I decided to start a new one.

    I have accomplished a lot in the last couple of days. This morning I visited our local Small Business Development Center and now have the paperwork to fill out to obtain their assistance. Nice people. I have started my business plan and have done some market research and reached out to some places to get figures on costs. I have set up a spreadsheet to refine and lists all the start up financials.

    I was pleasantly surprised that commercial real estate is readily available and the cost is not nearly as high as I had feared. Good time to start a business in a down economy. Lots of nice vacancies.

    I have an appointment with the counselor at the SBDC next Wednesday to get the ball rolling to see about the financing. The fact that I am a service connected disabled veteran is going to be a big help. They have special programs, there may even be grants available.

    When I get this business plan completed I will share it with any of you who are interested for your review and comments.

    Wish me luck!!

    Re: Expanding my computer repair business

    I look forward to seeing it!
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Expanding my computer repair business

      One thing I need some help with right now is what to call the business. I am currently DBA "The Geezer Geek". Should I stay with that? Any ideas?


        Re: Expanding my computer repair business

        Originally posted by Detonate
        One thing I need some help with right now is what to call the business. I am currently DBA "The Geezer Geek". Should I stay with that? Any ideas?
        for the computer business ...............shure.

        for real estate .................maby not .

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: Expanding my computer repair business

          I wouldn't. There is a LOT of age discrimination out there. If they think you are over 30 they won't even read your ad or consider your bid or proposal. At least you'll be able to sell yourself when they first see you are not a Wunderkind.

          Since you are setting up a brick and mortar store the store sign will be the ad viewed most. You'll want it as big as necessary and perpendicular to the store front so it will be easy to read by passing motorists from a distance without having to rubber neck to read the window. Keep it simple to read and remember, plus a phone number. IF you can pick a number pick one with a sequence to the last 4 digits, like "4555", or one that converts to an actual word, or both. The details, like the fact that you'll work on Windows and Linux computers, recover data, install OSs, what ever else you'll do, etc..., can be painted on the inside of the front window, so that it reads right from the street side. If you paint rates on the window paint them with washable paint so you can raise or lower them as necessary. Your store will also be the target of thieves, hoping to score a "cheap" computer. Consider using cameras with infrared capabilities and the FOSS ZoneMinder (and MythZoneMinder) app, in the repo, to watch it from your house, save captured videos off site (in case they still the cameras) or send you emails or text messages. If you display hardware for sale put them in a secret room or have curtains slide across the window at night to hide them.

          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Expanding my computer repair business

            I don't plan on getting into retail sales any more that I have to. I'm not looking for walk ins. I intend to generate my clientele through advertising and referrals. My main considerations as to the actual location is to find a place that is centrally located and is a place that clients can easily access with adequate parking in the "right" part of town. Security is an issue, one I am giving a lot of thought to. My thinking on this is that I will not only be responsible for a clients computer, but also all of the data on that computer. I have decided that I will do all I can reasonably do to protect their hardware, including insurance, but I will perform off-site backups of all their data. Hardware can be easily replaced. But data is more important.


              Re: Expanding my computer repair business

              When I ran my consulting business I maintained a $1 Million dollar bond to cover losses, lawsuits, etc. Never had or caused either kind of loss, but some corporate folks asked if I was bonded.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                Yes, I am putting the cost of bonding in my business plan. I think it is important to be bonded, and it does not cost that much.


                  Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                  "I don't plan on getting into retail sales any more that I have to. I'm not looking for walk ins. I intend to generate my clientele through advertising and referrals. My main considerations as to the actual location is to find a place that is centrally located and is a place that clients can easily access with adequate parking in the "right" part of town."

                  So you definitely (I would think) not want to spent a whole lot on the storefront/overhead. A "proper" hole in the wall will do fine (suitable, of course, not in the slums, not shabby, etc.). Look for strips containing similar serious, small tech-repair shops. Main consideration re size of store is whether you'll have employees and how many. The absolute lower the overhead, the better. This is critical. You do not want to end up working for the overhead and forced into inflexibly higher rates to customers by your O/H. Travel as light as possible. Use (low-cost/no-cost) gorilla marketing, keep your gross profit margin as high as possible (and your O/H low).

                  Rather than an impressive storefront/facility, think of some other tactic to razzle-dazzle customers to get their confidence, based on delivering special, professional, friendly service. That might be guarantees, reasonable fee structure, friendliness, flexibility, free coffee, free informational handouts, use free informational press releases in local media (radio/newspapers), and so on.

                  Some of this clarity will come by doing your business plan. And a key part of that will be marketing; and a key part of that will be competitor/competitive analysis. Best to do some of this before choosing a business name. The name should be recognizable, roll off the tongue, be easy to read, write, and print on signs and business cards (and, if applicable, easy to list and find in directories such as Yellow Pages).

                  Start your competitive analysis naively (which is also the best way): by seeing what similar businesses are doing. What are your competitors doing? how are they positioned, their storefronts, their names, their ad copy. Drive by their stores, walk in if you wish, check out their Yellow Page listings (and other listings, perhaps on-line ad copy/sites). Denver (or other nearby, larger town/city) might be best for this research work.

                  As for the business name, how about if people here start some brain-storming by shot-gunning lists of names, shoot 'm out there by the dozens, even they seem seem silly or not the best, see what fits--keep a candidate list as you scope out your competitors.
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                    Originally posted by Qqmike
                    As for the business name, how about if people here start some brain-storming by shot-gunning lists of names, shoot 'm out there by the dozens, even they seem seem silly or not the best, see what fits--keep a candidate list as you scope out your competitors.
                    Try to come up with something clever that will tickle people (or make them laugh) and impress your name on their minds. A friend of mine is good at this. She once came up with a name for a laundry service: "Take A Load Off" Laundry Service

                    I was just thinking of "Detonate" the user name. How about "Dynamite Computer Repair" or "Dynamite Computer Repair by Detonate"

                    As a slogan, you could add something like, "We'll blast your computer problems away"

                    Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
                    How do I know this personally? Please read here:
                    PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


                      Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                      Good! Keep'm coming!!


                        Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                        ardvark71, maybe my motto could be "If I can't fix it, I'll blow it up!".


                          Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                          Originally posted by Detonate
                          ardvark71, maybe my motto could be "If I can't fix it, I'll blow it up!".
                          I don't think you would get very far with that motto....

                          Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
                          How do I know this personally? Please read here:
                          PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


                            Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                            Just for kicks, I googled "names of computer repair businesses." Interesting hits, others seeking the same. It is desirable to avoid combinations and permutations and concatenations of standard generic/vanilla terms used in computers. There's a lot of use (too much use) of geek, techie, tech, for example. As in this list:

                            "names of computer repair businesses"
                            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                              Re: Expanding my computer repair business

                              Thanks, Qqmike. I'll look at some of those tomorrow. Past my bedtime.

