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Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

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    Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

    The general question is, if anyone has used Kompozer or some other Linux app AND a MS type app like Frontpage or Expression Web or some OTHER such app so that one can do a comparison ........

    to compare this and that, not "speed" or "ease of use", but specifically, like "this thing on this app seems to be more intuitive because..." or "the layout of this is better than that..."

    Also, since this is intended for people who have not made a web site, try to not use abbreviations such as CSS without defining them once, if they have not already been defined by another poster.

    In other words some specifics about why you like a Linux web site builder over a MS one.

    Maybe a better way to say it would be, given that it is all there something that the Linux app can DO....better than the MS a banner wrap around text or something..I don't know.. that's why I'm asking.

    Comments, I think, should be pointed at any possible new users to making a web site here at the forum.

    Specifically, in the space of a couple of weeks I have been asked to become involved with a certain operation which will have a domain and then 5 subdomains each with their own specific "sites", I will be making the "sites" and not doing ANY of the rest of it.

    I've used FrontPage to build 4 sites and tried Expression Web and it is just OVERkill but it also does not have "FrontPage extensions" which, basically are kind of useless now anyway, considering the capabilities of the companies like GoDaddy et. al.

    But, also I was required to use Nvu (relatively primitive, but can still produce good stuff if you know scripting etc.) when I was taking a class on online

    The last time I tried to use Kompozer was maybe a year ago and had to fall back onto FrontPage ....

    What I PERSONALLY would really like to try to do is after I've made a few of the sites using the generic site builder and/or FrontPage.. then pop one up for consideration made with a Linux app like Kompozer... 8)





    A curious aside about what goes on with some web site building is that the site I made last year was for a guy running for political office and even after I had made exactly the site he wanted he was forced by the "power structure" to let "their" website person/company redo the site and put it within theirs, he basically had no control over it, if he wanted to change something he had to get the approval of many people...and of course......he had to pay several FEES! >

    Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

    I recommend looking at this from a totally different direction.

    Frontage (and many other site builders) make it extremely difficult to impossible to use other tools to edit and maintain a site.

    These days most sites are done using php/mysql-based CMS software such as Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Xoops. Very little or no code editing is needed. Most of the work is in deciding on a theme, a layout, what sort of content and features you need. Heck, this forum is a php based site, with extras added that provide features and the like. There is very little coding done here outside of some theme tweaks.

    There is a different set of things to learn in order to customize a theme, but the major cms systems have literally thousands of them to choose from that often it is unnecessary.

    Most web hosts provide tools for installing these on your web space with just a few clicks, and then you go and set up your site in your web browser.

    Drupal is the Big Dog in this arena as there are tutorials and videos and information galore on how to use and administer it. It may seem to be overkill in many ways as it seems to be able to do almost anything under the sun and can have many layers of admin/configuration options. But you only have to use what you want. I also believe it can be used in multi-site situations as well.

    A plus in these tools is that you (and anyone you allow) can have control over all of the site, or a portion of it.

    A quick example of a drupal site is
    I created this site in basically less than a week with NO drupal experience at all, and absolutely NO CODING using existing templates, themes, tools, etc. most of the time was spent learning how to set things up in Drupal itself and looking for other sites to see what they looked like. Granted, the site is using common Ubuntu-specific theming and modules found on other sites, but I still didn't do a carbon-copy of other LoCo sites relatively speaking.

    As a contrast on a different site, using Xoops
    I had to learn how to hack a theme's css and modules and templates and how to pray to the Xoops Gods to get the colors, etc I wanted and was TONS more work (mostly because I locked myself into a version that is a bit hard to get out of, but heck the site works the way the club wants )


      Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?


      Now THAT was useful information!

      Thanks muchly!

      Any other comments would ALSO be much appreciated!!



        Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

        What claydoh said. (Nice sites by the way.)

