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    GNOME 3

    No switch here planned, but I really do like that new default theme... 8)

    ars review:

    Re: GNOME 3

    looks more like it wants to be mac os then before...
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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      Re: GNOME 3

      To be honest Im pretty pissed off about this....Mark Shuttleworth is going nuts and making Canonical go BOOM!

      1: Close Ship it?? Might be true that most users were abusing of that service but, not all!! and is not true that anyone has a fast internet connection, I myself don´t have internet connection and live poorly of my neighboors connection...I cracked his wireless cause I dint have internet and thanks to the service Shp it...I got my Kubuntu 10.10 and Ubuntu 10.10.

      2: Unity or gnome 3? thats the question..instead of making them coexist..they won´t do that..they just wiped out gnome...well unity is not bad but..Some of us preffer the old classic gnome or at least something that don´t needs lots of 3d or 2d renderization.

      3: And in 11.10 bye bye to fallback to classic gnome in safe mode..haha...

      Mark Shuttleworth this is not APPLE...plz stop doing this....what happens with all the comunity work on app for gnome? that we had running all this years!!! Oh´s a say bye bye...bfff going nuts, thanks god still got linux mint and others.


        Re: GNOME 3

        Originally posted by sithlord48
        looks more like it wants to be mac os then before...

        And Canonical think they want to Apple

        both are time-bombs
        Registered Linux User 545823


          Re: GNOME 3

          Sorry but after reading all of that and looking at what it offers, to me, KDE still far out paces that. KDE's philosophy really fits me better which is why I like that we have a choice. Couldn't imagine where I'd be if it was only GNOME being pushed by everyone.


            Re: GNOME 3

            It is really in this "trend' toward Unity and the fact that Ubuntu is forcing it on it's users that is upsetting to me..otherwise there is nothing bad about Gnome i have found...I don't think KDE is necessarily superior to's just somewhat different...

            In fact, if Clem's philosophy over at Mint wasn't to stay far away from Unity (and yet still use Ubuntu for it's main edition base) i would be installing Kubuntu 11.04 in a FLASH...But i am using Mint 10 and it's the best execution of Gnome i have ever used (which makes it a bit less "tempting" to switch back to Kubuntu again)...

            But at this point in time, and especially because of Unity...if i was going to switch back to direct Ubuntu it wouldn't be Ubuntu it would be Kubuntu because i find KDE far more friendly to work with then the new Ubuntu with Unity... :P

            KDE has some very fine programs though...which i use even on my gnome installation..such as K3B (MUCH better then Brasero) and Amarok (better then Rhythmbox)...There are case where KDE programs far excel over gnome programs but also there are cases where the reverse is also true...So, even on a kde install, i don't go all KDE programs...i use what seems to work BEST...

            I think Gnome 3 itself will probably work out ok...but it's the Unity INTERFACE that many of us do not like because we find it is not that user friendly...


              Re: GNOME 3

              A "counter-intuitive" thing about the gnome3 desktop is that one has to go through the "interface" of the windows/application sub-screen to do the initial placement of apps on various "windows".

              That, in and of itself, is cumbersome. However, when one has the "windows", what we used to call desktops, setup the way that one wants, then moving between them is quick and intuitive.

              One big advantage, to me, of the "system" if one wants to call it such, is that there is not the problem of having dig out a setting or do a script to get different applications on the different desktops/windows.

              I ran into the problem quite often when first using the compiz cube that i could go to settings and enable the different apps on different desktops and then after an update or restart the setting would go away.

              I'm not a fanboi of Gnome3 just posting what I've fiddled with.



                Install Gnome3 over Kubu Natty not a good thing for moi.

                I will not give the rather dismissive (in my opinion) comment: "your mileage may vary".

                But I did a clean install of Kubuntu Natty, did all the updates, you name it.

                This using a 256 mb nvidia card(6600) on an AMD 64 dual core.

                Then I did the install of the Gnome3 shell as per the instructions above. The process took summat more than an hour on cable in the U.S.

                What I, particularly, saw was a "blue striped wallpaper", rather like used to be in houses around the fourties in the U.S.

                I got the login box and it gave me the option of normal Kubuntu, "ubuntu", repair console, and "Ubuntu gnome shell".

                The Kubuntu functioned normally, the "ubuntu" did not work at all, I did not try the repair console since I'm not one of you smart folks, I'm just a hardware/app kinda guy!

                When I logged into the gnome3 shell, and it was the correct shell, it was not only laggy it was almost impossible to do anything.

                There was an error message of a "program file" being missing.

                The normal gnome3 shell is there with the activities applications you name it.

                The color was black.

                I attempted the update manager and only got it to work reasonably well by alternately clicking the symbol in the upper panel and the app interface. It said everything was up to snuff.

                I did an update and upgrade in terminal and again, it said that everything was ok.

                The applications, in and of themselves, ran VERY slow but they ran.

                The "shell" itself was almost unresponsive.

                So....don't know. I thought I'd try an install over plain vanilla Ubu Natty today.



                  Re: GNOME 3

                  I've never used unity, but it looks well-suite for netbooks, and tablet-pcl but not ideal for the desktop

                  I think many people will go to Mint or LMDE

                  [OT] The core of unity is mono-free, right? Unfortunately they use docky and many other mono/gtk# apps
                  Registered Linux User 545823


                    Re: GNOME 3

                    Unity give one the option of adding all the "non-free" stuff during install and Cairo etc. are in the repos.


