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A real FBI memo but a real hoax also, FBI Vault reveals UFO Hoover memo

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    A real FBI memo but a real hoax also, FBI Vault reveals UFO Hoover memo


    The UFO folks are gonna go nutso over this!!

    You gotta read the whole thing, it starts with 8,000 mutilated cows...

    But these are ....supposedly...."real" FBI documents from the era...and can be seen in the FBI's "the Vault".

    The memo is one of thousands of previously unreleased classified files that the bureau has made public in a new online resource called The Vault.

    Another file released involves FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and details of the infamous Roswell incident in 1947.

    The memo claims that the air force recovered three 'flying saucers' which contained the bodies of alien pilots.

    The aliens were described as being 3ft tall with human like bodies, which were dressed in a fine metallic cloth.

    The memos from Hoover are the only evidence that the Roswell incident did in fact take place - and the names of the FBI staff involved have been withheld.
    I, personally cannot see them with the present iteration of FF that I am using but if one types in "Roswell" there are a bunch of pdfs.

    The Article:

    The FBI Vault

    However....I think that the PICTURE in the article is from the hoax film...


    Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

    Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity dictates that in a vacuum the greatest possible speed is C, the speed of Light. Nothing can go faster than light, including information, "sub-space channels", or Entropy. Thus space ships that travel faster than light, i.e., "warp speed", are not possible because they violate various conservation laws. To make matters worse, as an object approaches the speed of light the additional inputs of energy meant to increase the speed of the object go into increasing its mass instead. And, not only does the mass increase, the length of the object decreases and its internal clock slows down. If a space ship could reach the speed of 99.9992% the speed of C it would take it about 4 years, according the ship's clock, to reach Alpha Proxima. Meanwhile, 1,000 years would pass by back on Earth. Einstein introduced the "Twins Paradox" to explain time dilatation. If a space ship could reach C its mass would become infinite and its clock would stop. The "clock" that stops would include atomic and sub-atomic motion.

    Besides of the restrictions of the laws of physics, I find the idea impossible to believe that some advanced civilization flew from another star system in our galaxy, or another galaxy, to Earth. Then arriving on Earth, they mutilate some cows, mow geometric patterns on fields of grain, give some people rides to Venus to so they can tour the advanced civilization there, and then terrorize some rural folks in Arkansas, Louisianan and Mississippi, and kidnap several dozen others.

    It may be that Occam's Razor has guided our construction of the Laws of Nature into paths that preclude other outcomes, like the possibility that a space ship could actually travel faster than light and take less time to travel from some distant planet to Earth than light itself would take, and time dilatation would not make the voyage a one-way trip. In 1994 the Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed the Alcubierre drive, a method of stretching space in a wave which would in theory cause the fabric of space ahead of a spacecraft to contract and the space behind it to expand, but it requires "exotic matter" in order to be able to travel faster than light. According to new research shows that Hawking radiation would most likely cook anything inside this theoretical space-time bubble and the space-time bubble would be unstable, on a quantum level.
    However, if you wanted to create a space-time bubble for subluminal (less-than light speed) travel, no horizons form, and therefore no Hawking radiation is generated. In this case, you might not be beating the speed of light, but you do have a fast, and stable way of getting around the Universe. Unfortunately we still need “exotic” matter to create the space-time bubble in the first place…
    and, it would take 10^45 Joules to create the bubble. That's the energy in 10^30 nuclear bombs, 1 megaton class.

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

      Ummm I think it was a reverse ion drive that was warped into a Moebius strip.

      However non-local propulsion was probably by of one of those blenders made by Ronco.

      And they probably supplied blades for that Occam guy that they got from the little slit in the back of bathroom medicine cabinets.

      just a thought.



        Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

        Originally posted by GreyGeek
        Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity...

        ...Besides of the restrictions of the laws of physics, I find the idea impossible to believe that some advanced civilization flew from another star system in our galaxy, or another galaxy, to Earth. Then arriving on Earth, they mutilate some cows, mow geometric patterns on fields of grain, give some people rides to Venus to so they can tour the advanced civilization there, and then terrorize some rural folks in Arkansas, Louisianan and Mississippi, and kidnap several dozen others.
        All respect, but Einstein's theories are exactly that - theories. Even the idea that C is a constant is a little iffy

        Prior to Pythagoras we believed the world was flat - there are countless examples of how our understanding of the universe and its physical laws has changed as we evolved as a species. Who knows where we'll be 10k years from now?

