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Lulz Security member arrested in England

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    Lulz Security member arrested in England

    Reading their public releases and pieces of their conversations with some of their victims, and with each other, they come off as 19 year old arrogant, anarchist geeks. Lulz has re-combined with Anonymous to attack mostly sites and governments in the West. More than likely they've already been infiltrated or one of their members is a leak.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

    I think the best thing these thugs did for us was to start attack government and big business. Maybe more of them will get locked up and the internet will be a safer place.

    A thief is a thief and a vandal is a vandal whether it is in cyberspace or someones home.
    Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


      Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

      GG used a very pregnant term in the description:


      However, these people aren't REAL anarchists, if they were the would go after Russian or Chineese sites... but they don't.

      They are "hey look at us ain't we stone cold kewl" anarchists.

      Because if they did attack the Chineese or Russians they wouldn't be playing the part of being anarchists.

      They would just be plain cold and in the ground.

      just my thoughts.



        Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

        Or, they are just fronting for the Russians or Chinese, which is my thought since they never attack any but Western sites, mainly US ones.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

          Originally posted by GreyGeek

          they never attack any but Western sites

          ... that we know of.

          In Russia and China, reporting a breach of national infrastructure computers may well be an act of treason, so I'm not sure where or how we would learn of a successful hack. :P


            Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

            That's true, but with Chinese running their own modified version of Windows and Linux, obviously with back doors in both, I doubt that Chinese hackers would hack their own countries websites. Likewise, Russia is moving ALL of its government and military websites to their own version of Linux.

            If Lulz and Anonymous are Westerners, as they appear to be, why would they brag about attacks on Western targets and not brag about attacks on Russian or Chinese sites? Afraid of Russian or Chinese hit men? I feel quite certain that the US could and would issue "sanctions" on those guys if their attacks threatened our security. IF nothing else they'd disappear and end up in some prison somewhere else.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

              The kid arrested in England was a 19 year old living with his parents. a.k.a "Coldblood", he was ratted by his parents! Apparently he was running one of the IRCs for LulzSec.

              LulzSec is attempting a huge disinformation campaign to cover themselves:
              Take note of "Murdok"s URL link. They seem to be trying to leave the impression that they are a gay/lesbian group of hackers.

              Two groups, WebNinjas and theJester (thej35t3r) are trying to bring them and wikileaks down, which suggests they are connected to a gov hacking group.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

                Here's another article.


                i can remember when the "online people" and "computer geeks" just couldn't help but sneer at the old fogies who said, in for a penny in for a pound and ....well.....the old fogies were usual.

                And we now have to live with the results of that sneering.



                  Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

                  Here is an article that says they are people who love the "limelight".




                    Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

                    They are just taking credit for Ryan's arrest. He was outed to the police by his mom before they posted anything on pastebin.

                    On the average though, while some of them may be maladjusted teen ages living at home with mom and dad, that doesn't mean that they are way above average in intelligence (which has no relationship to common sense or ethics). Most that I've met (in grad school or on client sites or at work) are an order of magnitude above your average graduate student. While you and I study hard to understand and retain a concept in Biology, Physics, Computers, etc... They'll take a glance at the the info and intuitively understand it and expand it beyond text book examples.

                    Of the fourteen folks in my grad class three were of that capability. It always involves a photo graphic memory and an eye for detail, hence the ability to read a man page once and retain all the switches & parameters and their intent, and to intuitively pipe two or more commands together in unanticipated ways to produce output. They exhibited that ability before they went to grade school, like the 12 year old now working on his PhD at Purdue.

                    A lot of these kids, not nearly as bright as Jacob Barnett, but close, are too smart for most public schools and can't afford to go to private ones, so they end up getting bored, in trouble or drop out and join LulzSec.

                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

                      when you said "photographic" were you talking long or short term and given the number that you saw there, would you care to make an estimate of how many such people there might be "in academia" and do they migrate to certain institutions or such?

                      Just make a conjecture on your part of course but your comment is interesting.



                        Re: Lulz Security member arrested in England

                        Originally posted by woodsmoke
                        when you said "photographic" were you talking long or short term and given the number that you saw there, would you care to make an estimate of how many such people there might be "in academia" and do they migrate to certain institutions or such?

                        Just make a conjecture on your part of course but your comment is interesting.
                        Long term ... perhaps a lifetime, unless they get hung up on drugs or hit by a food or medicine reaction.

                        Which school they go to depends on the social status they were born to, or protected class they are a member of. In 8 years of teaching in college I met two. In ten years of teaching in HS I met three.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

