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Skrooge or kmymoney?

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    Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

    Sorry, that is a packaging bug. the kmm packages in Ubuntu are in Universe, and as such they are mostly literally automatically ported from Debian. And that was/is a bug there. Previous KDE# version had issues in KDE4 due to different help-file applications. My packages are based on the Debian ones, but I had fixed that bug previously. I haven't had any reports on the missing files, but they can be accesses online
    or pdf

    Obviously I will need to find and fix the problem with the docs

    Thanks for the info


      Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

      Not a problem, I've noted it's not the only KDE app to which that applies.

      Thanks for the link, duly bookmarked


        Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

        well for me I am going to stick with KMyMoney


          Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

          As to the docs, I dunno.i just fired up Lucid in a VM, and added my ppa, upgraded KMM, and the helpcenter has all the KMM help files.


            Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

            That's one of the reasons I still use Windows. AceMoney. I've used it for years. One time I did install Wine and used it that way, but it defeats the purpose of Linux. I wanted to have a native program. I also looked into Gnu-cash, but its quite large and intimidating.

            Also I like to keep my financials separate - Credit card, Checking, two other separate accounts. AceMoney lets me do this with ease.
            I did get a copy of Moneydance, but as of yet haven't tried it.

            I'll look into Kmymoney.
            Boot Info Script


              Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

              Originally posted by verndog
              One time I did install Wine and used it that way, but it defeats the purpose of Linux.
              Not really, if there is nothing that currently does what you want the way you want....and games, don't forget those. I play half-life and half-life2 sometimes, and have never installed or played then in windows.

              Also I like to keep my financials separate - Credit card, Checking, two other separate accounts. AceMoney lets me do this with ease.
              I did get a copy of Moneydance, but as of yet haven't tried it.

              I'll look into Kmymoney.
              KMymoney is quite similar to acemoney, from my brief look at it. They both seem to have the same features, though imnsho I think the layout of KMM is better, and iirc more configurable. But that is nitpicking


                Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                Originally posted by claydoh
                Originally posted by verndog
                One time I did install Wine and used it that way, but it defeats the purpose of Linux.
                Not really, if there is nothing that currently does what you want the way you want....and games, don't forget those. I play half-life and half-life2 sometimes, and have never installed or played then in windows.
                What do you mean not really. If you need to run Windows API, then its not Linux. And Acemoney needs Windows API's.
                Boot Info Script


                  Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                  no it doesn't defeat the purpose of linux. Having a few ties to software from windows negates nothing, imo. I used games as one example. My wife's ultra-niche Dog Agility course designer software is another. Assuming anyone using linux must drop everything non-linux is foolhardy and unrealistic. However, I think the superior application will prove itself better on its own merits, in this case Skrooge and KMyMoney are better products overall. Not like just a few years ago when it was "Kmymoney is kinda sorta like MS Money or Quicken, except fewer features, plus it crashes all the time." You can substitute LibreOffice or any number of programs that have completely rid us of the need for their Windows counterparts. But the only ones who get to make that call in the end is each individual user for themselves.


                    Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                    OK. What your saying is its OK to still use Windows. I was being a purist regarding Linux.

                    The two programs that I rely on for Windows is Acemoney and Skype. Yes I know it will work under Linux, just not as good.
                    Also some article I read referred to Skype's thinking Linux as a stepchild. Its been at the current version for a long time.

                    If I played "games", then definitely I would use Windows. But my definition of "games", is Chess and some board games..
                    Boot Info Script


                      Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                      Actually I am saying it is OK to run windows software via wine Anything that helps someone choose Linux is a good thing to me, and why have to reboot just to balance a checkbook but the ultimate decision is a personal one.

                      I guess i kinda got a bit worked up on my last post, kinda.


                        Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                        I personally don't have an issue with wine- it can be a very valuable tool.

                        I must confess that I was pretty grateful for the fact that Quicken 2002 standard runs so well on wine. Being able to maintain continuity with my finances was a major factor in convincing me to ditch the dual boot. Without it it would have been that little bit more difficult.

                        Occasionally I produce documents that have to go to someone else in word format, or someone will send me one of those .pps slideshows that LO/OOo won't handle properly. In that case the MS word and powerpoint viewers (2003) run fine on wine.

                        I now have a windows VM running within virtualbox, The only thing it is used for now is to update my tomtom. If I could get that to work in wine then I would save myself 12 GB of space, as it's otherwise pretty much redundant.

                        Anyway back to kmymoney. I have an issue that I don't know how to solve. When I imported the files the payee list was also imported showing everyone I have had dealings with for the last 12 years! I wanted to thin the list but whenever I try to do anything to the list (even select a payee to edit it) the whole program freezes and it gets shut down by KDE a little while later. Is there an way I can attack that list from outside the program as it's becoming a bit irritating? I can't seem to find anyone else who has the same problem and can only suspect it's the size of the list itself that is doing it.



                          Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                          They KMyMoney file (*.kmy) is an XML file. You can use KWrite to edit it.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                            I think in the latest version you may be able to look at the database directly (look in the File menu, iirc - I am away from linux boxes atm ) Very dangerous though I have never used that feature so i don't know if you can edit or if the file opens in Kate. Use a copy of the file you have imported to be safe.

                            You might want to check out the kmymoney-users mailing list - very helpful, the devs are active in there as well as their developer list. It seems to be the best place for answers. 12 years of data may be chocking something, they may be able to make kmm better if they can fix your problem too


                              Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                              Thanks Gents.

                              Before going any further on it I set up a new test kmymoney test file and was able to add and delete payees at will, so it is clearly an issue with the imported list.

                              I'll have a look at the mailing list. If I can delete the entire list without affecting the transactions themselves then I'd d be happy to restart the list from scratch.

                              Update: I posted my issue on the mailing list and wow! I got a response from 2 devs within half an hour!

                              It appears there is a bug in the KDE4 version. Currently no workaround but 1 suggestion is I install the KDE 3 version and remove them from within that as that doesn't have the bug. I've also been asked to save my data as an anonymous file so that the structure is retained bit the data is gibberish and to submit it. Didn't know that could be done.

                              I'm very impressed with the response I got.


                                Re: Skrooge or kmymoney?

                                I don't have any Maverick packages for the KDE3 version, but it is easy to install it, using Hardy's package, although you would have to temporarily uninstall kmymoney and kmymoney-common packages first (you will NOT loose any bank data in doing so). As it is KDE3 based, the dependencies and libraries are the same from Hardy onwards .

                                Get the Hardy KMyMoney2 deb from my ppa HERE There is only one package to install. It will install a few other packages, and you should be all set to go. If you update your system, apt will want to upgrade KMM to the kde4 version.

