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What's your educational background?

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    What's your educational background?

    I just thought I'd ask what everyone's educational background is. I know a lot of you probably have background in Computer Science. Myself? I have a BS in physics. Currently working on an MS.
    Registered Linux user #346571

    Re: What's your educational background?

    9th grade dropout 30 years in construction now 48 and a geek in self training 8)

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Re: What's your educational background?

      I read linguistics - no IT stuff _anywhere_ on my CV :P

      Perhaps it is time for a second degree...
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        Re: What's your educational background?

        Originally posted by jeremy1701
        I just thought I'd ask what everyone's educational background is. I know a lot of you probably have background in Computer Science. Myself? I have a BS in physics. Currently working on an MS.

        Myself, I received an Associate of General Studies at the local community college and then spent some time at the university (two, in fact,) which didn't pan out. The original intention was to do something in relation to my (then) love of history but then I discovered computers. :P

        Everything I do know has been gained hands on, not a day spent in school. Very much a blessing from the Lord with what I have learned these last ten years.

        Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ loves and cares about you most of all!
        How do I know this personally? Please read here:
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          Re: What's your educational background?

          B.S. & M.S. in pure math and loved it. Doctorate in Operations Research and hated it (from a good school--Indiana University, school of business, thesis in continuous-time Markov (stochastic) decision processes & applied probability models). Other skills/training: woodworking (got to be pretty good at it, earned a living at one time), various trade skills in light residential construction, some nonfiction writing (for pay), cabochon cutting (expert, for pay), and this computer stuff. Regrets: that I didn't stick with pure math (vs applied math); that I didn't learn to do residential plumbing (though it's not too late to do so). As part of my B.S. & doctorate 30+ years ago, did lots of practical programming in Fortran, Pascal, Lisp, Basic, and various special-purpose simulation languages.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: What's your educational background?

            AS, BS Ed (taught for 18 years), BS in Chemistry, minors in Physics and Math, MS in Biochemistry with major hours in Physics and Math, about 60 additional hours over 20 years as I contemplated various PhD programs. Accepted to two programs but decided not to do either. Teaching new tricks to old dogs is harder than it looks.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: What's your educational background?

              B.S. Biology
              M.S. (earned) in Plant Ecology
              enough grad hours in physics for a PhD but retired before getting it.

              presently spending too much time at the tiki bar!



                Re: What's your educational background?

                GED and a couple of CLEP tests

                I'm in charge of tier 1 (helpdesk) and tier 2 (deskside) support for a 3,300 user federal agency distributed over pretty close to 70 locations. My income is about where it would be if I had a degree but my success is based largely on hard work and one hell of a lot of luck. I would *not* recommend trying to do this without a degree as I could just as easily have had a promising career in the fast food industry.

                Would you like fries with that?

                we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                -- anais nin


                  Re: What's your educational background?

                  The Boatman

                  A Sufi Story from the Middle East

                  A scholar asked a boatman to row him across the river. The journey was long and slow. The scholar was bored. "Boatman," he called out, "Let's have a conversation." Suggesting a topic of special interest to himself, he asked, "Have you ever studied phonetics or grammar?"

                  "No," said the boatman, "I've no use for those tools."

                  "Too bad," said the scholar, "You've wasted half your life. It's useful to know the rules."

                  Later, as the rickety boat crashed into a rock in the middle of the river, the boatman turned to the scholar and said, "Pardon my humble mind that to you must seem dim, but, wise man, tell me, have you ever learned to swim?"

                  "No," said the scholar, "I've never learned. I've immersed myself in thinking."

                  "In that case," said the boatman, "you've wasted all your life. Alas, the boat is sinking."
                  "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
                  "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


                    Re: What's your educational background?

                    I first started learning about the world where I lived without nearby neighbours, in an old house, by a lake in Denmark. There were almost no outside influences there. I was allowed to view the natural world without fear. My mother taught me which plants I could eat and showed me many things. From my father I learnt about oil painting and furniture. It wasn't until much later that I started to play with others. I was really very lucky not to have TV or other drugs put a haze over my perceptions. I became very good at analysing my surroundings using smell and colour, and I really liked the physical world on the sensual level.

