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Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

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    Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

    Here's a coupla things that I'd add, which are no particular worth and not in any particular order.

    a) For a couple of years I had the opinion that "people had voted with their mouse clicks" that MS Word was better than commands(as in Word Perfect).

    lesson learned: if MS has let it go at that I would be just fine with MS because I am all for "vox populi".

    b) Apple did the same that MS did. I can remember when the school principles of our fair state were all given "complimentary" Apples and the teachers were given a massive discount on their computers. Did the supposedly intelligent teachers and principals realize what was going on? Um.. no.....and the really high end college profs still use their sacrosanct macs in protest of the horrid Microsith.

    lesson learned: just because one has a degree that does not mean that one is not stupid.

    c) Supposedly, according to an interview I heard with Bill many years ago, he REALLY ascribes his ability to "organize" information, and there by code, which, is, in part, about organizing snippets of actionable text..... was that he used to go to his school library to "cruise" bookshelves when he had his homework done, and after he had become bored with that......the librarian offered hims the great opportunity to shelve books, and then actually to lable and insert them, according to the Dewey decimal system. That is where he had his FIRST and REAL "hands on" experience of organizing information, as opposed to the "make work" that is fobbed off on students and parents as "developing organizational skills" by the schools.

    lesson learned: the schools really have no clue about "real, useable" education, but then neither have any of the "reformers" starting with the ilk that were put in place by the Kennedy administration, and that have done nothing to improve things since.

    The reason why the schools have no clue is very simple. They are bound into a never ending cycle of "theories" of education.

    Instead of being allowed to "teach" they have to be on a certain page at a certain time to meet union guidelines and state guidelines, the administrators can't just "discipline" johnny they have to "discipline" him according to the latest theory so that they can protect themselves from the unending threat of lawsuits.

    Just maybe, just maybe, if students were given a real, formal, chance to take a sixteen and out exam and then the scholarships to go to trade schools the people do not want to be in an "academic" setting their whole lives would not be getting off into all the temptations of the world because they would be actively engaged in improving themselves instead of be lectured to about what they "should do".

    And, if they do something illegal the go to jail and break rocks. After a while of that and then being given a real scholarship to get a real trade and have a growing economy of small business to put them to many billions of bucks would we save?

    Then, let the ones who want to stay in academic settings do that.

    d) Every single person reading this post could make a great teacher.

    And why is that?

    Since the time of Aristotle we have known how to teach.

    What is needed is a knowledgeable person who has empathy for their fellow man(excuse the political incorrectness) and a willing student.

    lesson to be learned by the gentle reader: Instead of blindly following the dictates of people who say they are smarter than you... get out and make a difference in the world.....teach something about which you are passionate to somebody.

    just my thoughts, of little worth.



      Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

      Originally posted by bsniadajewski
      I understand that OS X itself is (partly) based on FreeBSD; so yes Apple's flagship is somewhat a product of FOSS, but not of Linux.
      Humm I thought that OS X freeBSD and linux were all children/cozens of UNIX ?

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

        GreyGeek / Goeroeboeroe

        Sirs I salute you for fighting the good fight, especially Greygeek some of your posts have kept me reading various links, and googling all day, the world really needs to know how corrupting an influence Microsoft are on law makers on both sides of the pond, as for their o/s I can take it or leave it, I'd prefer to leave it, but it's what my and I'm sure the majority of people here, employers use, I'm glad GreyGeek included the link to wikileaks showing how ACT are trying to change European policy makers minds, I remember reading it last year just after it appeared, I'm glad to say the horror I felt at the time hasn't diminished.

        Please keep up the good work.


          Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

          Originally posted by bsniadajewski
          One thing I like about GreyGeek: He makes a statement, he backs it up. Reading from him on what Microsoft (and Apple), I'll have to agree with him. MS, no doubt, is looking out for number one, and will do anything to stay on top. But, that's just the top guys (Ballmer, marketing, et al.). I'm sure the programmers working on Windows, IE, Office, etc., are working their backsides off to get their products as good as they can get it.
          Yes, that's what I meant when I wrote I don't hate everybody working at Microsoft. It's just the ethics of Microsoft I've problems with. Windows 7 is a pretty good OS, I think. (<sarcasm>Almost as good as Linux and it only took them about twenty year to get on that level</sarsasm>) Microsoft Office is a pretty good program, I think. But that's the technical part, not the ethical.
          GreyGeek is absolutely doing a great job backing up everything he says. The problem with me is I remember the big line of a story, but simply don't have the time to back things up as good as GreyGeek does.


            Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

            Originally posted by woodsmoke

            d) Every single person reading this post could make a great teacher.

            And why is that?

            Since the time of Aristotle we have known how to teach.