        The crop circle/cow mutiliation/alien abduction thing doesn't make a lot of sense but OTOH there's some Mayan and Aztec technology that appears to surpass our species' understanding of the universe at the time.

        Then there's Stonehenge

        I think it's statistically improbable that we're the only intelligent species - or the most advanced intelligent species in the universe.
        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
        -- anais nin


          Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

          Originally posted by wizard10000
          All respect, but Einstein's theories are exactly that - theories. Even the idea that C is a constant is a little iffy
          Hardly, Wizard. While given the tag "theory" no theory has undergone more rigorous testing without failure in the points that I mentioned. The idea that light had mass and could be affected by large gravity fields resulting in Einstein making a prediction (a theory that can make no testable predictions is a faith) that that position of a certain star would shift by an apparent 1.43 arc seconds as the path of the light is bent passing close to the Sun. In 1917 the eclipse occurred and the movement of the star was as Einstein predicted. Mass increases and time dilation as a function of near light velocity have been measured repeatedly and the results verify Special and General Relativity. Dr. Brian Josephson, based on quantum affects of superconductors, predicted what is now called a Josephson Junction, which allows the generation of a very precise frequency of 4.835979×10^14 Hz/V . They are contained in devices called SQUIDs (superconducting quantum interference device). SQUIDs are sensitive enough to measure fields as low as 5×10^−18 Tesla.

          Of course, some people disagree and offer "proof", but I leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine why their proof is wrong. Such "proofs" compare with violations of the three laws of thermodynamics, of which there is no end. One gets tired of explaining why spinning Ferris wheels with swinging weights instead of cars still cannot generate more or equal amounts of useful work out than energy input.

          The crop circle/cow mutiliation/alien abduction thing doesn't make a lot of sense but OTOH there's some Mayan and Aztec technology that appears to surpass our species' understanding of the universe at the time.

          Then there's Stonehenge
          Appearances are deceiving, and views about such topics reflect on our biases more than they elucidate the intents or interpretations of the Mayan devices. The Mayans were excellent observers of astronomical data and devised a calendar which extended the Mesoamerican versions, which the Aztecs then improved upon. They could calculate forward and backward in time to make predictions of previous, current and future astronomical events with reasonable accuracy, remarkable for the time, considering it was a base 20 system with minor adjustments using base 18.
          The mesoamerican calendar probably originated with the Olmecs, and a settlement existed at Izapa, in southeast Chiapas Mexico, before 1200 BC. There, at a latitude of about 15° N, the Sun passes through zenith twice a year, and there are 260 days between zenithal passages, and gnomons (used generally for observing the path of the Sun and in particular zenithal passages), were found at this and other sites. The sacred almanac may well have been set in motion on August 13, 1359 BC, in Izapa.
          Accompanying their "Long Count" calendar system was an elaborate layering of philosophical, religious and mystic interpretations to "explain" why the math worked, and to justify their social order. It is a typical behavior for any culture. They extrapolated their calendar to a "creation date":
          The Long Count calendar identifies a date by counting the number of days from the Mayan creation date 4 Ahaw, 8 Kumk'u (August 11, 3114 BC
          Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the day that the calendar will go to the next baktun.

          Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization FAMSI, notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". She considers the portrayal of December 2012 as a doomsday or cosmic-shift event to be "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."[14] The 2009 science fiction apocalyptic disaster film 2012 is based on this belief.
          So, our doomsday scenarios have expropriated the Mayan's calendar to lend credence to what is purely pseudoscience at best and pseudo-religious at worst, and the worst among us use it to scam the gullible.

          I think it's statistically improbable that we're the only intelligent species - or the most advanced intelligent species in the universe.
          Well, you know, there are lies, white lies and statistics.

          The presence or absence of intelligent life in non-terrestrial locations is the hope of many and the disdain of many more. Many atheists hope for a successful search and many Christians hope for failure. I do not know what others hope for. For both sides, I believe, the appearance of life elsewhere would, in their eyes, slam the door on any future religious belief. After all, if salvation is by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ wouldn't He have to die for each intelligent race discovered on other planets? If not, the Fall from Grace would have been an event that only happened here on Earth, and those other places have morally perfect, but naked, people who possess no knowledge of good or evil living in perfect harmony from the day they were created, thousands (or millions?) of years ago. Their planets would be without death or decay, which had to arrive at a population stasis consistent with their environment to avoid such catastrophes.

