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Bit torrent users who used it to steal movies might be in trouble

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    Bit torrent users who used it to steal movies might be in trouble

    Re: Bit torrent users who used it to steal movies might be in trouble

    I'm wondering how many of those sites that offer torrent links to movies are actually honeypots setup by the the RIAA, or its lawyers or various other scumbags to take advantage of copyright laws that are as broken as the patent laws are.

    Yesterday, when I mentioned that I was waiting for my iPod to die so I didn't have to carry it around any more someone mentioned that I should look into jail breaking it. I explored that possibility with Google and came across a site connected with jailbreaking iPods, iPhones and iPads. They were offering currently showing movies along with movies sent to DVD for either online viewing or downloading. I was stunned that such pirating was so blatant. The guy had a video showing how to jailbreak an iDevice running the iOS 4.3.3 (which is what is on mine) and at the conclusion of that demo video he dropped in the stuff about watching or downloading movies. He never mentioned that watching movies via his site, or downloading them, was piracy and although he never showed his face his voice was very distinctive.

    My first thought was that this guy was running a honeypot, and that's what I think it is.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Bit torrent users who used it to steal movies might be in trouble

      Ya, I hate the fact that jailbreaking iDevice is surrounded by those things. I only download legal things, mainly linux iso's from bittorrent
      Registered Linux User 545823

