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Autorun and other possible Linux vulnerabilities

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    Autorun and other possible Linux vulnerabilities

    There is a 51 minute video by an IBM'r here. He begins by reviewing the USB autorun vulnerability in Gnome based desktops (Kubuntu not vulnerable), and then reviews practically ALL areas of Linux and where vulnerabilities. *could* exist. He's not saying there are vulnerabilities, but he gives interesting suggestions about turning some features off to improve security. For example: turn off thumbnails.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: Autorun and other possible Linux vulnerabilities


    It seems "social engineering" remains the premier approach to breeching a system's security.


      Re: Autorun and other possible Linux vulnerabilities

      Really? Thumbnails? At some point don't we get to actually use our computers?

      Seriously, I can absolutely guarantee your new car will never break down and leave you stranded = don't drive it! Obviously this is not a solution.

      I really wonder just what it is that we're supposed to be protecting ourselves from. I don't know a single person whose lost their life or livelihood to a hacker. Windows users getting virus's and losing data? Yes. Some mythical troll electronically wedging itself into my digital life though the internet, figuring out all my passwords, bank/credit card websites, account numbers, AND then being able to steal all my money in such a way that it can't be proven as theft or traced? Highly - no make that very highly - unlikely.

      Personally - I don't buy into the fear-mongers. Whether it be anti second-hand smoke campaigners (bulls#$t), Home Security services (yeah, I need that), or the magical internet monsters.

      Are there some risks? Of course, but way less than crossing the street in my neighborhood and I do that every day.

      If I was a major corporation with real secrets - like I was about to invest heavily in credit swaps - yes I need that level of security. But a home user? Not really.

      I did have my credit card number stolen recently. Not though the computer though - the old fashioned way. I used it and someone copied the number or swiped the receipt. The event cost me $0 as the credit card company was on the ball and noticed the odd activity before any charges were approved. I now have a fool-proof way to prevent this from happening again - cancel the card. Oh, I and I sold the car and burned the computer.

      Next week I'm moving to the Alps...

      ...hope I don't die in a avalanche!


      Please Read Me


        Re: Autorun and other possible Linux vulnerabilities

        The 'risk' while (likely) real, has to be seen in context. Does a hacker want to get into 'your' PC? Likely not. Caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Autorun and other possible Linux vulnerabilities

          Originally posted by Snowhog
          The 'risk' while (likely) real, has to be seen in context. Does a hacker want to get into 'your' PC? Likely not. Caveat emptor - Let the buyer beware.
          Exactly, especially when they can hack an online store's server running Windows and get hundreds of thousands of people's financial info from a single box. Oceanluver's "rant" sums it up -- turn off thumbnails? Why not just turn of the computer if you have to turn off functionality to be safe.

          I thought it was lamb just wading through all of Linux innards and suggest that vulnerabilities **COULD** exist in each organ. Wait! ...... I just saw a UFO fly past my window! ...
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: Autorun and other possible Linux vulnerabilities

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            Wait! ...... I just saw a UFO fly past my window! ...
            Don't worry about that UFO -- I just saw it hit a black helicopter coming over the horizon!

