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YOU could start an internet radio station or a low power radio station..really.

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    YOU could start an internet radio station or a low power radio station..really.

    To the mods......if you view this post as being off base please feel free to move it or to remove it.

    It was originally a reply on the streamtuner and streamripper thread.

    But..... what ho banquo!!

    The problem that I, personally, have, "on the net" is that, since I am almost "centrist" I am viewed by "either side" as being either ....right ........or left!! in my commentary on the RIAA etc. However, since the first day that I taught, I have been an advocate of "low power" radio, it was in the school where I taught.

    And, since I do "english as second language" I have also been involved in getting a "hispanic" low power station working, which quickly went to "normal power" and commercial(it is not the one in this link). that as it may............YOU.........could start a "low power station" if you want to pour blood, sweat and tears into it.

    Today, the congress approved a low power station bill that was started under BUSH.....

    Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and John McCain (R-AZ).

    Here is a list of the stations which presently have been started by the Prometheus foundation:

    I will save folks the trouble of checking each of the is the "leaning/slant" from the stateions staements in Wikipedia;

    neutral: 5
    conservative: none
    liberal: 5 (one self stated as socialist and one as "social justice")
    no link: 1

    Now, I could care less about their "leanings"..........the MORE INFORMATION THE BETTER..

    Here is a link to the Prometheus Project.

    So....what's the point behind this post and a thread about streamtuner and streamripper?

    The "point" is that...... if Sony through the RIAA can stop you from listening to "streaming radio" except in a way that THEY want...or even to close it down because it does not generate "enough" revenue then "somebody" be it conservative or liberal...can shut down..........

    did you know that there are TALK radio staions on the net?

    Did you know that YOU..............YOU.........could start a radio station on the net? Take a look at Shoutcast's site. There is an OBVIOUS link that can start a station..........the problem is that "most folks" think in terms of music on the station and that requries....that you.....ummmm PAY THE play the music, unless you can get free music from some place...

    BUT YOU...........could start a "talk radio" to advocate YOUR POSITIONS....about stuff ....on the net.... an aside.... the total equipment to do a "low power" station can fit on a table and costs about ten thousand bucks....

    For can get a GRANT from the U.S. government....OR a small business loan.... then you just have to find or put up an antenna...

    BUT...............YOU..........YOU............coul d do a low power radio station OR an internet station....

    BUT............oooohhhh the BIG BUT!! hmmmm .....oopsie...."they" the "all powerful they" could shut down YOUR ....

    "they" do not want you to hear that "wrong" information.


    Re: YOU could start an internet radio station or a low power radio station..really.

    We've had LPFM and ELPFM here for a while. You still need to go through a lot of bs. Regulations are not all bad and I agree with a lot of it - but not all. One of the big problems is the commercial sector wants no (zero) competition, so they always complain about "possible" interference, and the danger of infringing on commercial air safety channels. I won't go on about the technicalities of those claims and how unsubstantiated they are, other than to say that they are at least outdated. Actually I can't help mention that it is almost impossible to interfere with air traffic frequencies using equipment built in the last quarter century - not to mention that the flight industry doesn't seem to use that band any more. That just gives you and idea of how thinly veiled, and "grasping at straws" the commercial radio sector's argument is in this case. Yes, one needs a responsible and educated station operator, but since the advent of PLL (phase lock loop) this is not rocket science. Anyway, with this new law in the US, I have a feeling that these new channels won't end up in the right hands. It will just be an excuse for the big guys to set up a bull horn in your rural community to make sure that you become part of their resource so they can keep up their advertising revenue. I'm talking about translators, which is a technical term for what most people would call a repeater.

    I'm up on the technology, and you may be right that it could easily cost 10K, but it definitely need not. There are perfectly good Chinese made transmitters on eBay for well under a hundred bucks and even US made for about twice that. Yes those are up to snuff nowadays. Digital electronics gives us great compression and brick wall peak limiters for setting up a cheap airchain, so it's an amateur broadcasters dream nowadays. Of course you still need to do a bit of reading and math to get the antenna right, but it's not that hard. Actually even a government certifiable transmitter with well designed antenna and fixed feed line (a "no brainer setup) can be gotten for under $1000 in USA and Canada now. The rest (studio setup etc.) is up to the user and is unregulated.

    I have a micro-power FM station here operating on 88.5MHz. You can get "88 and a half" all over town, but it was really just set up to cover the compound. That way I get music upstairs, downstairs, in outbuildings and yard, and any place I put a radio. No need to run wires. Cheaper, quicker, easier. There is no commercial radio in the valley so I come in under the radar, as it were. I dream of upgrading to a more decent setup and having a real community radio, but haven't got there yet. I've got most of the fixins and know the theory. I'm not afraid of doing a bit of soldering so the price should actually be minimal. Because of the terrain and my particular building I can even get great antenna siting using my building, and an easy to design vertical j-pole would give the right propagation pattern - it's all perfect. I've gone through all the commercial broadcast regulations and forms with a fine tooth comb and it would work well. However I'm a little leery of signing any kind of federal government papers. 8) Perhaps I'm better off "under the radar".


      Re: YOU could start an internet radio station or a low power radio station..really.

      woah! that is nice to know, I was speaking from a few years back! under a thousand bucks!

      I'm thinkin' I might have to move up there ...always wanted to pan for gold.