          One of the early arguments for a flat Earth and against people living on the other side of either a flat or a round Earth was that the "anti-pods", as they were called, would fall off. The religious favored the "anti-pod" argument and added that Christ would have had to die twice, once for the "pods" and again for the "anti-pods". (Strangely, though, the Christians were called atheists because they were monotheistic, unlike most of their polytheist neighbors who believed that there had to be many "gods" to account for all the varieties in life.) Atheists have been around as long as theists, although not as numerous or outspoken until the 18th century.

          The Panspermia theory of Sir Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe postulates the existence of single celled organisms in space, from other incubators, as the source of life on Earth. In 2001 bacteria was found at 41 kilometers altitude and the claim was made that it proved their theory. Most doubt it, but not the idea that bacteria can survive exposure to deep space vacuum and lethal (to us) radiation. Asteroid impacts have repeatedly uplifted chucks of Earth material and threw them out into space, including the many single and multicellular life forms which "hitched a ride". While such projectiles would probably not have enough velocity to reach Mars or beyond, the Sun could pull them to inner planets. In addition, the frothing of the oceans is constantly hurling drops of water into the atmosphere, where they evaporate and leave behind dehydrated organisms that are carried by Browning motion and the 2nd Law into the ionosphere, where Solar winds blow them out into space and carry them way to the outer bodies and planets. This is probably the source of bacteria found at 41Km. Equipment brought back from satellites and Lunar equipment were found to contain, IIRC, Bacillus Subtillis, a common soil organism, after more than 25 years exposure, yet they were viable.

          Today, the search for any non-terrestrial life form is the driving force behind almost all, if not all, space exploration. However, any life discovered in OUR solar system cannot be used as proof for extra-terrestrial life, since any such life could have come from Earth itself. In fact, any carbon or silicon based life form found in space is not proof for extra-terrestrial life, if evolution is a fact. Bacterial sloughed off of Earth a several billion years ago could have found a niche on Mars or or a moon of Jupiter and proliferated, before being sloughed off that body by meteor impacts. How long would it take for Earth based bacteria to be blown to Alpha Proxima?

          However, solar winds vary between 400 and 750 Km/s. Pioneer 10, traveling at 12 Km/s, is heading in the direction of the star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus at approximately 2.6 AU per year. If Aldebaran had zero relative velocity, it would take Pioneer 10 approximately 2 million years to reach the star. A bacteria riding the solar wind could take as little as 32,000 years to reach Alderban. But, Alpha Proxima is only 39,900,000,000,000 km away, which would take the solar wind only 616 days to deliver its cargo of bacteria. That could have happened a billion years ago ... even if we could distinguish between carbon based life forms birthing here and those birthing on Alderban.

          SETI receiving transmissions from distant stars is about the only viable proof for intelligent life elsewhere. So far ... nothing. We began transmitting continuous and voice modulated radio waves across land and sea (and into space) before 1910. The first commercial station used only a few watts but subsequent stations used up to 500K Watts before the FCC throttled them down. Now, 100Kw is a strong station. One of the commercial HD TV stations broadcasting over the air in Lincoln is using only 3.28 Kw !! Now, more and more of the transmissions are being down through cable or fiber, or low powered short range FM cell towers. The age of our indiscriminate broadcasting of signals into space is coming to an end after only about 100 years. For any intelligent life able to receive our radio & TV signals the "window of opportunity" was narrow and closing. Their window of reception may not match our window of transmission, or visa versa. Even with SQUID detectors the amplitude or frequency modulated signals may be too weak to detect after traveling 50 light years, since signal strength is an inverse square law function. We've been listening for 50 years.

          Italian physicist Enrico Fermi suggested in the 1950s that if technologically advanced civilizations are common in the universe, then they should be detectable in one way or another. Fermi either asked "Where are they?" or "Where is everybody?". The question is still valid.

          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            Hardly, Wizard. While given the tag "theory" no theory has undergone more rigorous testing without failure in the points that I mentioned...
            True, and an additional 10k years of research will either continue to validate the theory, validate it with modification or disprove it completely. Einstein may very well have been right - my point is assuming that travel faster than C is impossible is true for our current level of technology, but to assume that because we can't do it no one else can appears to me to be a bit intellectually disingenuous, but we can certainly agree to disagree

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            Appearances are deceiving, and views about such topics reflect on our biases more than they elucidate the intents or interpretations of the Mayan devices.
            But I haven't attempted to interpret anything - and I also kinda thumb my nose at those who attempt to calculate the end of the world from a simple calendar. What I have done is offer the argument that Mayan and Aztec civilization made use of technology that was either not understood or not available in other parts of the world at the time. Do I think it was provided by extraterrestrials? I have no idea

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            ...For both sides, I believe, the appearance of life elsewhere would, in their eyes, slam the door on any future religious belief...
            Nah. I've witnessed what happens when a religious tenet is debunked, and what happened in this case was the facts in the matter were largely ignored. I was raised a Jehovah's Witness, and when Armageddon didn't happen in 1975 remarkably few people left the faith - or even questioned their beliefs.

