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Oracle admits defeat; good result for Open Document Foundation

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    Oracle admits defeat; good result for Open Document Foundation

    It is good that the LibreOffice fork worked so well and so many FOSS developers decided to support it.
    Oracle's hopes of commercialising OOo have failed. The question is: what of their other Sun products? Will they eventually be open-sourced too? Has Oracle woken up to the benefits of FOSS? Or, is this a mirage?

    Re: Oracle admits defeat; good result for Open Document Foundation

    I for one am not sure what to make of this news.

    I presume this is simply because many of the external developers have gone over to LO leaving only Oracle employees working on it. Community contributions, good bad or indifferent are of course zero cost and I suspect they don't want to spend too much money on something they have to give away. They now indicate that they want to work with the community, but if the bulk of that community works with LO instead then there's a conflict.

    I wonder whether it won't be too long before OpenOffice is buried or, ironically, becomes a rebadged LO?

