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The smarter than thous are going after your cable box....then...

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    The smarter than thous are going after your cable box....then...

    Like ravening hordes of locusts, the smarter than thous move from agenda to agenda....

    They are going after your cable box next...I "could" use....up to....ten dollars USD a month and...if they can just force you to replace it with a new and 'better box...for maybe a hundred dollars a can save......12 dollars!!!

    Don't ya just love people with AGENDAS!!! They are ALWAYS SMARTER THAN YOU!!


    Re: The smarter than thous are going after your cable box....then...

    I don't have cable. I use OTA. It's all I need. I just bought a new Magnavox DVD/HD recorder 515H , and in standby it consumes 5.7W, and full tilt just 33W. I wonder whats inside those cable boxes that consume so much power?
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      Re: The smarter than thous are going after your cable box....then...

      The figures they gave for a cable modem at 446 KWHr per year would mean a 50 watt box running 24/7. That's nonsense. My cable modem is 12 watts at full power, and my wireless just a little more. The electromagnets holding the gates closed on their gated communities consume much more energy than that. So does their commutes to work, and their evenings at the Opera or attending PC events. Shall we get into the energy they consume eating regularly at their upscale restaurants?

      But, they have a hook to hang on to. Shortly we will all have to upgrade to IPv6 compatible modems and wirelesses, and I'll bet you that they will just barely be "more" energy efficient, but they will also have back doors. This talk is just window dressing for the main course.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

