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WANTED! A conky how to that works

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    Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

    @oshunluvr, where you are putting that statement -- up in the top part where there are other "own window" definitions?


      Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

      Never mind -- tested and it works great! Thanks oshunluvr!


        Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

        Originally posted by oshunluvr
        For whatever it's worth, all I had to do to get conky transparent background was add

        own_window_argb_visual yes
        Well, I just commented out the ${texeci 1000 feh --bg-scale "`grep 'wallpaper=' ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc | tail --lines=1 | sed 's/wallpaper=//'`" line, stopped conky, and restarted it. Conky is 'transparent', and that is apparently do to the default entries of:

        own_window yes
        own_window_transparent yes

        I'll perform a restart of the PC to see if this is 'holds true'.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

          Nope. Not after a reboot. However, following oshunluvr's post, I added own_window_argb_visual yes (I put it under own_window_transparent yes), saved the config file, and conky (re)loaded transparent. Cool. 8)
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

            Yeah, easy huh? Discovered that recently.

            I just started playing with conky. So far I have got some cool graphs of system stats and a system clock and weather forecast.

            I know zero about Lua so I'm plagiarizing and adopting.

            I'm trying to get some bar graphs to work out no luck so far.

            Here's one of my graphs. I put the summary (cpu0) on the outer, thicker ring and each individual cpu on the smaller rings. It looks dim because apparently, if you select "own_window_type normal" so that the conky window stays below the desktop windows, it also takes on the attributes of a non-selected window. Which on my current desktop are dimmed.
            Attached Files

            Please Read Me


              Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

              Looking good oshunluvr!

              One of these days I may throw myself at lua, but I've got basically everything I want in my present conky.

              Thanks for the transparency tip!


                Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                I just noticed something -- call it "FYI". When displayed against a very light background, like white clouds in a blue sky, the transparent background rendered by "own_window_argb_visual yes" is a shade darker than the same transparency called by the "texeci 1000 feh ..." line. I think I can see why -- when using feh the base window is black, and so there is only a single image layer over that. But when using argb_visual, the base is the original image, and then the transparency is overlayed on that, causing a double-intensity of the colors.

                It might be that I need to disable one of the other "own_window" statements, too. :P


                  Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                  very nice oshunlover!



                    Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                    Here's an odd phenomenon that I just ran into -- I would love to hear any ideas about fixing it. On a new system, the original user has a conky setup -- nothing exotic, just a "Conky" folder in his home directory, with a conky script, calling the conkyweather scripts, uses transparency, etc. Works perfectly.

                    Now a second (or more) user is added to the system. The second user is added to all the same groups that the original user is a member of. The second user gets an identical conky setup, gets the identical script in ~/.kde/Autostart, and this user's conky starts automatically, displays correct information, but fails to enable the transparency -- the background stays black forever. I just sunk 2 hours into chasing this around -- what the heck could be different? :P


                      Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                      Thx, wood.

                      dibl: I'll test it on my setup and see if I get the same results. Sounds like a permission problem, but you would have covered that already. By any chance does the first user have a personal xorg or xrandr settings file?

                      Please Read Me


                        Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                        Thx oshunluvr. I have "solved" it, meaning I got the result I wanted but for the life of me I don't understand the problem or the solution.

                        For the added users, I changed the line

                        own_window_argb_visual yes

                        own_window_argb_visual no
                        I also discovered that it does not like symlinked images -- it wants a real path to the image being used.

                        The original user still has

                        own_window_argb_visual yes
                        and it works right. I verified the the ownership, permissions, and execution bit are all the same for the added users, as well as the group memberships. This is on a Debian system, so the *buntu "installing user" special sudo privileges are N/A to this situation. So, I dunno .........


                          Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works


                          Please Read Me


                            Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                            I put a little weather conky together today trying to retain the kde look... 8)
                            Kubuntu 12.04 - Acer Aspire 5750G

                            "I don't make a great deal of money, but I'm ok with that 'cause I don't hurt a lot of people in the process either"


                              Re: WANTED! A conky how to that works

                              very kewl considering that it is seemingly partly cloudy! lol


