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WANTED! A conky how to that works

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    WANTED! A conky how to that works

    This is a "up for discussion" thing.

    I've used Conky in Crunch Bang for quite a while and it is not all THAT hard to configure.

    So, I thought I'd do a nice pretty conky for Kubu and post a screenshot and .config file for folks to play with.

    I...."thought" I'd have problems with the plasma desktop but that is no biggie, and in the process I found out that at least one of the "biggies" in Conky is "just not going to do" a configuration for xmms2 because, apparently, of "conflicts" and the desire isn't there on the user's parts so just stay with mpd.

    But.... there are a couple of things that just LITTER THE LINUX LANDSCAPE...there are literally "hundreds and hundreds" of threads with people APPEALING for just a couple of things.... some of which are, apparently, involved with "LUA" and also just the "latest Conky".

    I've got conky 1.8.0 but there is now a 1.8.1, that is only in .tar and I'm not going to fiddle with that because this should be something that anybody that want's to fiddle with Conky ought to be able to do easily so that they can FIDDLE!!! they don't need to be tearing their hair out looking for stuff.


    I think that "many" people would like to be able to
    a) put "an image" in conky, like maybe the Kubu logo, or a picture of their cat.
    b) The weather applet ought to work, apprently it works for a LOT of people, but what used to be a simple thing...finding the "code" for a weather station is now ..impossible....
    c) Be able to change fonts in different places in the conky.
    d) able to show an album cover for maybe Rhythmbox which seems to be the default player for conky now. Rhythmbox works fine, but an image just seems to be impossible.

    And, it doesn't need to be all of the above, maybe just get a couple of them completely done right, step by step...

    Transparency isn't an issue, I've got it working, I've also go CPU cycles, the graph, etc. working and also gmail.. so...

    Any thoughts on whether there is a) a desire to create a how to b) the expertise here to do it.

    Considering the number of questions that either a) don't get answered or b) "just do this" and it doesn't seem to work except for the poster, I think that a boatload of people would be dropping in to get the info and maybe stick around to try kubu...

    dunno...just an idea.


    Re: A conky how to that works

    I think the challenge would be, which kind of conky are you going to describe? They can range from really simple display of a couple of items of interest, to crazy-complicated.


      Re: A conky how to that works

      I'm thinking just forget the suggestion.
      I restarted for another reason and the whole thing went away, and defaulted back to the original, supplied configuration, although the "information" like time was there, but in the terminal it said it couldn't find the fonts that were there just a few hours earlier!
      I tried reinstall conky and still had the default config.
      tried the "standard" version and still had the default config.

      Removed all the config files including backups and uninstalled again and when I reinstalled again, now it says there is no system-wide configuration file.

      So...I think that the reason for the "breezy" answers of other people and "can't help ya's" is because maybe conky only really works well with crunch bang and archbang.

      To get past the "windowing" problem one has to install "feh" and then invoke it in the terminal and that doesn't work either.

      It may be that the thing just doesn't work well with anything that uses something like plasma or even high end ubu etc. Don't know.

      But... even though I really like it I don't know that it is even possible to get a good, solid working, plain, conky that does even the above things.

      sorry I started the thread now.


        Re: A conky how to that works

        changed my mind.
        I got the thing to work completely in a plain updated ubu.

        The file WAS...just "conky.config" in usr/etc.

        So.... there are conflicting posts on where to place things but....for SOME reason... the thing went kablooy because the config file is the old .conkyrc but where

        is it in "home" or "woodsmoke"?

        Well, after copying the .rc file into various places I find that it resides in "home".

        However, it has to be a hidden file so the full file name is;

        .conkyrc and it is placed in "home".

        To be able to get the album to display one needs another file and that is:


        and it is also in "home"

        There is some fiddling around as to whether to draw it as "root" or as a "window" but the upshot is that it is to be drawn as "root".

        Here are the appropriate lines from the .conkyrc

        own_window yes
        own_window_type override
        own_window_transparent yes
        own_window_type root
        own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

        HOWEVER.....even though Conky tries to display the album cover, can see the "square" where the album is supposed to display ..."flash" when Conky starts...apparently there is a problem with a dependency called "imlib"

        In synaptic, there is no "imlib" and one cannot install it with apt-get.

        There are several "libimlib whatevers" in syanaptic, but when I tried to install the one what were not installed I got a "dependency" problem.


        The upshot is that we can get conky to run in Kubu and it seems to be stable, but the album picture is a no go at this stage.

        I will gladly post the "output" from my .rc file if anyone wants.

        IF OTHERS....dibl was one are interested in this it could be moved to software or something.

        It's up to the group as to whether this goes further.



          Re: A conky how to that works

          I don't consider myself anywhere near expert enough with conky to presume to write guidance for it. Plus, it's all been written already, although you kinda have to dig it out of the humoungus threads at Ubuntu Forums. However, I will offer this much for anyone who is interested in looking into it:

          1. Plan on a serious investment of time while you learn -- I sunk a full weekend into it

          2. Install these packages (you want the Debian packages for the ones that are not in the *buntu repos):


          and for Nvidia GPU users:


          3. Run "sudo sensors-detect" and observe carefully the output as it checks for sensors and invokes the driver modules. You can investigate the limits of lm-sensors, as far as supported devices, at their web site.

          4. hddtemp is what is used to monitor hard drive temps. SSDs may or may not have temperature sensors. nvclock reports Nvidia GPU temps.

          5. Study these threads to learn about configuring your conky, and to get scripts that you want:

          THERE, now I have saved you the first 4 hours of study!

          And, for anyone who is interested, my "conkymain" script is attached. You can see my conky here:
          Attached Files


            Re: A conky how to that works

            thanks dlbl!!