                    Later I went to school. It was very difficult. At the end of High School I dearly wished to continue on to University, but my mental state had taken another turn. Instead I continued into the world of music. I already had 10 years of violin studies under my belt but switched to flute and soon found work. Some theatrical studies also led to an early career with music in the theatre.

                    Like others here, there was much to be learned from the working world. I did a long stint with CBC Television. Later I stumbled into arts administration. I never stopped playing. You have to play. I think most of my understanding of computers comes from playing, although I must admit it was my interest in electronics which introduced them to me. Computers are now a subject of interaction with other for me, but electronics is a game I play with myself. I just read about audio circuits and dream about esoteric radio air chain architectures that I'll probably never build.

                    I've always craved independence, and really don't like buying stuff or getting other people to do things for me like that. I got into electronics because of that attitude. Although much later, my reason for getting involved with computers was similar. I couldn't stand the idea of being helpless - besides it was a key to communications. Music, arts, and all human activity, depends on communications. I just had to embrace that technology.

                    Still, I never stopped studying. There was a long phase where mycology was an obsession. I can't remember when I haven't been surrounded by reference books, and most importantly a dictionary. How anybody can live without those things is beyond me. Linguistic skills are fundamental to learning anything else so I still work on that.

                    All the things which I studied in grade school had gaps which are getting filled bit by bit, so I can actually say I know some of that stuff now. I still regret not going through university, but I notice that some modern graduates are not up to my level in math, English, or history, so perhaps I didn't miss as much as I might think. I do believe that perseverance has paid off in that regard. Nevertheless, the most important part of my education was the one I got in those first few years when colour and smell dominated my perception. They still do.


                      Re: What's your educational background?

                      I have a BA in General Studies and did some work towards a MA in Counseling. It only took me 10 years to complete a 4 year degree. I actually only attended The university from which I graduated for one semester. And that was only because one had to actually attend the school to graduate. I was an US Army officer at the time, and having a degree, any degree, was required. My formal education was mostly done by attending extension courses at night and on the weekends. And by taking as many tests as I could.

                      My real education was at the school of necessity. When presented with a problem in life, I study it. I learn. Hence my education in automotive repair, computers, home repair, to include appliance repair, plumbing, carpentry, electrical, etc. I have a personality which includes intense curiosity about almost everything. I take the time to learn as much as I can about whatever I am doing.


                        Re: What's your educational background?

                        I was very fortunate to be able to get a formal education -- I was one of 6 kids in a middle-class family, and managed to snag a partial scholarship in my senior year of HS. Plan "B" was going to be the U.S. Navy (this was 1968), on the assumption I could get the education funded that way.

                        B.Sc., major Zoology
                        MBA, concentration in Finance

                        The MBA, ostensibly a 2-year degree, took me 8 years, do to the lack of business credits in my undergraduate work. But where I worked, I got credit for "self-improvement" while I was going, so there was no rush.

                        So, that's what makes me qualified to, uhhhh, hmmmmm, ......... blather on a forum, I guess!


                          Re: What's your educational background?

                          Originally posted by Qqmike
                          Other skills/training: woodworking (got to be pretty good at it, earned a living at one time)
                          That's cool! I do a little amateur woodoworking myself. I've built a few bookselves for my library (you may recall my questions about GCStar) and few cabinets, some scroll-saw things and a some misc other stuff. Always nice to meet (errr, sort of) another wood lover. :-)

                          Originally posted by dibl
                          that's what makes me qualified to, uhhhh, hmmmmm, ......... blather on a forum, I guess!

                          I'm surprised. I thought there would be a lot more Computer Scientists or Network Engineers or something similar.
                          Registered Linux user #346571


                            Re: What's your educational background?

                            Just a comment. Although education is important, do not let yourself think that education equals intelligence. I have met many educated fools in my lifetime.


                              Re: What's your educational background?

                              Originally posted by Detonate
                              Just a comment. Although education is important, do not let yourself think that education equals intelligence. I have met many educated fools in my lifetime.

