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Guest posting

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    Guest posting

    I know that sometimes I'm a bit sarcastic, or even "just a bit off", so in this on-line world of an eclectic mix of understandings I expect to have to explain myself on occasion. So, it was no big surprise for me to find a PM today calling me "rude". However, my general intent is one of love (or at least respect) for all, so that prompted me to write a longer, and considered, response. It seemed like an opportunity to share.

    When I went to send the response I discovered that it was by a "guest" and not a member! Since I now can't send the letter, I thought I'd put it here. What follows contains the complete and sequential original PM in the quotes. I'm posting my response here since I spent the time writing it - and to get it off my chest. It can be a reminder for me (and others) to check for "guest" postings and PMs before we take the time to respond. Perhaps this particular "guest" would wish to participate here. I wonder though, why we have a guest membership in the first place.

    --------- complete paste of failed PM ----------------------------

    Hi sasz,

    Thanks for taking the time to PM me.

    Originally posted by sasaz
    Thank you Ole, for your comment, However, I dislike you rudeness, even I left this reply for naive person as a record.
    I don't really understand what you are referring to. I'm very sorry you find me rude. Actually, I think there is some misunderstanding because I did not intend to be. I am very concerned about people and consider them very important.

    It is also possible that we have a bit of a language problem here. I sense that you are not a native speaker. When I came to Canada from Denmark in 1957 I didn't speak English and it took a while, even working at it in daily life - so I understand that situation.

    I'm an old guy, not a bit naive, a programmer and el. engineer.

    Thank you.
    I don't recall suggesting any naivety on the part of anyone - certainly not you. I'm an old guy too and know that everyone has different knowledge, and everyone has something to offer.

    I'm not a programmer. In fact, I'm not that good with computers. I've just been playing with them on the amateur level since my interest got tweaked in the mid 70s. That was because I was into electronics. I'm not that advanced at that either, but do like to build and design a little. Mostly audio circuits using op-amps - practical stuff for audio production and radio. I'm sure you know much more about that kind of stuff than I do. I'm retired now, but I'm a flautist by trade.

    [quote]Original post:

    Re: How to choose passwords
    « Reply #13 on: Today at 04:39:35 am » Reply with quote
    Nice poetry sasaz. Grin

    I like to have a number or two in there. So instead of using birth dates or addresses and stuff like that, I use parts numbers. If you're an old fart like me you'll properly have a few tube numbers and transistors that keep going through your head - whether you want it or not. (Hmm, perhaps that what's getting in the way of remembering new stuff - ... anyway.) Sad Numbers like 2N170 and 2N107 transistors make great inserts. Since they are pnp and npn you can play with that too. I don't use those by the way - I'm much older than that. Cheesy

    PS: I see you just answered aldabright's post. He's just pulling your leg - that's ]

    Perhaps you misunderstood that last comment. It was in response to the spammer. If I thought it was a new member I would certainly refrain from making any adverse comments because it is important to make people feel welcome even if they are not themselves respectful at first. However in this case it was clear, by their choice of language, that they were not sincere. The inclusion of the promotional links (on a first post yet) confirms it. The "PS" in my comment was just a "heads up", in case someone else didn't catch it at first. I see that toad agreed. Also, notice that a moderator thought so as well, and took the time to delete the post.

    That particular post by "aldabright" was for the purpose of putting a link to something - what we call "link spam". What he said was frivolous and just there to hide his real purpose. Usually we don't answer those posts because it sometimes leaves a bit of a mess after the post is deleted. I'm just a member like you (not a moderator) and have no control over anything on the forum.

    Again, I'm sorry if you somehow think that I am "rude". If it seemed that way, it is certainly not for lack of respect on my part. I am sure you have much to teach me.


    Re: Guest posting

    Ole Juul@

    sasz deleted all of his posts today, and per his request, I deleted his account. Don't take it personally that someone else - and new to KFN at that - took anything you (or anyone else for that matter) said in a way that you didn't intend. No one can control how another will react to anything we say or do.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Guest posting

      Originally posted by Snowhog
      Ole Juul@

      sasz deleted all of his posts today, and per his request, I deleted his account. Don't take it personally that someone else - and new to KFN at that - took anything you (or anyone else for that matter) said in a way that you didn't intend. No one can control how another will react to anything we say or do.
      Thanks for your considerate reply snowhog. I guess I'm always concerned that I might be out to lunch, or off the mark, in some way. Not without good reason, by the way.

      Anyway, I guess I was wrong about the "guest" account. I hadn't looked at the poster's status until I went to send the message, so this case was just about my bad timing. It is not actually possible to send PMs as a guest as I had thought. Oh well, I've been wrong before.


        Re: Guest posting

        Ole Juul: You and i have posted together on many threads. Although I haven't always agreed with your direction (rarely) I have never found you to be rude, condescending, or the least bit stand-offish or the slightest bit offense in any way.

        Bottom line: In this life wherever we are and what ever we pursue, there will always be those who seek injury upon themselves so that they can feel self-righteous about their desire to inflict pain upon others. It is up to us to see them for what they are and to allow ourselves the self-realization that what they revel against is not us, but their own lack of humanity. In this understanding, we may forge ahead with a smile and forgiveness and leave them to their own suffering.

        Go forth and advise, old man

        Please Read Me


          Re: Guest posting

          Ole Juul, I never had you profiled as being rude. Quite the contrary, in fact. For someone as knowledgeable as you, you are very friendly, accessible, and helpful. How strange that someone would find you to be "rude" in any context. Sounds to me that the guest poster has some stuff going on that is filtering his perceptions. (Now watch, I will probably get a PM saying I'm rude!)

          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: Guest posting

            Ole Juul,
            What? You drove off another old fart? How could you?
            We old farts have to stick together because we are a dying breed!

            Seriously, sasaz, you shouldn't have run off so quick without making sure your concerns were valid. Ole Juul is a gentle soul. Sasaz, if you are browsing this thread we invite you to come on back! It's up to us old farts to keep Kubuntu, if not the world, on track, and having a electrical engineer in the forum would be a great asset.

            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: Guest posting

              Don't listen to them Ole Juul! You help this forum a LOT!!!!! Ignore the people who love being the victims.


                Re: Guest posting

                Originally posted by Ole Juul
                Originally posted by Snowhog
                Ole Juul@

                sasz deleted all of his posts today, and per his request, I deleted his account. Don't take it personally that someone else - and new to KFN at that - took anything you (or anyone else for that matter) said in a way that you didn't intend. No one can control how another will react to anything we say or do.
                Thanks for your considerate reply snowhog. I guess I'm always concerned that I might be out to lunch, or off the mark, in some way. Not without good reason, by the way.
                Naww you ante out ta lunch ........................BUT if your ever in lexington NC. look me up and we can get some good'Oll lexington barbecue and a tall glass of sweet tee ...........LOL

                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                16GB RAM
                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