            What is needed is a knowledgeable person who has empathy for their fellow man(excuse the political incorrectness) and a willing student.

            lesson to be learned by the gentle reader: Instead of blindly following the dictates of people who say they are smarter than you... get out and make a difference in the world.....teach something about which you are passionate to somebody.

            just my thoughts, of little worth.

            Not to split the thread, but Woodsmoke makes the case for homeschooling. No matter how educated you are, how current you are on the latest education theories, or even how long you've worked with kids - nobody knows your kids better than you, the parent.

            My wife and I homeschool our three kids. Each kid receives teaching based on their personality and learning styles. No unions, government leaders, or other parents interfere with out little school, and I love it.

            One of the biggest objections I hear for homeschooling is, "I can't teach my kids, because I'm not a teacher".


            Oklahoma has the best homeschool laws in the United States. Not sure how we compare to the rest of the world though.


              Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

              Originally posted by vinnywright
              Originally posted by bsniadajewski
              I understand that OS X itself is (partly) based on FreeBSD; so yes Apple's flagship is somewhat a product of FOSS, but not of Linux.
              Humm I thought that OS X freeBSD and linux were all children/cozens of UNIX ?


              Cousins is more accurate. Linux, FreeBSD and OS X use kernels that are called "Unix-Like" because they aren't actually derived from UNIX itself, as UNIX was a commercial main-frame OS with licenses and whatnot. The Mach and Linux kernels are very similar in function and style but are not the same as UNIX.
              In the early 90's Steve Job's had left Apple and gone to create a new company called NeXT. NeXT was very similar to the Apple we know today and did very well. Apple went through 3 CEO's in the 90's. The first wanted to sell the company off, the second wanted to make Macintosh clones (Apple's made by other company's that supported Mac OS) and the third wanted to expand.
              By the end of the 90's the 3rd CEO realized that Apple may die and needed Steve Jobs back in the company. They also needed a new OS that didn't have the memory problems and age that Mac OS had. So Apple looked to NeXT. NeXT had been experimenting with UNIX from the start and used an OS named OpenStep on most of their computers (Look up the NeXT Cube. It was the pre-cursor to the G4 Cube haha.).
              So Apple quickly and smartly bought the NeXT company. Bringing back Steve Jobs and a brand new OS that didn't have any of the problems of Mac OS. OpenStep then became the foundation for what we call Mac OS 10.
              Not only this, but the amazing Jonathan Ives was working at NeXT and was bought with the company. Steve Jobs was the person who designed the appearance of both the very first iMac and the iPod Touch.

              Side note: I can't remember for sure but FreeBSD does come into play at some point with NeXT and Apple. I can say that FreeBSD was created by students at a University around the same time as GNU Linux.

              Another side note: Mac OS 9 was developed quickly and was shoved out on the first iMac in order to keep money coming in to develop OS X. It was advertised as the best Internet OS ever just to get people's attention with the up and coming internet. It may very well have been Apple's own Windows 7.


                Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                The CBS show, 60 minutes, interviewed Paul Alan this evening. He was Bill Gates partner. He said, "working with Bill Gates was like working in hell". Around 1990 he got cancer and was undergoing treatment. One day he happened by Gates office and over heard him and Ballmer talking about ways to reduce the value of Allan's stock in the company and split it between themselves. Allan walked in on them and confronted them. Shortly afterwords he left the company, his stock still his, and worth 40 Billion.

                Evil is as evil does.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                  Originally posted by Goeroeboeroe
                  Originally posted by bsniadajewski
                  One thing I like about GreyGeek: He makes a statement, he backs it up. Reading from him on what Microsoft (and Apple), I'll have to agree with him. MS, no doubt, is looking out for number one, and will do anything to stay on top. But, that's just the top guys (Ballmer, marketing, et al.). I'm sure the programmers working on Windows, IE, Office, etc., are working their backsides off to get their products as good as they can get it.
                  Yes, that's what I meant when I wrote I don't hate everybody working at Microsoft. It's just the ethics of Microsoft I've problems with. Windows 7 is a pretty good OS, I think. (<sarcasm>Almost as good as Linux and it only took them about twenty year to get on that level</sarsasm>) Microsoft Office is a pretty good program, I think. But that's the technical part, not the ethical.
                  GreyGeek is absolutely doing a great job backing up everything he says. The problem with me is I remember the big line of a story, but simply don't have the time to back things up as good as GreyGeek does.


                  I believe I read somewhere that if some BSD version was released for Intel/AMD processors (x86), Linus Torvalds would not have created the Linux kernel. (Imagine this being Kubuntu FreeBSD or somethingnlike that.)