              Multiple conkys eat CPU cycles completely

              I don't really understand this so what I say may be completely wrong.

              One of the "problems" with Conky is that quite often when one clicks the desktop Conky goes away.

              There are fixes and one of them is "painting the window as root" instead of "it's own window.

              Another thing is that running it that way....apparently, I don't know, I'm going to have to investigate it...then paints Conky on all desktops.

              another thing is that when one gets Conky to display the Rhythm box album, it does do it very well, it uses a lot of time with the "dbus-daemon" which is the "messenger" between two applications.

              Well, there is a big difference in the way that Kubu communicates with Conky on this in that....conk is talking to Rhythmbox all the time, so much so that Rhythmbox cannot even be closed it is always in the tray at the most mimized.

     top all this off....since the Plasma interface does not actually put Conky "on" the desktop... you don't know if it has really "stopped" when it disappears....

              How did I get here?

              In noticed that Conky was running both of my AMD 64 cpus at full bore....almost 100 percent of both cycles!

              I go to system monitor and there were thirteen....yes...13 Conkys running.. with four of them on the four faces of the cube....

              That means.... NINE conkys running in some kind of "hyperspace" between Plasma and who knows where....

              Actually this is a GOOD THING............I think that Conky and Rhythmbox and Plasma have created.....


              [img width=400 height=292][/img]

              But all kidding aside.....

              It is PERFECTLY SAFE TO WORK ON CONKY......this SHOULD be addressed.....but I'd keep the system monitor open, or just "killall conky" before you "conky" in terminal!



                Re: A conky how to that works

                Sorry Woody -- we're going to have to adjust your meds.


                  Why conky works easy #! and not Ubuntu

                  Fundamentally, I think, the idea is this:

                  #! has been specifically tailored to run conky.

                  I think that is apparent to anybody that has done #!.

                  What was not apparent to me and is now is that in Ubuntu, since it is not specifically tailored run Conky one must do a multitude of "python" stuff to get even the basics over what is in the Ubu repos to work.

                  I know, it says that there is "standard" and etc. versions but still they need the "scripts".

                  So....again, I'll pose this for a question.

                  I think that "most" people could

                  a) learn how to change colors of fonts and fonts etc. pretty easily.
                  b) they could relatively easily learn how to copy and paste scripts going to show CPUs and graphs for them etc. etc.
                  c) they could learn how place conky, such as top, botttom, middle etc.

                  Then I think comes the ....problem.....

                  In terms of what people would want to fiddle with next would be for KUBUNTU....

                  a) if someone who "knows python" could make a script for how to show say...Clementine... music on conky, and give simple instructions as to where the script is placed and HOW it is placed(sudo Konqueror all that) then I think most would be happy with the ....a) name of the song, maybe b) name of album and or artist.

                  One problem is that with #! the conkyrc is a .dot in home, while in Ubu it is in etc.

                  And because of that stuff for #! has to be greatly modified. just to hit the correct path.

                  b) Maybe a script for g-mail, like I have a script for g-mail in my conky but it doesn't actually take the password for some reason and so it doesn't show new messages etc.

                  I quite realize that "the reason" for Kubuntu is the plasmoids that take care of this kind of stuff allready and do it very well, it just seems like this would be a simple way for people to get a hand in at "fancyfying" their desktops.

                  just a thought.



                    Re: A conky how to that works


                    Me thinks you've been imbibing in to many rum 'n cokes!

                    There is no .conkyrc in Natty - Conky installs it's configuration file (conky.conf) in /etc/conky/, just like it does in Ubuntu (Natty). So, if you are seeing a .conkyrc file, you need to tell us where you got the conky package from, and, what version of Kubuntu you are using that you installed it in.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: A conky how to that works

                      .conkyrc is a file commonly used in the user's home directory to define a more elaborate conky than the default conky that is defined in /etc/conky/conky.conf.

                      It doesn't have to be named .conkyrc, however. My conky configuration file is /home/dibl/Conky/conkymain.txt. It is called from ~.kde/autostart.


                        Re: A conky how to that works

                        I see Obi Wan Ken-dibl!

                        I've just been modifying the /etc/conky/conky.conf file.
                        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                          Re: A conky how to that works

                          Snowhog that is quite correct the use of the term .conkyrc is a habit from a couple of years at #! and probably won't change.

                          it is in etc/conky/conky.conf.

                          And this isn't natty it is Oneric running Kubu it is Kubu 10:11.

                          HOWEVER, dlbl, your POST INTRIGUES moi!

                          I did the .conkyrc in home and it is not recognized.

                          Is it a possibility that the problem is particularly it not being in home?

                          Is it a possibility that if one could change the file path for "conky" to home that more of the "normal stuff" for conky would work in Ubu?

                          just a thought, I merely reflect your extensive knowlege!!!

                          call me woodmoonglowsmoke


                            Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                            conkyrc.conf is not installed with program,you create it to save conky.conf for a backup...
                            to start conkyrc in terminal type conky -c /path to file/conkyrc.conf
                            the docs are at /usr/share/doc/conky-all
                            Ubuntuforums/Community cafe has a large post for conky 18,000 plus post start at the last page and read towards front for new info

                            there are also lot of screenshots of conky there
                            HP Pavilion m7750n desktop<br />AMD 64x2 2.6 ghz cpu,2gb mem,Geforce 6150 Le graphics <br /> Kubuntu 11.04 x86_64


                              Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                              Hi IRish Man,

                              what you post is quite true, but i have found that aside from the 'basics" that I have little luck getting the "advanced" even, just music tracks to work, let alone album covers or weather.

                              but you are correct, there are a LOT of posts with a lot of logs..


