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Bin Laden is dead - and the U.S. has the body

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    Re: Bin Laden is dead - and the U.S. has the body

    It turns out that the hit on Bin Laden revealed two secret aircraft: the RQ-170 Sentinel and an unidentified stealth helicopter that crashed and wasn't totally destroyed before the Seal team left. (The team did totally destroy the equipment on the interior, however.)
    The RQ-170 is using something called "Hyper-spectral" detection, which is similar to other optical detection devices, like infrared, but beyond the infrared spectrum, as described in the following link:

    The stealth helicopter has a unique tail rotor and fin stabilizer which puts it beyond the RAH-66 class of stealth helicopters. That design is obviously made to allow much greater speeds than the 66 burst speed of 172 knts. I would guess that it can sustain speeds greater than 200 knts and a range of over 600km.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      The ultimate Pacifist says killing UBL was not a bad thing

      Read it yourself, and...I love the cap!,7229481.story


        hundreds of leaders captured/killed

        This is QUITE a tidbit on the second page of an article about the man in charge of the clandestine ops:

        His forces have killed or captured hundreds of insurgent leaders over the past year, primarily in nighttime raids, according to U.S. military officials.



          Re: Bin Laden is dead - and the U.S. has the body

          If the Seals are using stealth helios with superior speed and range I suspect that the first thing the insurgents see is the barrel of the Seal's weapon. If they are not cooperative that would be the last thing they see.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            vaudeville man in a straight jacket

            There used to be a "thing" in vaudeville. The second or third act had a guy come out in a "straight jacket"... he was a "Houdini imitator".

            [img width=194 height=400][/img]

            Anyway he said he would get out of the straight jacket. Only he didn't. So back stage people got him off the stage and the vaudeville went on. Only a few acts later the guy is back out trying to get out of the straight jacket....

            This went on through the whole show. After the show was over....and people were leaving....he is back on stage trying to get out of the straight jacket.

            I wonder.....if .....killing Usama Bin Laden.....will be Pres. Obama's "straight jacket on a vaudville stage"....

            This is supposedly from UBL's FAMILY:

            Pres. Obama's "going after people as a point of LAW as opposed to an act of war...."

            may just come back to bite him in the.....welll......

            If OBL has been killed in that operation as President of United States has claimed then we are just in questioning as per media reports that

            why an unarmed man was not arrested and tried in a court of law so that truth is revealed to the people of the world.

            If he has been summarily executed then, we question the propriety of such assassination where not only international law has been blatantly violated but USA has set a very different example whereby right to have a fair trial,

            and presumption of innocence until proven guilty by a court of law has been sacrificed on which western society is built and is standing when a trial of OBL was possible for any wrongdoing as that of Iraqi President Sadam Hussein and Serbian President Slobodan Miloševic'.
            just wonderin'....

            Statement from the family of Sheikh Osama Bin Laden



              UBL liked Coca Cola Pepsi Marijuana Porno natural viagra

              Ahhhh yesss kill thousands of people decrying the depravity of the West and then slurp up the nectar of the west, the porno of....who..natural little pills . and maryjane!!

              How many times have we heard the mantra that maryjane is a victimless crime! tell that to the 9-11 families.

     alcohol!!! LOL Alcohol EVIL!!



                Re: Bin Laden is dead - and the U.S. has the body

                Cannabis isn't as bad as ethanol, which can kill if you consume too much too quickly or which can kill you if someone else consumes too much and then operates a vehicle. There have been more innocent people killed by drunks than killed by people high on Cannabis. If over consumed Cannabis usually just makes people lethargic or sleepy. It has the same cancer risks from tar residues as smoking cigarettes, but that can be avoided by using Cannabis Oil, which is taken by mouth in quantities as small as drop, 1/20th of a milliliter.

                The US government filed a patent on almost a dozen medical properties of Cannabis, the very properties which the FDA says are "bogus", but the data supplied by the patent proves otherwise.

                The US taxpayers are spending BILLIONS incarcerating Cannabis smokers who are, for the most part, harmless people enjoying a habit, because some Hollywood movie in the 1930s characterized "MaryJane" smokers as crazed psychopaths taking their first step on the road to hard core addiction.

                What the US government should to is make smoking of Cannabis legal and then tax it the way they do cigarettes. Although smuggling tobacco does occur, it is only a minute fraction of the quantity of Marijuana being smuggled into our country by drug lords. Unfortunately, people's desire for Cannabis is just as much of an addiction as that for Ethanol or Nicotine.

                If we jailed everyone who smoked or drank there would be more people in jail than out on the streets, which brings up another fact -- we have run out of space in jails and prisons because of the insane classification that merely being in the vicinity of less than a gram makes you a "user", even if you don't know it is there, and if the amount is over a gram then you are a "distributor". Nonsense. Pure nonsense.

                Porn amounts to about 70-80% of all internet traffic, some sources report. I don't know how accurate that figure is but I suspect it is probably close. It would be wonderful if all porn could, in some way, be blocked from the Internet, but that is impossible, I know. There is a big debate about the affects of porn. I do know this: the rise in porn has been accompanied by a dramatic increase in the per capita attacks on women and children. Men stealing adolescent girls out of their beds at night to rape and murder them was uncommon before the 1970s. So was photographic exploitation of women. The numbers of pedophiles have also increased, as have the number of people put on sexual predator lists. (That excludes Catholic priests, who have a long history being homosexual pedophiles, as have some protestant clergy.) Incest, once a problem that seemed most prevalent in inbred hillbillies, has exploded across America. Now, a father or grandfather can't appear to be showing "too much" affection to their daughters or granddaughters because bystanders might conclude a pedophile relationship exists and report the "offender" to police.

                Disclaimer: I neither smoke cigs or reefers, nor drink alcohol, nor view porn, and I have no granddaughters.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Bin Laden is dead - and the U.S. has the body

                  Never did the porn except one time when I was in the Navy and a guy convinced me to go to a "peep" show but was so disgusted that someone could treat women that way, never went back.
                  Never did the dope, even though most folks say that I'm dopey!
                  Do do the rum 'n coke.
                  have several granddaughters!

                  But the amazing thing about the article is his hypocrisy, I think maybe there should be special billboards built world wide with a list of what was there and maybe not so many people would want to be killing both the great Satan and their own brethren.


