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I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

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    Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

    To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, "The problem with socialism is, that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money".


      Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

      The "-isms" as pure concepts aren't the problem. The problem is that when taken from 'concept' to 'reality', they are managed by people; people in (or desire to be in) positions of power.

      Here in the U.S., the American public are finally begining to realize that our elected government is no longer listening to it's citizens. Instead, idealogies that go against the grain of 'mainstream' America have/are being implamented. Our Government has, in many ways, become that which our Founding Fathers feared. It was always intended that our Government should have a great fear [read: respect] of it's people, from whom all it's power is derived. Not the other way around, where the people are in fear of the Government.

      Our Constitution is being shreded. The safegaurds written into to it to protect it's citizens from abuses by it's Government are being ignored, and our courts are going along with these abuses. The Patriot Act (it's name was no random choice - "What do you mean you disagree with this? You are patriotic, aren't you? You do love your Country, don't you?") was the 'wedge' that got pounded into the Constitution. And who do you think is weilding the sledge hammer that keeps pounding that wedge?

      America should dump the Patriot Act, abolish the TSA, return to pre-9-11 normality, and just adopt the Israeli security model. Heck, just hire the Israeli Defense Force to setup and man security at our airports. They do it right. It works.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

        Grey Geek.

        Very nice read!


        Did you look at the link?

        Marx himself said that the opressed proleteriat would "rise up" against the injustices( of not having other people's money).

        They "rise up" against capitalism and conservatism, not against liberalism. And, also, please remember that all Communist states are atheist.

        So.... the "slide" of the Proletariat is not "through" capitalism or conservatism, it is supposedly running away from capitalism(with the other people's money in their pockets) and therefore, ipso posto factotum society has to slide through "liberalism" to make the people's march onward into what ...

        Marx himself, read the quote, said will be the logical change of the society into socialism and the next step is communism.

        This is not my "opinion" it is in Marx's writing.

        Here is a nice link to Marx's progression of ideas, which were developed in tandem with Hegel and Hess. Yes I realize it is a Jewish site, and although there are some loaded terms, one cannot much argue with the historical listings.

        The site discusses his idea(taken from Hess and Engle) by means of the dialectic (logical progression) of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.

        The only way to get to socialism is through through liberalism because the "thesis" is capitalism which causes the poor downtrodden masses to rise up. This then leads to liberalism(it certainly cannot lead BACK to capitalism/conservatism) which are the antithesis and then society progresses to synthesis which is socialism and the logical progression from socialism is communism.

        Again, this is not my opinion, it is his writings, developed in large part from Hess and Engles.



          Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

          Thanks for that explanation woodsmoke.

          I misunderstood your initial statement as representation of a fact rather than Marxist philosophy, my mistake. Anyway, there are other philosophies following different paths which may or may not be true depending on the eye of the beholder, so we could chose any old one if you think about it
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            Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

            My particular philosophical leaning is toward a combination of long naps out on the porch while there is a soft rain and later making kabobs on the barbee

            A good nap generally puts the mind at ease and the kabobs fill the tummy. Other than family and friends what more could one want?



              Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

              A car? A PC? Linux OS's to test?
              Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
              Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
              Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
              Using Linux since June, 2008


                Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

                Originally posted by woodsmoke
                So back to the threadline - if I were to visit the States I'd be good for a few laughs
                You mean after the TSA leaks your scan?
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                  Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

                  Originally posted by toad
                  - if I were to visit the States I'd be good for a few laughs
                  If most of us were to visit your locale, likely we would be good for loads of gafaws!
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: I guess God (needs to) bless America! But this is why I won't go there again.

                    I see Homeland Security are planning new mobile intrusive screening devices:


                    I expect they will soon deploy them at all Open Source conferences!!


                      I don't know what countries you all live in but it must be nice not to be under the threat of terrorism. I lost friends and family on 911 - as did alot of us.

