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Linux SCO Microsoft a must read for "behind the scenes" and Linux lovers.

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    Linux SCO Microsoft a must read for "behind the scenes" and Linux lovers.


    Re: Linux SCO Microsoft a must read for "behind the scenes" and Linux lovers.

    Ho-ray for Pamela Jones & Groklaw!
    Boot Info Script


      Re: Linux SCO Microsoft a must read for "behind the scenes" and Linux lovers.

      Originally posted by verndog
      Ho-ray for Pamela Jones & Groklaw!
      Hear, hear!


        Re: Linux SCO Microsoft a must read for "behind the scenes" and Linux lovers.

        What a gal!!!

        She and her Groklaw crew were as important to Linux as Linus and the Kernel dev crew are. Linus kept it running and PJ kept it from being sunk under a load of legal FUD and scams by Microsoft's proxie, SCO, who was funded Microsoft and Sun, which purchased "additional" Unix Licenses even though both owned fully paid licenses for ALL of SCO's Unix IP.

        I suspect (and hope) that an annual award will be created in her honor, the "PJ Award", for those who make similar contributions to the legal defense of Linux in the future.

        Someday, we may find out her identity, but we already know who she is. Her character and integrity clearly defined that.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Linux SCO Microsoft a must read for "behind the scenes" and Linux lovers.

          Originally posted by verndog
          Ho-ray for Pamela Jones & Groklaw!


            Re: Linux SCO Microsoft a must read for "behind the scenes" and Linux lovers.

            I've been reading Groklaw for years; I'll be very sorry when she stops reporting. I agree she's really been a wonderful support for Linux. She says she needs a rest - well! Good Luck PJ! Have a good nap. And thanks a million.