                  Darn, I missed it. What would you do the MSFT stock if you were in Paul Allen's shoes?
                  The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                    Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                    Originally posted by Tanner1294
                    So Apple quickly and smartly bought the NeXT company. Bringing back Steve Jobs and a brand new OS that didn't have any of the problems of Mac OS. OpenStep then became the foundation for what we call Mac OS 10......
                    It was a little more convoluted than that, and it represents the most successful exploitation of the FOSS community by any corporation. The relationship between Apple and the OpenDarwin project was a one-way street: Apple took and took and took, and gave back ONLY when forced to do so, except what they returned to the OpenDarwin Project was worthless without the Carbon and Cocoa APIs or the Quartz Compositor and Aqua user interface. Apple picked Konqueror clean and gave nothing of significance back to FOSS. Safari is Konqueror with Apple API links. Any improvements made to Safari were worthless to Konqueror. See:
                    OpenDarwin was a community-led operating system based on the Darwin system. It was founded in April 2002 by Apple Inc. and Internet Systems Consortium. Its goal was to increase collaboration between Apple developers and the free software community. Apple benefited from the project because improvements to OpenDarwin would be incorporated into Darwin releases; and the free/open source community supposedly benefited from being given complete control over its own operating system, which could then be used in free software distributions such as GNU-Darwin.[18]

                    On July 25, 2006, the OpenDarwin team announced that the project was shutting down, as they felt OpenDarwin had "become a mere hosting facility for Mac OS X related projects," and that the efforts to create a standalone Darwin operating system had failed. They also state: "Availability of sources, interaction with Apple representatives, difficulty building and tracking sources, and a lack of interest from the community have all contributed to this."
                    Job is very clever. Now you know why he and Gates were referred to as the Pirates of Silicon Valley, making their current attitude toward putative piracy total hypocrisy. Steve Wozniak is the equivalent to Paul Allan.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                      Originally posted by Tanner1294
                      Side note: I can't remember for sure but FreeBSD does come into play at some point with NeXT and Apple. I can say that FreeBSD was created by students at a University around the same time as GNU Linux.
                      FreeBSD comprises the userland, network stack, basically every non-GUI component of OSX, and some parts of it were incorporated into the kernel.
                      &quot;The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl&quot;


                        Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                        Originally posted by GreyGeek
                        It was a little more convoluted than that, and it represents the most successful exploitation of the FOSS community by any corporation. The relationship between Apple and the OpenDarwin project was a one-way street: Apple took and took and took, and gave back ONLY when forced to do so, except what they returned to the OpenDarwin Project was worthless without the Carbon and Cocoa APIs or the Quartz Compositor and Aqua user interface. Apple picked Konqueror clean and gave nothing of significance back to FOSS. Safari is Konqueror with Apple API links. Any improvements made to Safari were worthless to Konqueror. See:
                        OpenDarwin was a community-led operating system based on the Darwin system. It was founded in April 2002 by Apple Inc. and Internet Systems Consortium. Its goal was to increase collaboration between Apple developers and the free software community. Apple benefited from the project because improvements to OpenDarwin would be incorporated into Darwin releases; and the free/open source community supposedly benefited from being given complete control over its own operating system, which could then be used in free software distributions such as GNU-Darwin.[18]

                        On July 25, 2006, the OpenDarwin team announced that the project was shutting down, as they felt OpenDarwin had "become a mere hosting facility for Mac OS X related projects," and that the efforts to create a standalone Darwin operating system had failed. They also state: "Availability of sources, interaction with Apple representatives, difficulty building and tracking sources, and a lack of interest from the community have all contributed to this."
                        Job is very clever. Now you know why he and Gates were referred to as the Pirates of Silicon Valley, making their current attitude toward putative piracy total hypocrisy. Steve Wozniak is the equivalent to Paul Allan.
                        And this is exactly what I meant when I stated that Apple really wasn't any better than Windows. The both of them are Warmongering corporations that have no care for the benefit of the end user. Its like a medieval ages war between two castles, trying to oust the other. No care for how it effects the smaller 'castles'[read, Linux, FreeBSD, and the others] that aren't even involved. Thats just how I look at it though
                        Computer Lie #1: You&#39;ll never use all that disk space.<br />FATAL SYSTEM ERROR: Press F13 to continue...<br />The box said, &quot;Requires Windows 7 Home Edition or better&quot; I installed Linux<br />My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.<br />Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay...


                          Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                          Hence I don't use or have any Apple products around, though I would like to try out a Mac, just for kicks. I once had Quicktime on my earlier Windows machines but it was never used and I didn't want to upgrade it while it asked to install iTunes and Safari also, so I removed it .
                          The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                            Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                            It doesn't need Safari or iTunes, it only asks about those if you download the Safari/iTunes/Quicktime pack that installs 3. However, Safari and iTunes both require Quicktime to be installed because they use components of them.


                              Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                              Was it that at one time when Apple Software Updater (or Whatever it is called) came up, it had the other programs checked by default and you had to uncheck them to "opt out" of installing them?
                              The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                                Re: Bill Gates hate Windows? Awesome.

                                The left out the "Drink the koolaid..." check box.

                                Please Read Me

