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Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

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    Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

    Originally posted by dibl
    Only a madman would believe that.

    Oops! The cat is out of the bag!
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?


        Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

        Originally posted by toad
        I wasn't thinking racist, xenophobic or anything like that, just: he cannot be serious.

        Now that you stated your case more succinctly and explained why you want to shut borders etc. I cannot but wonder how on earth you manage to support open source and freedom and at the same time propose the most restrictive and totalitarian measurements possible on people: restriction of movement. Sounds awfully like the former GDR or East Germany.

        I beg you to think about what you wrote and leave it at that as I find it deeply upsetting.
        I absolutely agree. I had to read all of these posts a few times to double check, because I couldn't believe GreyGeek would go an a xenophobic, racist rant against Mexicans, Indians, Muslims ...

        I am truly upset, sad, and outraged. I support Free Software as a means of brotherhood/sisterhood/cooperation. This is what Ubuntu stands for.

        I am glad for all the time I volunteered here, but I don't believe I belong here anymore. How do I close my account? I didn't find an option in the Control Panel.

        Thank you all for everything, and have fun.


          Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

          May I ask/suggest, that you reconcider? This particular board is for 'anything' that isn't blatently offensive. That one expresses ones opinions is just that - an expression of an opinion. Cultural differences are, by their nature, going to, at times, come in to conflict. Such is that nature of human interaction.

          I've been here for several years. Some of our members are opinionated, but to my knowledge, are not antagonistic or hostile towards anyone. Geo-politics is a 'sticky wicket' to be sure.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

            I'd hate to see a Veteran go. I apologize also. GreyGeek was responding to something "sticky" that I had posted.
            I didn't want this to snowball into people getting mad and leaving the forums. As Snowhog has said, we are all different and will conflict in opinions and beliefs sometimes. Let's just leave it at that and move on if we can.


              Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

              Originally posted by Snowhog
              May I ask/suggest, that you reconcider? This particular board is for 'anything' that isn't blatently offensive. That one expresses ones opinions is just that - an expression of an opinion. Cultural differences are, by their nature, going to, at times, come in to conflict. Such is that nature of human interaction.

              I've been here for several years. Some of our members are opinionated, but to my knowledge, are not antagonistic or hostile towards anyone. Geo-politics is a 'sticky wicket' to be sure.
              +1 to the whole quote!


                Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                Originally posted by lmilano
                I couldn't believe GreyGeek would go an a xenophobic, racist rant against Mexicans, Indians, Muslims ...
                I didn't. Read more closely. My "rant" is a clear statement of facts that my country cannot sustain the unregulated influx of non-citizens that is currently taking place. I also pointed out that our Republic cannot sustain the growth in the population of a theocratic mindset which, when it reaches a majority, will destroy civil rights for all and all rights for women. If you disagree your task is to do so with counter math and facts, not arguments from Intimidation. I suspect that your "racist" charge is because my argument isn't socialist or altruistic.

                I am truly upset, sad, and outraged. I support Free Software as a means of brotherhood/sisterhood/cooperation. This is what Ubuntu stands for.
                I sometimes read posts that I disagree with on this forum, but everyone has the right to express their point of view without intimidation or baseless accusations. There is no conflict between supporting FOSS and asking my government to enforce immigrations laws already on the books, which are essentially identical to those BEING ENFORCED by Mexico on their Southern boarder.

                I am glad for all the time I volunteered here, but I don't believe I belong here anymore. How do I close my account? I didn't find an option in the Control Panel.

                Thank you all for everything, and have fun.
                Where do you belong? Would you be happier living under a theocracy which oppresses 50% of the population by making them wear the hijab, or even the more oppressive burka, which is politically identical to a five pointed gold star, while the minority has to pay a penalty tax for not being a member of the majority's religion? I don't care if someone wants to observe the Islamic religion. I DO care if they attempt to force it upon me or my country, and I don't want to see my fellow citizens beaten or murdered if they do not submit to wearing clothing mandated by rulings of sociopathic men.

