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Skrooge or kmymoney?

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    Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

    Originally posted by verndog
    OK. What your saying is its OK to still use Windows. I was being a purist regarding Linux.

    The two programs that I rely on for Windows is Acemoney and Skype. Yes I know it will work under Linux, just not as good.
    Also some article I read referred to Skype's thinking Linux as a stepchild. Its been at the current version for a long time.
    I have a relative who uses Windows and we communicate often on Skype. His video regularly freezes up and he has to reboot to get it to work right. Skype on my Lucid works flawlessly. I use it and have those whom I give Kubuntu support, who also use it, share their full screen with me so I can talk them through their problems or teach them something. Skype on Windows has more bells and whistles, but for video, voice and text chat it is just as good as the Windows version. The only limitation I found is that when I was using the 32bit version I could record both sides of my conversations, but with the 64bit version I can't record.

    If I played "games", then definitely I would use Windows. But my definition of "games", is Chess and some board games..
    My middle grandson has both Windows XP and Kubuntu Lucid on his Gateway 17" laptop. He was being taught how to play Chess in his 4th grade class. The free chess games I had available to him on Lucid far exceeded in quality and play level adjustment any free chess games I could find for his XP. He asked me why the chessboards on the Windows Chess games didn't look as good as the board in DreamChess. He got his first lesson on the GPL.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

      I have to report failure so far.

      The anonymous feature suggested by the kmymoney devs didn't actually work and all my data was there to see

      So far as the ppa is concerned - I'm usually pretty good at that sort of thing but activating it both through the terminal and in adept would not cause the system to recognise that the KDE3 version was available. The oldest version availablewas 4.5.2. So I'm stumped I'm afraid. It looks like it's just an irritation I shall have to put up with for a while.


        Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

        you need to first uninstall kmymoney and kmymoney-common, and then manually install the package I linked to either from the commandline or by simply clicking in the deb file. You can't get it by adding in the kde3 version's url. I tested it out in maverick, and it installed with no problem after removing kmm and kmm-common. I did not have to disable my ppa for this, or use any commandline actions either. The package manager will want to upgrade you to the newer version next time you update, however.


          Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

          Thank you! Reverting to manual does the trick

          I think the key will now be to get the job done asap because as you say when updating the system it tries to update KMM too.


            Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

            Yeah, I assumed that is what you would do. You could mess with 'pinning' but just running the kde3 version to do what you want and updating it back should be fine.

            I agree about their mailing list. Alvaro, Cristian, Thomas, et all are all good folks over there


              Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

              Claydoh I'd just like to put on record my grateful thanks for your guidance on this.

              Following a downgrade I've cut down the list by a couple of hundred simply by classifying my historic cash withdrawals on a per-bank rather than a per-machine basis (gulp!).

              I've also found a few payees that had duplicate entries under slightly different spellings- our electricity supplier has changed it's name 5 times in the last 12 years for example.

              Having done what I think is enough for now, I have upgraded back to 4.5 and will either await a fix (as I have sent the devs an anonymous file to help with this) or as I have kept your deb files I can always go back a version if I feel the need to do a further cull.


                Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                I am glad to help, as KMyMoney was one of my final migration steps in moving from Windows. I did use Quicken 2002 in wine for a bit, but kmm fixed that need. The folks were so helpful, I kinda like lending my help, such as it is to "pay" for the software.


                  Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                  I had been using Quicken for 15 years. I loved its single-entry, and very easy data input (remembers previous transactions so mostly fills in the data). HOWEVER whenever using a new O/S say Wine, or another version of Windows or another computer I had to register Quicken each time; a significant annoyance; enough to cause search for an alternative.

                  So I have tried Gnucash, briefly KMymoney, and yea! Skrooge which REALLY impresses the hell out of me.
                  The designer has thought of methods similar to Quicken for easy replication of new data, but in a totally different way called templates. Takes a little learning but but quite simple once used to.

                  Various methods in Skrooge can be a tad confusing even though it is a simple program for example, I easily create a report, and it does not seem I can save that report (as a named report) for later use. However you can save the tab (report page) state.

                  There is good documentation, but some of the operations are not covered entirely, hence you can get confused a little. For me Skrooge is a hands down winner; best ability to import others data, ease of use (albeit some confusion), tidy interface and so far no bugs.

                  What is lacking, is no forum specifically for Skrooge which is a great pity we have to use KDE forum which has not Skrooge section.
                  I'll document this thread later with more info on my experiences with Skrooge, but as you can see, so far really impressed.


                    Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                    Various methods in Skrooge can be a tad confusing even though it is a simple program for example, I easily create a report, and it does not seem I can save that report (as a named report) for later use. However you can save the tab (report page) state.

                    How to do above:
                    Set up your desired accounts eg if you have other accounts you dont want in report go to banks and accounts page and tick the [x] on unwanted bank account.
                    Go to Reports and set up desired report (there are hints within the documentation, but its pretty straight forward). The report will be created dynamically according to your reports settings.
                    To save the report:
                    View/Docks/Bookmarks then right click in bookmarks and bookmark current page

                    Hope this helps someone!


                      Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                      I just added Grisbi (accounting software) in to the mix today. Tried importing some Quicken QIF files that were effortless for Skrooge. Despite trying several different formatted exports, none would take with Grisbi - and this was with both the Windows version and Linux; errors included date formatting errors, but if Skrooge has no problem with QIF then you would think Grisbi should handle them OK.
                      Another problem in Grisbi was that when I went to import some QIF files they did not appear, even though I knew they were in the folder, eventually realised that Grisbi was looking for '.qif' not '.QIF' meaning the file parsing was case sensitive.

                      Unfortunately, at present Skrooge is not being supported with Windows for KDE. I hope that this issue will be fixed soon, as sometimes thats a decision maker for users.

                      Skrooge is currently weak in report print format (although this will change sometime). However, you can export reports as a CSV and import into spreadsheet to suit your own needs.


                        Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                        Just thought I would post to say I upgraded to Kmymoney 4.6 last night. It's a very nice release and the issue I was having in relation to the payee list taking an age to edit has now gone. Also seems generally faster all round.

                        Many thanks to Claydoh for packaging this and making it available in his ppa.

