who still value the
what was it........ those were the heady days....were they not......??
Wnen the internet was a hurly burly, and "WE" had at least a "small" chance to...... DO THAT!!!

When "Linux" was SCRE@# Microshaft....when Linux was .....OH MY GAWD >.......... is this FOR REAL!!!
THOSE DAYS........ when the Gregman had a shop on the docks.....
when the two old men were CONTINUALLY arguing at the burn barrel about "nurture versus nature"....
THOSE......were the days.......
and now....we dwindle down........
to a precious few.....
I have one.....only one.....ONLY ONE..... grey/tan unique...."golf" tee.......with the STITCHED LABEL
"Xandros Fun"....and the old woodsmoker's "penguin" kind of leaning against the "X".... with his top hat and cane.......
if anyone remembers those heady days when i produced a real different, never seen before and never seen since.....menu system.....

Large/GRANDE........what ever happened to the days when FRENCH was the language that EVERYbody HAD to LEARN if they were SMARTER THAN THOU....

PM me with a PHYSICAL address.........the first person to do so....gets the doof t-shirt because the old woodsmoker is just a doof...
