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New to Kubuntu from Mepis

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    New to Kubuntu from Mepis

    Hi all,
    Just wished to leave a first post for posterity. I have used Linux for some 6 years already. Started with MEPIS 2004 and stuck with MEPIS up until now, with brief stints using Arch (for about a year), Debian and Kubuntu on a netbook. Lately I was sort of getting weary with MEPIS. The community is absolutely great (the best I have encountered so far), but MEPIS development is sort of slowing, and there's no way it is going to improve in the near future if you ask me.

    I have installed Kubuntu on my main machine (a Lenovo Thinkpad W500, apart from the Dell Mini I had already installed it on) and so far so good. Had to tweak the suspend feature since the Thinkpad modules caused the process to freeze, and Grub in order to get a nice splash (Ubuntu should do something about the Grub layout though, it is plain ugly). Other than that, everything seems to pur along just nicely. Startup is fast, and the machine just feels snappy. The installer is very slick as well by the way.

    So, congrats on what seems to be a good distro. After all the blogosphere stories about Kubuntu not having a proper KDE implementation, I must say that I am liking it quite a lot. I never seemed to get along with Suse, so here's hoping I won't be disappointed...

    Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

    I too have switched from Mepis to Kubuntu. Mepis was my first linux OS in high school and I fell in love with it. But, like you, I was dissatisfied (about 3 years ago) with the development speed. So I switched to Kubuntu and I've never looked back. And KDE is just getting better and better so I can't justify even trying Gnome although I am testing Unity in 11.04 Natty in VBox.

    Welcome to KFN and let us know if you have any issues!
    Home: Kubuntu 12.04-amd64; Intel i7-860 on Intel DH55PJ; Nvidia 9500GT; 6GB RAM
    Network Slave: Xubuntu 11.10-x86; Intel P4-Prescott on MSI; 2GB RAM; Nvidia FX5200
    Portable: Xubuntu 11.10-amd64; Asus EeePC 1015PEM


      Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

      I moved from Mandriva a few years back. Kubuntu has had its rough edges with sound and package management, not to mention the early adoption of KDE4. But, overall, it has a solid Debian/Ubuntu foundation, a slick, close to mainstream KDE, and it produces binaries for each KDE release that I can optionally install. Life is good


        Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

        Welcome to KFN!

        Since I switched to Linux in 1998 I"ve tried a lot of distros. I spent about a year or so with MEPIS but left it when Warren had to suspend his leadership of the team and go make some money to support his family and pay some medical bills. That caused it to slip noticeably, the same way PCLinuxOS slipped when TexStar was blown out of Huston by the hurricane and took a year off to put his personal life back in order. The PCLOS "gang" started ganging up on each other and PCLOS began slipping, so I left it. Some time previously I had used Mandrake from 7.0 but left when 10.0 burned out optical DVDs. After I left PCLOS I went to Mandriva 2009 PWP for a few months and then, on a lark, tried Kubuntu 9.04 alpha. in Feb of 2009.

        Kubuntu 10.04 LTS with KDE 4.5.3 is the best OS/Desktop I have ever used, and that includes ALL versions of Windows from Win87 through Win3.1wfw, Win95, NT3.5, NT4.0, Win2K, XP, Vista and Win7, and all previous Linux distros I've used.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

          Good points, GreyGeek!

          I have always stayed away from "one-(wo)man-show" distros. The more popular, the larger the user base, the better.

          This is really what made me move originally from Mandriva to Kubuntu. At the time I moved, Mandriva was more advanced in many ways. But I'll take a huge community anytime over a better distro in technical terms. Most times there is an obvious bug in *buntu, it either gets fixed soon, or workarounds pop up all over the place.


            Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

            Welcome to Kubuntu and I hope you enjoy being at the bleeding edge of software applications 8).

            I stated out with Red Hat, then tried Mandrake, Corel Linux and Suse. I moved from Mepis to Kubuntu in late 2007. I also found that Mepis was progressing at a snail's pace. One thing that I did like with Mepis was the ease of nfs networking. After defining it, I got an icon on the desktop which provided opening the file manager as well as dismounting the nfs connection. I am now glad that KDE 4.6 provides this option in Dolphin to some degree. I unfortunately have to go to command line to unmount when on the wired network but from the wireless side the mount/unmount works like a charm from Dolphin.


              Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

              Welcome to Kubuntu

              Think Kubuntu's bad reputation is still based on the (too) early KDE4 releases between 8.04 and 9.04, which were hardly usable at all (at least if you wanted "advanced" features like WLAN or printing ...).

              Since then Kubuntu has matured together with KDE4, and Kubuntu 10.10 in combination with KDE 4.6 is probably the best KDE setup you can currently get, at least I haven't tried anything else since I installed it, after trying Fedora, Mepis, Mandriva, Arch and even SUSE before
              "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." - Mitch Ratcliffe


                Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis


                Like Xinixs, This is my first time in these forums. I also kave done a little bit of distro hopping since 2005 when I first tried Mandrake (9 I think). Since then, I've tried (open)SUSE, PCLOS, Mandriva, Fedora, K/Ubuntu, and Mint, ni no particular order. My favorites have been Suse for its stability and delta updates and Ubuntu (and Kubuntu) for the ease in updating/upgrading and the wealth of software in the repos. I now have Kubuntu 11.04 alongside Windows 7, and it looks and works great. Kudos to the Kubuntu and KDE teams.


                  Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

                  Welcome aboard, bsniadajewski! 8)
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis


                    Hopefully you will find KFN both a friendly forum, as well as a useful forum. We are small, compared to Ubuntuforums, but the folks here are more than willing to provide help and assistance within their capabilities.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      Re: New to Kubuntu from Mepis

                      Many thanks for the welcome! Hopefully if I ever need help I know I'll find it here.

