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gNOME sucks

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    Re: gNOME sucks

    +1, craig10x.

    I've tried Gnome on several occasions as it announced various upgrades or enhancements, but I never found it as powerful as KDE. There are, however, some very nice apps on Gnome that are missing or underpowered on KDE. However, Gnome is an excellent desktop which I'd take over just about any version of Windows (especially VISTA), except Win7. To say it "sucks" is, IMO, an invalid criticism which depends on emotion and not facts.

    Technically one could say the the "Signal & Slot" mechanism in Qt is far superior to the call-back mechanism that was used in GTK+, before it copied, although inadequately, Qt's S&S. One could also say that the Qt AIP is far superior to the GTK+ in both depth and breadth. It is also better documented. The last time I checked, when one installed Glade & the GTK+ API there were at least 6 different independent projects that had to be version coordinated, whereas with Qt a single SDK zip file was all that was needed. KDE's mime implementation is superior to Gnome's. Etc., etc. etc.

    But, Gnome is not shabby. It's just different and if I felt like that someone who was asking me to install Linux for them wasn't capable of understanding how to handle KDE I'd certainly install Ubuntu because Gnome is a much simpler desktop, by design. There is only one reason why I would not recommend Gnome in the future and that is if Michael De Icaza is successful in his plans to convert Gnome from a GTK+ base to a Mono base. Mono is based on Windows .NET technology and if the Windows API becomes the base on Linux then what's the purpose of Linux?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: gNOME sucks

      Thanks GreyGeek...appreciate the compliment
      Well, if gnome became mono then i'd convert my LMDE to the KDE desktop
      Seriously, I really like and appreciate KDE but as you pointed out "Gnome does not Suck" and the way that Mint implements it (as i pointed out) makes it even nicer i think...i really enjoy using it...

      There is one thing in KDE that i am not fond of and that is KWALLET...i wish that would go me that was the most annoying thing in KDE and it seems like one of those "zombie movies" like you can't kill it or get it to leave you alone

      By the way...Mint Main Edition is also a nice distro for newbies to linux coming from windows...all codecs installed..very newbie user friendly with the cool menu, control center, one panel like they are use to from windows, etc...

      LMDE is really working out well, considering the short time it's been around and it keeps getting better all the time...and for you major kde fans, "boo" (jamie over there at mint who does their kde) will eventually be adding a package option for that as well)....


        Re: gNOME sucks

        Originally posted by craig10x
        There is one thing in KDE that i am not fond of and that is KWALLET...i wish that would go me that was the most annoying thing in KDE and it seems like one of those "zombie movies" like you can't kill it or get it to leave you alone
        Kwallet can be disabled in systemsettings...and you can also uninstall kwalletmanager (what I've done), you can run KDE Plasma and software without it (if you don't need a password manager).


          Re: gNOME sucks

          Originally posted by kubicle
          Originally posted by craig10x
          There is one thing in KDE that i am not fond of and that is KWALLET...i wish that would go me that was the most annoying thing in KDE and it seems like one of those "zombie movies" like you can't kill it or get it to leave you alone
          Kwallet can be disabled in systemsettings...and you can also uninstall kwalletmanager (what I've done), you can run KDE Plasma and software without it (if you don't need a password manager).
          Interesting If you uninstall it (as you did) are you able to access those programs that seem to demand the password like KCheckGmail, Kmail and the like? Was curious about that...


            Re: gNOME sucks


            I HATE Kwallet. It reminds me of Window's ACU. I always disable it or uninstall it, depending on how I feel at the time. (which has been only once since I installed 10.4 last February as an ALPHA)
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: gNOME sucks

              I turnoff KWallet immediately after an install. Don't like it; don't use it. I'll keep my usernames and passwords in my binder thank you very much.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: gNOME sucks

                Originally posted by craig10x
                Interesting If you uninstall it (as you did) are you able to access those programs that seem to demand the password like KCheckGmail, Kmail and the like? Was curious about that...
                I haven't run across anything that wouldn't work without kwallet, including kmail and kopete...without kwallet, these give you the option of saving the passwords in the config files (kmailrc, kopeterc), which is somewhat insecure mainly on a multi-user environment, even though they are not saved in clear text.

                But I haven't used KCheckGmail or kmail2 (that is in development), so I don't know about those.

                I have nothing against kwallet itself, I just don't need a password manager (and generally uninstall stuff I don't need)


                  Re: gNOME sucks

                  I am making my first foray into the kde world as of last night. I've only got about an hour of time in it so far, but so far it's been a favorable experience. I'm fairly new to linux so I've been doing a lot of distro hoping, although, for the most part I've been using mostly ubuntu and its variants. I haven't really had any issues with any of them thus far. By the same token, I never really had any issues with Vista in the 4 years I used it either. Maybe I'm just easily satisfied.

                  edit: There was one nagging issue with vista on the laptops in our household, once the pc is put to sleep, the printer will go 'offline' until it is deleted/reinstalled. Never did get that sorted out. Alas, I don't do much printing, but it sure upsets the boss (wife).


                    Re: gNOME sucks

                    Hmmmm, I guess I'm the only one here who doesn't mind KWallet.

                    The way I have it configured, once in the desktop and activate Kwallet it stays open the entire session and those applications that look for it go directly to what I need (PW wise). Never really had issue with it. Oh well!


                      Re: gNOME sucks

                      I like KWallet too. You're not alone moons! Although I don't use it, I like it haha.


                        Re: gNOME sucks

                        What the hell, I'll pitch in a bit. I feel like some of you, later posters here: I prefer KDE, but I definitely don't hate GNOME or anything. And I would use it if KDE didn't exist.

                        I use a couple of GNOME apps here and there, most remarkably Synaptic, a real staple through all these years of TERRIBLE apt-get front ends in our front. My main gripe with GNOME these days is mono.

                        Oh, Kate rocks


                          Re: gNOME sucks

                          I don't hate Gnome, but it does things in ways that annoy me sometimes. KDE just feels easier to me and I have no difficulty customizing it to my needs. I also feel uneasy about mono.

                          KWallet is supposed to be KDE's fully integrated "keyring" service. It does work when you allow it to store your passwords for KDE applications like Kopete. I need a more feature-ful password manager and one which works with non-KDE applications like Firefox, so I use KeePassX.

                          Kate works great as a simple text editor, and integrates well with the rest of the KDE system. If you want a more powerful or flexible editor than Kate, you can find dozens of choices with a simple web search for linux text editor. I have been using the "advanced" text editor Emacs for as long as I've used Linux and I keep an Emacs window open at all times. Emacs can also be run inside Konsole (or a virtual terminal) as a text only program without needing to load the heavy GUI. Another very popular advanced text editor is Vim for those who like Vi style editing.
                          Welcome newbies!
                          Verify the ISO
                          Kubuntu's documentation


                            Re: gNOME sucks

                            Synaptic is a must have front end to APT, but I've been playing with Natty while working on its development tools applications and KPackageKit has come a LONG way from what it used to be. First, it is STABLE!
                            And, it is much easier to use than it was in the past. BUT, Synaptic is, IMO, still better.

                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Re: gNOME sucks

                              I prefer Muon now.


                                Re: gNOME sucks

                                Originally posted by MoonRise
                                I prefer Muon now.
                                +1 .......I'v ben using Muon in my 10.04 for some time now prity exclusively

                                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                                16GB RAM
                                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