            I personally believe the existence of an afterlife cannot be proven and is therefore unknowable. What does interest me is that humans as a species almost instinctively reject the concept that death is the end of life. I don't know whether there is an afterlife or whether we've just created one to explain what happens to you after you die

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            Italian physicist Enrico Fermi suggested in the 1950s that if technologically advanced civilizations are common in the universe, then they should be detectable in one way or another. Fermi either asked "Where are they?" or "Where is everybody?". The question is still valid.
            Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

            cheers -
            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
            -- anais nin


              Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

              As to the correctness of the theory or not all that one needs to do is remember the prescient Mork and Mindy, Third Rock from the Sun and Big Bang Theory....

              however........on a more serious ....note....

              A reading of Flatland by E.A. Abbott provides a small foundation in trying to think, "multi-dimensionally" and there is also a healthy dose of anti-religion bias built into the circles!

              But it is a very easy read, I was given a copy by my high school "trigonometry and math analysis" teacher and it lead me to the fourth, not the third finest thing in life!


              Copies can be purchased inexpensively from Amazon or it's third party people.



                Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

                Originally posted by wizard10000
                Originally posted by GreyGeek
                Hardly, Wizard. While given the tag "theory" no theory has undergone more rigorous testing without failure in the points that I mentioned...
                True, and an additional 10k years of research will either continue to validate the theory, validate it with modification or disprove it completely. Einstein may very well have been right - my point is assuming that travel faster than C is impossible is true for our current level of technology, but to assume that because we can't do it no one else can appears to me to be a bit intellectually disingenuous, but we can certainly agree to disagree
                I have no doubt that 10,000 years of additional research may change our understanding of physical laws. Some aspects of our understanding may be overthrown or slightly modified. All of science are "theories". A Law is merely a theory which has remained valid after countless attempts to overthrow it have failed. Laws remain true until proved false. So do theories, which should more correctly be called "hypotheses". Hypotheses are assumed to be true. IF we didn't think they were true we wouldn't waste time creating experiments to test them. We collect and evaluate all valid and relevant data relating to the event under study and then formulate an hypothesis. Using the hypothesis we make a non-trivial prediction of an action and/or event which has never been observed before. An hypothesis which does not allow one to make a TESTABLE prediction is not an hypothesis, it is a faith. The prediction gives us a clue as to how to create an experiment to test the hypothesis. As such the hypothesis is called an "Operational Definition".

                Assuming A Priori that the laws of physics may be "different" in other parts of the Universe is not even creating an untestable hypothesis, it is mere baseless speculation with no scientific value.

                We can safely say that Newton's Three Laws of motion and Einstein's Relativity are Universal, because using data gathered by various kinds of telescopes over long periods of time we can explain what we see and make predictions about what we will see using those Laws. Indeed, if we observed some movement of matter in a distant star system or galaxy that wasn't explained it would be cause to rejoice, and employ more astrophysicists! 8) Also, what we are observing in the sky are events as they were at some time in the past, from 10s to Billions of years. Yet, throughout all that time, and space, the current laws of physics explain the macro and micro behavior perfectly and the majority of the quantum behavior.

                There are some values which, if they were significantly different would have drastic effects on how the Universe functions and on the existence of life itself. One such value is the Fine Structure Constant. If it had a value different from what it current is
                stable matter, and therefore life and intelligent beings, could not exist if its value were much different. For instance, were α to change by 4%, stellar fusion would not produce carbon, so that carbon-based life would be impossible. If α were > 0.1, stellar fusion would be impossible and no place in the universe would be warm enough for life.
                IF Plank's Constant were different by even a small value one way or the other in another part of the universe we would be able to see that difference and understand what caused it. It would affect the location of the boundary between the wave and particle nature of matter, and that would affect our observations of that location's quantum behavior. It is a dimensionless number which can be generated using Pi and the 10th and 33rd prime numbers. What Richard Feynman wrote about the Fine Constant in that citation is worth the read.
                If alpha (the fine structure constant) were bigger than it really is, we should not be able to distinguish matter from ether (the vacuum, nothingness), and our task to disentangle the natural laws would be hopelessly difficult. The fact however that alpha has just its value 1/137 is certainly no chance but itself a law of nature. It is clear that the explanation of this number must be the central problem of natural philosophy.
                So, if space-time distances were sufficient to create separate domains of physics it might result in a different set of physical constants, like C, e, h, a, etc..., in which case we could see the difference from here, and perhaps measure their values. But, what we measure via long distance, like the shifts in the spectral lines of certain elements, and energy events, are accounted for by what we have learned here.