        You might also want to explore forum software. You can usually plug in a forum somewhere in the code. Also, simple blog software is very easy to use. Look at all the wordpress blogs out there. My New Coalmont Courier is a simple blog. I've just tweaked it a bit to make it look like a newspaper.

        Don't forget that you can mix some of this stuff together. CSS (cascading style sheets) can sometimes be shared. Don't be afraid to change the CSS (backup the file first) as it is not that difficult and there is lots of info that you can cut and paste (if it's more complicated) from Google. PHP is more difficult, but even an amateur like me can fiddle with existing scripts and get something useful happening.

        One thing that is invaluable is to see where the different parts of a web page are in the code. If you use Firefox there are some plugins which are indispensable. I use Web Developer and it is amazing. With just a click it shows the divisions, block size, Id and Class details. Install it and see - you'll find out how to use it later.

        One more thing. I set up a simple http server at home. Any old machine works fine for Ubuntu Server which is easy to set up. Having a whole site safely at home makes it possible to do the most outrageous things without any worry. When it works the way you like you just upload the site, or piece of it, or little change, whatever, to the "real" site. A home duplicate is wonderful and takes all the worry out of the process.

        PS: My favourite forum software is PunBB. It is simple and (because of that) very fast, stable, and configurable. Compare their forum with one that I just started for learning purposes, and you can see what an amateur can do with a bit of CSS. They are otherwise the same thing. You can go much further and even stick another site around it.


          Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

          Great Stuff Ole Jule, more comments by folks! pleeze!

          And..... Ole Jule I want to start a forum with the websites I'm going to be doing so that people purchasing things can visit. I'll OF COURSE moderate the messages first since there will prolly be a lot of INSULTS about my doofus books!



            Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

            Originally posted by woodsmoke
            . . . I want to start a forum . . .
            Do have a look at PunBB. It's main feature is that is has no features! It's funny, but some people don't get that. lol However, that means it's the fastest forum software and the least likely to break. Some of us find that very cool. The size is very small and it is easy to get to know all the files and (a little about) what they do. I note too that it scales to very many users. Also, nice community and open source, and people write bits of code (additional features) for others - just to be helpful. I've actually seen somebody ask "hey, I need a site that looks like this", and I thought 'yeah right', but to my surprise he got an answer! Somebody came back, "how's this?". lol ... great crowd.


              Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?




              Those are the big three in websites, although phpBB is certainly popular and in the running.

              I wouldn't waste my time on anything else.

              You can use any of them in both Linux and Windows.

              It's just cheaper, faster, easier, and more transparent to set up a server in Linux (and of course, I'm a (K)Ubuntu fan).




              Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
              and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


                Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

                Being lazy, I set up my forums using

                It's free. But limited, in that you can't backup your site. The paid version offers more features.

                One of my forums.



                  Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

                  Hi Ole Jule, Perspectoff and Detonate.

                  Thanks very much for the great replies!

                  I am going to, indeed, look at all of those.

                  Presently the site is up and running using their generic "site builder" and most folks that have looked at it say it "looks professional". That means there are no JAGGIES in the artwork!!

                  But, yes I will, indeed, be looking at all of those.

                  Again, if others have suggestions or comments please continue the thread!



                    Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?

                    One thing you may want to consider is the Host and your budget. As site traffic increases, CPU and RAM intensive stuff like Forums, BLOGs and other CMS will consume more and more server resources. Eventually you will get a notice to upgrade from a shared server to private server. This can be a difference of $5 per month to $100 per month. If server resources are not an issue then that's not a problem.

                    A good static site with links to blogs at google or wordpress sites may be an option.

                    I use "bluefish" HTML editor which is now available with Linux and windoze. You need to learn HTML and CSS to some extent but then you can set up templates to simplify things. HTML5 seems to be growing in popularity and in some ways is backwards compatible and easier to use.

                    Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


                      Re: Why is Linux website app better than MS website app?


                      Woah! I had not thought about that! prices I mean!

                      something to really consider!


