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How would you feel if you had to pay....

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    Re: How would you feel if you had to pay....

    Hi GreyGeek....

    Thank you for your post and I admit my attitude was wrong in what I posted about not being willing to purchase anything strictly under the GPL. It does take money to get things done and everyone has a right to receive earnings from their labor. And truth be told, I would like to see vast improvements in open source software (to where it can truly compete with anything proprietary, whether from Microsoft or any other company,) because I agree with being able to own the software I either would pay for or get for free.

    I'm still a work in progress. Before I came to the Lord, I was for quite a few years, a hard core socialist, at least in part because I had an attitude of entitlement. I thought in these terms: "I'm poor because I am partially disabled and can't do the work that I used to do. I didn't ask to be born like this and I'm tired of this rat race, so I'm going to sit on my (expletive) and let the world dish out the goodies my way." I came to view the welfare benefits I received as what was owed to me and resented the people in this country who were rich because I felt they shouldn't have they money they had in abundance while people like myself were so poor and destitute. So, I wanted legislation that would nationalize all of the utilities, railroads and oil companies as well as to cap the level at which a wealthy person could have so that no one could be rich or poor. Everyone would enjoy a comfortable living. However, I didn't realize that all wealth and possessions in the world belongs to the Lord and it is he who chooses or allows who has what in this life, including money. He has brought me quite a ways from my previous thinking and I am no longer a socialist nor do I think anyone owes me anymore or that socialism is the best way to cure society's ills.

    In fact, He has blessed me with more than what one would normally have in my circumstances.

    But I have still have a long ways to go in my thinking...

    Lord willing, in the future I would be happy to help out with paypal donations to help out the forum or perhaps other open source projects, when the money permits.

    Best Regards...
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      Re: How would you feel if you had to pay....

      Originally posted by oshunluvr
      Human nature takes over...

      The funny thing is, many of these same people will pay $150 to Microslop for that mess on an OS. Make no sense to me.

      I swear if you set up a computer shop, sold PC's side-by-side with either 7 or Kubuntu and charged $200 more for the Win7 models - they'd still sell faster and you'd make a mint.
      People will buy what they know and are comfortable with. I've ran into this a few times when I have presented Linux as an option, along with it will do and can't do.
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