                I came out of an oppressive fundamentalist version of Christianity, and it was bad enough, but, I suspect that it would be a walk in the park compared to seeing someone jailed because she was raped, beaten by whips till they collapse from shock, or buried up to their waist in a hole and then having the top half of their body pummeled by rocks.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                  @lmilano, please reconsider -- you are a valuable contributor and I appreciate all of your efforts here. I doubt anyone, including GG, cares about your politics, or your view of my politics, or anyone else's politics. We should be apolitical, as far as willingness to support users of FOSS and operating systems. This "social talk" forum is where you can spout whatever you think, with no consequences (as long as you keep it clean).


                    Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                    Not to take a serious thread OT or anything, but this discussion really seems to need a cute picture of my daughter (anticipating the recent easter egg hunt)... the future looks ok to her.

                    Attached Files


                      Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                        I would merely suggest that there are VERY MANY PEOPLE who BEAT THEIR BREASTS....and shout incessantly.....that they are ...."open to all opinions"...and that "the discussion is what is important".. ..but....if it is not their opinion.... they resort to:

                        a) the straw man
                        b) refuge in authority
                        c) shouting the opponent down
                        d) they are above the discussion and do not deign to lower themselves to interact with such obviously stupid people
                        d-1) or they call the other person a a very dignified and subtle might be that one could say....that it was not....obviously a name....but then....MOST people would think WAS a name...hmmmm ...and then do not deign to interact with such obviously stupid people

                        And....yes......the above listing of arguments is what has already had the old woodsmoker banned from two forums and .... he will probably be soon banned from a third ....but....

                        Que sera sera....what will be will be.... I mean....Doris Day....Jimmy Stewart......WHO....could argue with THEM?




                          Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                          d-1) or they call the other person a a very dignified and subtle might be that one could say....that it was not....obviously a name....but then....MOST people would think WAS a name...hmmmm ...and then do not deign to interact with such obviously stupid people

                          Couldn't help think Monty Python after that!

                          I've always believed Monty Python hit the nail on the head when it comes to Human behavior and interactions!


                            Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                            Originally posted by kjjjjshab
                            Not to take a serious thread OT or anything, but this discussion really seems to need a cute picture of my daughter

                            Yes, I would fully agree....

                            Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
                            How do I know this personally? Please read here:
                            PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! You don't have to end up here:


                              Re: Amid global meltdowns, what's the life of the U.S. government's fiscal solvency?

                              I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread. I posted the question at the beginning because living in England I wondered what folks in the USA thought about the possible impending financial crisis discussed in the original link. The responses have been very interesting and there have been some wonderful insights and some (maybe) controversial views. The thread had meandered through banking errors, lack of federal control, over-population, resource limitation, religious fundamentalism, FOSS development, private philosophies, etc., etc.

                              The last thing I would want to see is anybody leaving this wonderful community because of a difference of philosophical viewpoint. Please, can we all remain tolerant and forgiving in the true spirit of loving interaction; which attitude, it seems to me, is at the heart of the FOSS concept. I have had enormous help from this forum (and managed to give a bit back whenever possible) - it's a mandated daily FIX for me

                              The religious literalists (fundamentalists) of any religion (or political elite), it seems to me, have a lot in common when they attempt to use force to promote their views and I would assert that Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. etc. at the fundamentalist end of the spectrum have all been the cause of millions of deaths, whereas those at the mystical end of the spectrum have always promoted Peace and Tolerance. The problem, of course, is that sometimes Peaceful folks have to defend their liberal freedoms from being swept away by extremism, which means that Pacifists sometimes have to stand up and defend their views. As my old dad once said to me: "Phil, I'll fight to defend your freedom, but, just remember, your freedom to swing your arm ends where my nose begins!"

                              This is a wonderful Forum; many thanks to all who contribute; may it continue to exemplify that freedom.