                Originally posted by GreyGeek
                Appearances are deceiving, and views about such topics reflect on our biases more than they elucidate the intents or interpretations of the Mayan devices.
                But I haven't attempted to interpret anything - and I also kinda thumb my nose at those who attempt to calculate the end of the world from a simple calendar. What I have done is offer the argument that Mayan and Aztec civilization made use of technology that was either not understood or not available in other parts of the world at the time. Do I think it was provided by extraterrestrials? I have no idea
                I hope I have established that "extraterrestrials" aren't likely nor necessary to explain what we observe. The Chinese made use of gun powder long before Western cultures knew of it or it was not available to them. For years some people cited that Antikythera Mechanism as proof that aliens visited out planet. One author made a living out of the using alien visitors to explain the Bermuda Triangle and the drawings on the desert in Peru, but research eventually proved all such explanations to be worthless.

                Originally posted by GreyGeek
                ... For both sides, I believe, the appearance of life elsewhere would, in their eyes, slam the door on any future religious belief...
                Nah. I've witnessed what happens when a religious tenet is debunked, and what happened in this case was the facts in the matter were largely ignored. I was raised a Jehovah's Witness, and when Armageddon didn't happen in 1975 remarkably few people left the faith - or even questioned their beliefs.
                It would be a door slammer for the atheists I'm sure, but you're right about the other. When Miller's 2nd coming prediction didn't pan out he changed the date and his flock went along for the ride, again. When the Book of Abraham was proven to be false it shook the Morman church but it didn't take long for them to generate a "believable" replacement story.

                I personally believe the existence of an afterlife cannot be proven and is therefore unknowable. What does interest me is that humans as a species almost instinctively reject the concept that death is the end of life. I don't know whether there is an afterlife or whether we've just created one to explain what happens to you after you die
                We are ranging afield here, aren't we? The Old Testament writers recorded what they viewed as instances of people returning to the living for a brief time as spirits to deliver messages. The New Testament is a collection of letters written by folks who claim to be witnesses of what they wrote about, and they also claim they were inspired by the Holy Spirit when they wrote. The New Testament records the resurrection of Lazarus by Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus by God. Apparently Lazarus continued to live and then died later. Between the time Jesus died and was resurrected several people were resurrected too, and they walked in Jerusalem where they were recognized. The prophets stated that these resurrected people would be the "First Fruits" of the General Resurrection to come later, and Christ took them to Heaven in is "Triumphant Procession".

                Who are these people making these claims? They were the doctors, lawyers, scholars, and fisherman, of their time. You either accept their testimony or you do not. It is exactly like witnesses in court room proceedings, including the cross examination. No writings have been more thoroughly examined, attacked, ridiculed, etc. Yet, they remain. These are remarkable writings in that they predict that their testimony will be refuted and destroyed for a period of time, giving the people of Earth cause to celebrate with great joy.

                But, in the final analysis one accepts what is written on the basis of Faith, which is why it is called that.

                Originally posted by GreyGeek
                Italian physicist Enrico Fermi suggested in the 1950s that if technologically advanced civilizations are common in the universe, then they should be detectable in one way or another. Fermi either asked "Where are they?" or "Where is everybody?". The question is still valid.
                Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

                cheers -

                But in the case of alien astronauts it is STRONG proof against their existence. One cannot prove a negative. It is up to those postulating the existence of Alien visitors to produce undeniable evidence of such.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

                  Hi GG....thanks for reminding me of those Plank constants.

                  I used a lot of those Plank constants when I was building my first chicken house. They constantly popped back after I nailed them because they were that oak... dried oak is just hard as nails....and it warps!

                  Come to think of it... NOW I know WHY that chicken coop disappeared!! I thought it was the revenooer checkin if I had the still in there and it blew up! But no!

                  It was all those Planks getting into a constant harmonic and they when they all warped at once..they musta put that coop into orbit at WARP speed!!

                  And those boards CAN warp too...


