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Unbelievable collusion between Cisco and US DOJ...

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    Unbelievable collusion between Cisco and US DOJ...

    Slashdot has a story about the collusion between Cisco and US Homeland Security with the goal of forcing an individual to drop anti-trust legal proceedings against Cisco. This adds to the overwhelming evidence that the judiciary has become an arm of corporate America ... a cabal, in case you thought that the Apple-Gizmo incident was an aberration. It was VERY apparent, if you watch the video. that the Cisco lawyers did not want video evidence of the invasion of the legal process, but they didn't object to the perp-walk. > What is also reprehensible is the outright lies by the US officials as they sought to vilify the defendant. The lies are so egregious that one wonders why criminal proceedings are not lodged against the US officers and lawyers involved.

    The Judges ruling, where the damning evidence begins with paragraph 37, but all is worth the read:
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.