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Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

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    Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

    I recently had problems accessing my old Windows file servers (yeah, I know, I should upgrade to Linux, but I have enough to do to fiddle around with working machines).

    I checked configurations, restarted machines and so on, but nothing helped. Eventually, I started to check the lights on my network switches, in order to see if some network card was bad. To find out which cables connected to which ports, I pulled on one of them and found myself with a cut cable stump in my hand. Closer inspection showed that it had been gnawed off, and that there were mouse droppings on the floor. Apparently, a house mouse has decided to move in for the winter, and found it more cozy without the cable. I suspect this mouse may also be the reason two Windows servers in the same room are without power.

    Now, I've never had this happen to a Linux machine!

    I'm not a hard core command line enthusiast, but I want to decide for myself which type of mouse I want installed.

    Rest assured, traps are now set to catch the offender, so that he/she can be released far enough from the house to pose any problem (I can't bring myself to kill the cute little guys).

    Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

    I've heard there are sonic devices that keep critters like mice away from your home but I don't know if they're as effective as they claim to be. Some people say it doesn't harm pets ears and it doesn't pollute the environment AFAIH.
    Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
    Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
    Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
    Using Linux since June, 2008


      Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

      Well, as I have pet rats (who are not allowed near any cables), I'm very reluctant to try those sonic devices.

      It's probably better to just get rid of Windows.


        Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

        $ cat /home/mouse* >> /dev/null


          Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

          Nah, that seems a bit cruel. I just want to move them to another location, far from /home.


            Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

            At my house we have a bunch of cats, so not many mice. I would rather have the mice. I have had two printers ruined by cat hair, and I have to blow out the inside of my computers much more often than should be necessary because of the build up of cat hair.


              Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

              Get a dog, they don't tend to climb up on PC's and other electronic devices
              Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
              Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
              Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
              Using Linux since June, 2008


                Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                Oh, I have a dog. A Rottweiler, as you say, he is no problem at all as far my computer is concerned. Note that he is a short haired breed.


                  Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                  Not many folks may know this but the original way that "sound" came to computers was some compter nerds "invading" the AI lab back in the day at MIT. ( I got this first from a friend of mine who went there (class before me and a LOT smarter) and then confirmed later from Levi's book Hackers.

                  The powers that be had folks putting their code on cards, yes back THEN!! , and when the powers that be got around to feeding the cards then the students got a tape printout and then they had to repeat the process to change even one pair of bits and the whole thing was very time consuming.

                  So... the students "liberated" the building, and went through the ceiling at night to put the code in themselves and there happened to be a radio next to where they were typing and they noticed that when a certain key on the keyboard was pressed that it created a "harmonic" which made a sound on the radio and voila! Sound on a computer!!

                  So...I'm thinking a NEW applet... maybe the "mousinator"....

                  I mean we have "teatime"! And I drink tea! lol

                  All that would be needed would be to have all of the "usual suspects" here at the forum to go to their local pet store, or maybe the basement or barn! lol and get a mouse.... then we all set the mouse in a cage next to the computer and start pressing keys and when a person gets the right other words when the combo is pressed, the mouse starts dancing....

                  Just consider what the folks upstream would think when they got THAT as a submission for testing! Would they revoke Kubuntu's status as a serious distro? Would it immediately cat.........CAT....(PUN lol ) a pult Kubuntu above Ubu? Woah!



                    Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                    Originally posted by Troberg
                    Nah, that seems a bit cruel. I just want to move them to another location, far from /home.
                    Oh! Then you want to execute
                    mv /home/mouse* /faraway
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                      A Rottweiler? And you have mice? (shakes head) I think it's time to cut down on the dog's rations.


                        Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                        No, I don't have mice. I have a Rottweiler and five damn cats.


                          Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                          Originally posted by Detonate
                          No, I don't have mice. I have a Rottweiler and five damn cats.
                          Oops, sorry Detonate. I was getting posters mixed up here. That's a lot of cats! I've only got one now that the other one didn't come back. There's lots bears, coyotes, and tourists here, so who knows what happened. Anyway, one cat is enough to keep the mice down. I don't know what to do about the tourists though.


                            Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                            Originally posted by Ole Juul
                            I don't know what to do about the tourists though.
                            Get a Rottweiler


                              Re: Another example of why Linux is superior to Windows

                              You would think that your Rott would take care of your damn cat problem...

                              Please Read Me