                  THANKS GG.... now I know what happened.... and all the time I thought it was those revenooers! But then....for a while I thought it might have been the cat in the chickenhouse....and mebbe the cat got all those chickens overwrought or something. It's hard to see chickens in a closed house. I forgot to put in windows or a door... anyway... I got that cat from this college kid that moved in down the road.....the kid called him Shroedinger....never did understand that....I thought Shroeder played a pianer on that Peanuts show...... so we just called him dinger... a real humdinger of a cat....but when he was in that chicken house.... we could hear the caterwaulin....but never could see him or the chickens.... allways thought he snuck out the back door...

                  but...hmmm there weren't no back door...or front door or windows...



                    Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

                    Glad to help!
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Gotta read this: FBI actually said Roswell was a space ship with 3 aliens.

                      I offer as proof against alien presence this simple thing:

                      A) I used to ask people if they knew of the "cartoon" of all those Japanese tourists to the U.S. busily snapping hundreds of pictures as a small indication of the millions of cameras available and that nobody had a "clear picture" of anything...
                      B) Multiply that now with the tens of millions of digital phones with built in cameras world wide and still not clear picture.

                      C) The animal mutilation? It occurred in our area also. Along with a church burning(which never got into the news....hmmmm wonder about that...but....anyway)..... it was a bunch of "pagans" that were quite well off and drove here from another state thinking that the "rubes" wouldn't catch them... wrongo!!

                      D) "Back in the day"...before all the scare of AIDS I used to drop by any of the local hospitals and grab a few "blood bags" out of the dumpster.........and take them to a neighbor who still butchered his own animals...especially deer season....He would collect the blood, put it in the EASILY REMOVABLE stoppered input port.(which I had prepared) .. and sell it to the "pagans" and "pre-vampires" that just HAD to have human blood to drink or they would DIE....or lose their paganish souls... LOL

                      AND YES....I cleaned the bags....with distilled water and FROZE THE BAG... etc. etc. sheesh...I can hear the gasps now...

                      I did NOT come up with that idea on my own BTW. It was one of the neighbor who had the idea when he and the family went on a vacation to another state and ran across a "store" that sold magical stuff and suggested that he could supply human blood.. and they fell for it! hook, line, and dagger of Ashtaroth(or vampire tooth! lol)... he would "meet them" in a "mysterious place"..... like near a cemetery..........he always had some backup that had arrived a few hours earlier... and they had, of course, to be wearing all their "garb".... and talked in whispers....

                      great fun....suckering those smart people!

                      They think they are so smart.... and they are such fools.

                      BUT............the OFFICIAL FBI report...that is a whole 'nother thing!

                      I don't think those people had "an agenda", It has the "sound" of what one might call a "spontaneous utterance" to their Boss.

                      Of course it COULD BE.....that the FBI didn't release the NEXT message that said it was all a mistake!

                      And that a "certain administration" is trying to keep the folks all riled up! naaaaahhhhh! THAT would be a conspiracy theory!

                      Or it COULD be that the FBI has a grudge against a "certain administration" and are trying to sabotage that administration.... naaaa....THAT would be a "conspiracy within a conspiracy theory"



                        Memo real, aliens a hoax

                        Apparently, the memo, in and of itself is real. A real memo to Hoover.

                        However, it is also, a real memo about what was later found to be a hoax.

                        Apparently the hoax had "wandered through various people/places" and ended up in a newspaper called the Echo and from that the agent obtained the initial information, checked "backwards" a ways and then sent the memo up the line.

                        And the PRESENT DAY newspapers, the writers of which apparently know this, recycle the "revelation" of the memo periodically for ratings.

                        From the below link, apparently, the whole thing was figured out fifty years or so ago, and then the memos were released thirty years ago, Freedom of Information and all that.

                        According to the author in the link, the names of the hoaxer(s) is/are well known in the UFOlogy community, at least the old groaners, but there are new converts each year that take up the hoax anew.

                        A very interesting read actually.


                        woodgreatlydisappointedthati'mnotgoingtogettoseear ealspaceshipsoonbutitwasgreatfunwhileitlastedsmoke !


                          Re: A real FBI memo but a real hoax also, FBI Vault reveals UFO Hoover memo

                          H.L. Menken was right. "No one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of Americans."
                          The UFO furor is one of many such "cover ups" by the government. Another is Zero Point Energy being suppressed by the government to enable oil companies to continue to fleece the public, not that they aren't fleecing the public. They haven't needed Free Energy to do that.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

