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New Grandson

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    New Grandson

    New Grandson born 9/12/2011, Cooper Kenneth Bufkin. That makes 20 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.

    Re: New Grandson

    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin


      Re: New Grandson



        Re: New Grandson

        They are scattered all over the country. Wish I could get them all together in one place for a family picture. This newest one is in Oregon. Virginia, Florida, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, and Okinawa.


          Re: New Grandson

          Congratulations indeed!


            Re: New Grandson

            That's awesome!!! Congrats!


              Re: New Grandson

              The ones close by to me and old enough to use a computer are being raised Microsoft free.


                Re: New Grandson

                With my two children and their two spouses and three grand kids it seems like birthday parties, cards and gifts are never ending. In your situation, Detonate, it must be a weekly occurrence. Do you have any of your retirement money left over, or is that what your side business is for?
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: New Grandson

                  I don't even try to keep up with all the B-Days. That's my wife's job, And I have no money. I should mention that I am thinking about expanding my little side business and see what happens. I am in good health for a 70 year old, and I have a son that's disabled and living with me with his wife and two children that I need to provide him with some kind of income. I've been training him and he is to the point where he can do a lot of the simpler stuff.


                    Re: New Grandson

                    WoW ...... you have a hole village their if you could round them all up .

                    and you'd knead a panoramic lens on the camera to get every one

                    Congratulations Sir.

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Re: New Grandson

                      Congrats Detonate!

                      Hey Vinny, you could use some grammar-check.
                      The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                        Re: New Grandson

                        Originally posted by Detonate
                        I am in good health for a 70 year old,
                        Me too. At 70 I feel OK except that my old brain isn't firing on all cylinders any more. The spark plugs frequently forget to fire.

                        I've often thought about starting up my computer business again, but not to write software, just for installing Linux and training. Not much to be made servicing Linux boxes, IMO.

                        For example, yesterday I had a guy call me and ask if he could bring his laptop over today because "his windows guest OS quick working". I had forgotten all about what I had installed on his machine. I think initially it was either PCLOS or SUSE. I was stunned to see Mandriva boot up on it. The 2.6.22 kernel and the boot directory had a March of 2008 date on them, and he has been running it every since without any problems. I had also installed VirtualBox 1.5 OSE on it and then his legal copy of WinXP SP2. The XP vdi file had disconnected itself from the configuration when the HD started making noise, and he reinstalled XP, but couldn't understand why his Yahoo app and files didn't show up. When I pointed VB to his original vdi it started up by merely starting windows "normally", and everything was there. The fan on that Toshiba A55 makes noise for about 10 minutes and then gets quite. The HD makes noise continually. That, he says, started about two months ago. I told him he should consider finding a replacement because his laptop isn't long for this world and it would be cheaper in the long run to put the money into a new laptop. He said Mandriva never gave him any problems. When I checked it out it was as snappy as one could expect for a six year old laptop. I was going to install Oneiric on it but found out his CDROM wouldn't boot and his bios won't allow booting a LiveUSB stick. I asked him if an update panel ever appeared asking if he wanted to install patches and security fixes. He said no. He's been running Yahoo's ICQ in his Windows guest OS all these years and without any AV software. I suspected that his WinXP was full of viruses and Trojans. I installed MS Essential Security and it found none. To his credit he never ran IE. I had gone over to his house and set up a firewall on his wireless 5 years ago, when the laptop and it was new.

                        Just goes to show that even if your distro maker goes away your installation will continue to run without problems. It's usually the hardware the quits first.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          Re: New Grandson

                          Originally posted by bsniadajewski

                          Hey Vinny, you could use some grammar-check.

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                            Re: New Grandson

                            In all the time I have been repairing computers. I have had only one Linux customer. It was a driver issue which I quickly resolved. The problem with getting my clients to switch to Linux from a business point is, I never get any return business unless they have a hardware failure.


                              Re: New Grandson

                              An added note. I have been using Linux Mint a lot lately for newbies. It comes with all the extra stuff already installed and they have a very nice interface that is somewhat similar to windows and makes it easier. Linux Mint has not gone to Gnome 3 or Unity. Makes my job easier to get them setup and running.

