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Do Dah Do Dah

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    Do Dah Do Dah

    I read an op-ed some time past that opined (sic ! ) that "although a lot of countries have parades.. but that the U.S. is possibly the only country that just has parades "at the drop of a hat" and for a bewildering number of reasons"...(woodsmoke's lame remembrance there :P )

    And so..... for those who have never heard of it....and in the spirit of "everybody needs a smile!"

    I give you the Do Dah Parade!

    a photo gallery from this year

    The Wikipedia Article on it's history.


    Re: Do Dah Do Dah

    I like the small town parades with a few decorated cars and pickups. I saw one once that included a little girl on a tricycle decorated with a few ribbons and a balloon or two.

    Some years ago I lived in Grants Pass, Oregon. I thought the most impressive entry in the parade there was the local towing company. They had there largest tow truck (for towing big rigs) towing the next size tow truck and etc. on down to the smallest Toyota sized truck. About 8 or 10 trucks in all.

    Now that I think about it, I don't remember the excuse for that parade. Some holiday?

    Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


      Re: Do Dah Do Dah

      I agree, the "small town parade" is just a great thing.


