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A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

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    A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

    Debian CUT (Constantly Usable Testing)
    [me=Telengard]is interested[/me]
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    Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

    That may be a good thing. I keep reading, when is the next debian going to be released. A rolling release would end that nonsense.
    Boot Info Script


      Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

      I was surprised to read that Debian developers aren't completely opposed to this idea. It seems a lot of people must use Testing.
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        Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

        Maybe I'm missing something here, but what would be main difference between this and aptosid? OK, aptosid has its quirks, and its own kernel builds, but otherwise, as far as I know, it pretty much is a rolling debian release.
        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

          Debian CUT would be endorsed by Debian developers, and not a separate distro. Aptosid may fill that role now but it isn't endorsed by Debian developers. It may seem like a small distinction, but I think it will make a big difference in the minds of both users and developers.

          Anyway, just follow along with the articles and I think you'll get the idea. I've only just discovered this today and am so far impressed. Being stuck with very old versions of packages (Firefox) was an annoyance on Debian for me.

          Another difference is that Aptosid uses Debian Unstable (Sid), while this proposal would make a rolling release of Debian Testing. The nature of the relationship between Debian CUT and Debian Unstable would not be the same as that between Debian Testing and Debian Unstable. As explained in the articles, this would necessitate some changes in the current development model.
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            Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

            OK, I do see your point.

            The outdated packages on debian are what drove me away. Aptosid is nice for that reason, and a CUT version of debian would be great, although a CUT version of Ubuntu would be even better, as there seem to be quite a few software packages for ubuntu that are not in either debian or aptosid. The 6-month update convulsion gets old after a while.

            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


              Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

              Originally posted by doctordruidphd
              The 6-month update convulsion gets old after a while.
              With a rolling release you can have your convulsions every day
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                Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

                Yes, but they tend to be more petit mal, rather than grand mal.
                Choose your poison.

                We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                  Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

                  I switched from Debian to Kubuntu Breezy (or was it Hoary?), because I was tired of wasting my time generating bug reports for Debian Sid that seemed to be ignored by the developers. Kubuntu seemed to be a better option at the time. I believe that it still is.


                    Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

                    CUT may make LMDE obsolete, but I don't think it will touch Aptsid

                    Registered Linux User 545823


                      Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

                      I agree with Jpenguin, AptoSid is it's whole own beast!



                        Re: A proposal for an officially endorsed rolling release of Debian

                        1) There was a post on the Crunchbang Forum about turning Crunchbang into a Rolling Release. Is it not a true Rolling Release? -

                        2) My laptop is a Dell C400 with an Intel i810 video which can be difficult. An Aptosid LiveCD will run on it without any boot alteration - one of very few to run. I believe that the kernel is based on Liquorix.
                        "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
                        "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss

