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No Adobe Air updates for Linux

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    No Adobe Air updates for Linux

    What next, no flash?

    Re: No Adobe Air updates for Linux

    Adobe is outsourcing AIR development by supplying their "kit" to their "partners" in the "Open Source Project". Perusing that list one sees only Google as a possible source for Linux AIR.

    Adope (no typo) uses old Microsoft FUD to discount Linux, claiming that they predicted in 1999 that Linux would be at 10-15% market share by 2005. It was at 4% in 2004 and Ballmer put it at 12% in 2009, so that is just an excuse to drop desktop AIR support, not the truth.

    Now, I have a question for everyone: can you name an application in Linux that uses AIR?

    I can think of one or two. The fact is, AIR has been a no-show on the Linux desktop and won't be missed because it never came to the party.

    As far as Flash is concerned, Flash Player will get much better in the future thanks to Chrome OS, but HTML5 video will get better, even though its YouTube version isn't too good yet.

    So, IMO, as far as Linux is concerned, this is a non-issue, but it probably is a better indicator as to how Adope is shrinking in the market.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

