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Bye Bye Skype for Linux?

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    This is the depends list on my PC after having removed Skype 2.2 and installed Skype 4.0.
    skype Depends: lib32stdc++6
    Depends: lib32asound2
    Depends: ia32-libs
    Depends: libc6-i386
    Depends: lib32gcc1
    Conflicts: <skype-mid>
    Conflicts: <skype-mid:i386>
    Conflicts: <skype-common>
    Conflicts: <skype-common:i386>
    Replaces: <skype-mid>
    Replaces: <skype-mid:i386>
    Replaces: <skype-common>
    Replaces: <skype-common:i386>
    Conflicts: skype:i386
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      On my emergency clean unplanned 12.04 install, skype pulls in *all* ia32lib packages, all 200+ (and 300 mb unpacked) of them for version 4. Now the version 2.2 in the Canonical Partner repo only pulls in the minimum 70 or so. iirc this is the case for the 2.2 package downloaded from Skype proper. I am sure that when the version is updated in the Canonical repo they will have fixed that.


        Is your PC 64-bit or 32-bit? I downloaded the 64-bit Skype 4.0 .deb file from Skype and installed it by just clicking on it.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          the 64 bit package, which is really a 32bit package that pulls in all the 32bit libs needed (open it with Ark and peek around). The deb installer downloads and install the items in the background.
          Not a huge deal but a lot of extras for some. If one has wine installed, that pulls in a few ia32libs packages already so some folks may not have to download as many.

          I simply got annoyed at dead hard drive and having to scramble to dig out a spare drive that is older than the dead one, installing, updating, then trying to install skype and wondering why it was taking so long
          Last edited by claydoh; Jun 16, 2012, 06:17 PM.

