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Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

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    Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

    On Today's issue of DistroWatch Weekly, Kubuntu 11.04 was on the highlight. I've read it and and it actually praises Kubuntu's ease of use and stability. Despite some minor things said, which are simply about an individual taste, the review is actually very friendly towards Kubuntu.

    One thing I notice is that now people have just forgotten about bashing KDE and calling it unstable and are now doing that to Unity and GNOME 3. KDE is an alternative to all other desktop environments and Kubuntu is an alternative to all other GUI operating systems, not just Unity and Ubuntu. I'm saying this because in the last sentence of the review, only Unity is mentioned:

    It also provides a smooth transition for Ubuntu users who are looking for alternatives to Unity.

    Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

    Writing against software patent traps is one thing, but I've never understood people's tendency to bash a distro or a desktop. If they don't like it they should find one they like and support it. My suspicion is that a LOT of the bashing taking place against Linux/distro/DE in comment sections are by Windows fanbois piling on for fun (or in the case of MS "Technical Evangelists", profit.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

      Better get in there quick if you haven't seen the review - I just slashdotted it.

      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
      -- anais nin


        Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

        Originally posted by GreyGeek

        My suspicion is that a LOT of the bashing taking place against Linux/distro/DE in comment sections are by Windows fanbois piling on for fun (or in the case of MS "Technical Evangelists", profit.
        Right, GG, I think there is that element, plus -- let's face it -- a certain amount of elitist snobbery goes on among the Linux user community, characterized by bashing whatever is perceived to be "common", or out of fashion, or infected with excessive user-friendliness. Kinda like the wine snobs bashing white zinfandel.


          Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

          Originally posted by dibl
          Kinda like the wine snobs bashing white zinfandel.
          What Someone is bashing my zinfandel?
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

            Originally posted by Zhao
            On Today's issue of DistroWatch Weekly, Kubuntu 11.04 was on the highlight.
            While not a lot of depth in the review, it was nice and pretty objective.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

              As to the bashing,it is imo a combination of the 8.10 move to KDE 4.0 directly after the much lauded 8.04 (which also imo was the right thing to do in the long run) and the fact that our distro is a *buntu.

              It takes time to put all the negative google juice behind.

              While I have a hard time believing that any major commercial monopolistic software giant would spend a lot of time singling out one relatively tiny distro, I am sure it does happen. But in truth I think it is as much from others within the linux community itself, sad to say.


                Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                Originally posted by claydoh
                While I have a hard time believing that any major commercial monopolistic software giant would spend a lot of time singling out one relatively tiny distro, I am sure it does happen.
                The biggest give-away is when the detractor makes references to ancient Linux techniques no longer in use, or doesn't appear to be aware of GUI admin tasks that have been around for several years. Most seem to think that the Linux installation routine involves a lot of manual console commands, and downloading, compiling and installing a lot of video and peripheral card drivers. IOW, actions which haven't be required since SuSE 5.3 and KDE 1.0 beta.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                  Well the ones I see in comments, dents or tweets usually boil down to :

                  "Kubuntu sucks, its packaging is awful, it doesn't even rate a U1 client, and it is still just Ubuntu, bla bla. <Insert certain distro> rocks!!!!!"


                    Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                    Originally posted by claydoh
                    Well the ones I see in comments, dents or tweets usually boil down to :

                    "Kubuntu sucks, its packaging is awful, it doesn't even rate a U1 client, and it is still just Ubuntu, bla bla. <Insert certain distro> rocks!!!!!"
                    What packaging? I burned my copy from the website.

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                      Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                      Originally posted by claydoh
                      As to the bashing,it is imo a combination of the 8.10 move to KDE 4.0 directly after the much lauded 8.04 (which also imo was the right thing to do in the long run) and the fact that our distro is a *buntu.
                      8.10 came with KDE 4.1.2, but otherwise I agree with you.

                      (Just wished to correct that because quite a few people still believe kubuntu jumped to 4.0, which wasn't the case. And the criticism for it isn't really deserved.)


                        Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                        sorry, that was a very major error on my part. I did mean 4 not 4.0, but the beginning of the backlash actually started during Hardy with the initial releases of KDE 4 (as available in the remixes and not as default), and having been there, even 4.1 was pretty rough, though not due to any Kubuntu packaging issues, that's for sure. Kubuntu as the early adopter seemed to me to take a disproportional brunt of the flames for the lackings in the earlier KDE4.x releases, but I believe that in part is due to the other distros maintaining KDE3 a bit longer, where we set it aside more or less (but in good shape)


                          Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                          Meh... the review was minimalist. That's how Distro Watch is.

                          Furthermore, everyone seems to compare an OS with your granny's laptop. "User-friendliness" is a code word for "get me on the Internet" and nothing more.

                          What such reviews usually don't get past is the ability to customise, script, reconfigure, and modify systems for particular needs. Generally, "user-friendly" automation tends to interrupt those endeavours. Yes, when I was a beginning user, the GUI was important to me. As an "intermediate" user, now, scripting is far more important to me, and I work about 40-60% of the time from the command line. Distros that try to bury or hide that capability are painful for me to use, but Kubuntu does a fairly good job of allowing both (GUI and command-line functionality) equally.

                          (If any KDE MOTUs are reading this, though, please stop hiding the package names in the KPackageKit GUI ! That's moving toward the dark side.).

                          Besides, as even home users become more sophisticated, their demands for servers and vertical integration between their own servers, mobile devices, and desktops/laptops increases (despite the kvetching repeated at DistroWatch and elsewhere about "unusable" UI's orientated towards mobile devices).

                          Linux Mint doesn't seem to want to play ball with those efforts any longer, and therefore they are going to a straight "Debian base" so they are less cornered into adapting to the mobile device reality (as Ubuntu is attempting to do with unity and KDE has already done with KDE Netbook Remix). Big deal. Adapt or be run over by Google.

                          There has been a benefit of Kubuntu over the years: the Ubuntu/Kubuntu collaboration has ensured that there was cross-over between Gnome-based applications into the Kubuntu world (if not always vice-versa).

                          This has served to make Kubuntu currently a more flexible, dynamic, and broad-based OS than Ubuntu, IMO.

                          I'm sure with time there will be some applications made somehow specifically for Unity that will find their way into the Kubuntu sphere as well (with tweaking, of course).


                          Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
                          and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


                            Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                            Originally posted by claydoh
                            Kubuntu as the early adopter seemed to me to take a disproportional brunt of the flames for the lackings in the earlier KDE4.x releases, but I believe that in part is due to the other distros maintaining KDE3 a bit longer, where we set it aside more or less (but in good shape)
                            And as such, the later adopters of KDE4, did so after Kubuntu took the hits, and fixed the problems. When you're the lead dog, you're the one blazing the trail. Those who follow benefit from the lead dogs efforts.
                            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: Kubuntu Reviewed at DistroWatch

                              They also get to run in the lead dog's "effluent"!
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

