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State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

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    State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

    I'm a member of the Benevolent Order of Elks, which is a world wide private fraternity/sorority(as it were) of men and women who do huge amounts of giving of time and of fundrasing for a variety of causes and which the liberal progressives would like to shut down because it is a) private ( in other words, they don't have control of the Elks) b) donations and charitable work are the work of the non-existent devil, all money should be given to the government so that the progressives can...give it back...


    Many of the lodges have bingo and also participate in various state lottery systems.

    Whilst imbibing a liquid refreshment in the lounge the terminal for our state's Keno system shut down, and after several attempts at restarting I was asked to take a look at the thing... so I tried like they had...I mean, there is not much one can do with a terminal ....reboot!!!

    And, what to my wondering eyes did appear.....

    GRUB.....and UBUNTU....! woah......all of the terminals, at least, in our state's Keno system uses....Ubuntu...

    Now, the reboot is so fast that the information literally goes by in a flash.....but the words "GRUB" and in a fraction of a second "Ubuntu" were definitely there....

    What version of Ubu, I could not determine.....

    way kewl!!


    Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

    So your State is, dare I say, betting on Ubuntu/Linux?
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

      What will happen next is this:

      Upon hearing that the terminals are Linux boxes, a Microsoft's accounts manager for your state will "network" with your governor (at a golfing, social or charitable event), making all sorts of promises about "connectivity" and rebates on license fees. And, after receiving a sizable "campaign contribution" from Microsoft, your governor will sign a State Policy statement that decrees that all state own or controlled computers will run only the Windows OS and use only Microsoft software and will direct State Purchasing to sign contracts with Microsoft for that purpose.

      That's pretty much how I figure it went down in my state.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

        snowhog: you should delete this thread!



          Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

          Doesn't matter if you delete it now. It has already been cached!


            Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

            So you went through the Elks initiation ceremony. That was fun. BTDT.


              Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals


              Yes GREAT FUN!

              I was given the privilege of the PAST ER vouchsafing his ORIGINAl coonskin cap to me and I was about midway through the line when we were given the signal to turn the tail towards the GREAT ELK.

              And.....after the secret sign..... and the duly sounded toning of the GONG at the centre of the lodge....

              we waved the tails of our caps toward the GREAT ELK..

              and it's eyes.....truely did.....glow and blink....CRIMSON red...

              I almost fainted at the sight.

              If it had not been for the help of the INSIDE Guard....I would have needed to be transported bodily to the fainting couch.

              But.. the kindly vapours caused by the fanning of the Ladies of the Auxillary brought me back and I was able to continue!

              I truly hope that you, yourself, did not suffer such an was quite embarrassing and I had to buy "drinks all 'round" for a considerable time subsequent to the ......unfortunate....affair.



                Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

                :-X We are not supposed to talk about it. The ceremony is highly secret. :-X

                The worst part was the buildup. Veteran Elks tried to scare you about it. When it actually occurred it turned out to be very solemn ceremony for the most part.


                  Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

                  The reception at my local dentist also uses Ubuntu Dunno about the version though.


                    Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

                    Originally posted by Detonate
                    :-X We are not supposed to talk about it. The ceremony is highly secret. :-X
                    I hate to tell you this guys, but some Elk violated his pledge. The initiation rite is all over the web in complete detail. It was an easy find. But, it is still a secret to anyone who can't use Google!
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: State Lottery System uses Ubu on terminals

                      Do you mean that the secret of the coontail wag has been.....DIVULGED!!!

                      Elkdom will never be the same!


