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Laptop Choices...

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    Laptop Choices...

    My daughter has been hogging my computer so my wife and I are getting her one of her own. She's only 7 so needs are slight but there are some requirements:

    linux (obviously)
    webcam (she skypes)
    wifi (we travel)
    zoomy cool desktop (like dad's)
    light weight

    I've found two possible Dell options that seem to fit the bill: The Vostro V130 and the V13. They both are available in Ubuntu options which means the hardware is linux friendly. They appear to be exactly the same case/screen and specs are very similar except:

    V130: Celeron U3600
    V13: Core™2 Duo Processor SU7300

    V130: 1333mhz
    V13: 1066mhz

    Wireless card
    V130: Dell 1702 1702 802.11n/BT3.0 Combo
    V13: Intel Pro/Wireless 5100 802.11b/g/n w/Dell Wireless 365 Bluetooth Module

    V130: 2.0MP Webcam with Digital Mic for Win 7
    V13: 1.3MP Webcam with Digital Mic for Win 7

    The biggest difference right now is the V130 with Ubuntu is $429 but the V13 with Win7 is on sale for $349

    If I'm not mistaken the U7300 is a slightly better (more modern) CPU so the slightly slower RAM won't be noticed. The webcam is for the viewer, not the owner so I can let that go. So I guess the only question is if the Intel wifi card will work well enough. $80 is a big difference percentage wise.

    Any opinions or other options?

    Please Read Me

    Re: Laptop Choices...

    Personally, I like Core™2 Duo over Celeron, and I would go with the Intel Pro/Wireless over the branded Dell. That's just me.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Laptop Choices...

      That's where I'm going too. I would mind a different brand or a slightly larger screen but the light weighted-ness is a big plus.

      Please Read Me


        Re: Laptop Choices...

        Ditto what Snowhog said. Dell is not nearly as reliable hardware as it used to be. It is on my "manufacturers to ignore" list.

        Dell Vostro V130 System BIOS, A03
        Vostro V130, cannot turn on bluetooth, at all. Sidenote: Dell support is awful.
        This is a Dell Vostro V130, Ubuntu 10.04 preinstalled. I made the...that Dell is putting into this Vostro V130. Here is the sales pitch for...
        Which leads to his entire post:

        The DELL Linux forum site has 3 subscribers, 25 posts and has pasted 1,368 day since the last post.
        DELL's Ubuntu offerings were and are a sham, merely to give the illusion that Microsoft had some competition.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Laptop Choices...

          I read those posts. The first one is a list of people responding to a Dell survey. Mostly it seems they want more Linux printer support from Dell, which I find humorous because if the printer isn't supported by Linux - don't buy it. Simple, right?

          The second is one guy who can't get his bluetooth working because he turned it off. I had that problem once with a laptop and the wifi using kubuntu 10.04. I figured it out eventually.

          As far as "customer support" I'm sure the complaints are valid. On the other hand, my mom has a Dell and has twice needed to use their support. Once she got the correct answer in a few minutes and the other was to order a replacement keyboard because she spilled coffee into hers - they sent her one for free instead. Support comes in many forms and my experience will Dell has been very good with regards to hardware support.

          I propose that the support problem encountered was a lack of good Linux support and I can't think of any other companies that have any Linux support. I once had a problem with a piece of hardware on an HP laptop and the support person, once he found out I had linux on it, actually told me I needed to re-install windows and then call them back.

          Bottom line for me: I know more than any first or second level support person anyway so that's not something I seek out or care about. However, having hardware that works with Linux is mandatory and it appears the hardware will work with Linux (unless maybe I turn off the bluetooth, lol!).

          Of course the real bottom line is cost vs. need of function. This laptop is for a seven year old so it has plenty of power and portability for her needs. I have been looking and can't really find any suitable options in the less than $400 category.

          Please Read Me


            Re: Laptop Choices...

            It is very telling that they only offer Linux on the lowest end computers they offer, but as soon as you want a slightly better processor or more RAM the offerings are all winblows.

            I'm not a big believer in crazy conspiracies but imagine a conversation between Bill and Mike...

            <Dell> Bill, I have these nice inexpensive low end machines and a market for them, but your operating system is so bloated and resource hungry, it will barely install much less run.

            <M$> Well Mike, how it that my problem? Put the "starter" edition on there and then when they pay me to upgrade you can blame the lack of usability on me and I'll blame it on you - it's all good.

            <Dell> I've got an idea, how about I put Linux on those low end machines? Then they can't blame either of us when they turn off their bluetooth and can't get it back on. Of course, we have that contract where I have to use your OS on all my machines or not at all...

            <M$> Hmmmm, well OK I'll let you off the hook but only if you use Linux on your absolute cheapest machines and don't allow upgrades, make sure your entire Linux support staff speaks English as a third language, and put "Dell recommends Microsoft Window 7" on the top every web page on your entire site!

            <Dell> Deal!

            Please Read Me


              Re: Laptop Choices...

              The experience our IT staff at work had with DELL before I retired in 2008 was that about 1 out of 3 PC's had to be returned, and the ratio for displays was just as bad. That and the fact that their Linux offerings are a sham is why I don't recommend DELL.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: Laptop Choices...

                Odd. My hardware experience with them has been rather uneventful. I use 21 Opterons daily at work (about the same age as yours were I suspect) and haven't seen a problem in two years except for one cooling fan failure. My mother and two of my sons own Dells without hardware issues (except for my mother's spillage! ) and I have two Dell 19" monitors that are on their third computer. In fact, I keep hoping they'll die so I can justify a new 24-27" 120htz monster!

                I agree with the linux offering being a joke - but imagine if, for just one day - everyone who uses linux contacted the sales department of all the major PC makers and asked for a price list of all units they had that came with linux? Might stir the nest a bit!

                Please Read Me


                  Re: Laptop Choices...

                  We had a department wide contract with DELL to supply desktops and laptops for over 500 workstations, which is a large, single source sample. The 6 MSCEs were kept very busy recycling equipment and software.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: Laptop Choices...

                    Originally posted by oshunluvr
                    I read those posts. The first one is a list of people responding to a Dell survey. Mostly it seems they want more Linux printer support from Dell, which I find humorous because if the printer isn't supported by Linux - don't buy it. Simple, right?
                    I did not read them, but I suspect this is due to Dell offering a free printer with purchase of a desktop. My grandson got one of these free printers, a very cheap inkjet. It was a Dell printer, but I soon discovered it was a rebranded Lexmark. No wonder they did not get much Linux support.

