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What is wrong with kpackagekit?

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    What is wrong with kpackagekit?

    It is true that Synaptic has more features, but I never had any serious problems with kpackagekit; a couple of broken packages, but nothing that couldn't be fixed with 'sudo apt-get install -f'

    I installed Synaptic on 9.04-10.04, but did a clean install of 10.10, and see no reason to install Synaptic...

    Am I missing something, or will I be fine using kpackagekit and apt-get
    Registered Linux User 545823

    Re: What is wrong with kpackagekit?

    KPackageKit as provided in Maverick 10.10 is a LOT better than it's prior versions. It appears to work as a package manager should. I myself, still don't use it to install/remove packages - I do that from the CLI (my preference). I have not installed Synaptic in Maverick - the first Kubuntu I have not done so in (I did install Muon).
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
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      Re: What is wrong with kpackagekit?

      Originally posted by Snowhog
      KPackageKit as provided in Maverick 10.10 is a LOT better than it's prior versions. It appears to work as a package manager should. I myself, still don't use it to install/remove packages - I do that from the CLI (my preference). I have not installed Synaptic in Maverick - the first Kubuntu I have not done so in (I did install Muon).
      Hi Snowhog...

      Would it be worth upgrading it in 10.04?

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        Re: What is wrong with kpackagekit?

        KPackageKit has improved in 10.10.
        But, I prefer the layout and functionality of Synaptic and I installed it on 10.10.
        (Old habits die hard...)

        Upgrade to 10.10?
        IF you don't need or mind losing the LTS that 10.4 provides (30 months left!) then 10.10 is your distro!

        The only complaint I have about it is that it takes away the control I have over the audio functionality. KMix no longer shows all the sliders you need control as you switch between various audio and video capabilities. (Which source to use and capture, what speakers for output (front, rear, both), mic boost, PCM, Digital, etc...)

        I love the way I can instantly control the volume of my ALSA sound output by hoovering my mouse over the KMixer icon in the system tray and then roll my thumbwheel up or down. The Padvchooser control for Phonon does not have that. It's two clicks and then drag the slider on the dialog that pops up over the video you are watching. VERY inconvenient.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: What is wrong with kpackagekit?

          Originally posted by GreyGeek

          (Old habits die hard...)
          You can say that again - I'm still using adept


            Re: What is wrong with kpackagekit?

            I just had a very friendly notice that a lot of people just did not take the post that I made the way that I intended; and for that I greatly apologize.

            The big idea that I was trying to get across is that Kpackagekit has a subset of the apps that are in Synaptic.

            That was the groaning board and the red guy from Tron, the whole thing or throttled as it were.

            But, also, that people will eventually "want more" and they will then start using Syanptic more.(more from Oliver).

            However I also wanted to emphasize that KpackageKit is the wave of the future as far as I'm concerned. And that is because a lot of new users just do not understand what the sometimes very short and cryptic statements say about many of the packages.

            And that the people who are doing KpackageKit are providing very good descriptions which any new person can easily understand.

            So.... I apologize, and hope the above is a more understandable post, I just tend to use pictures to emphasize a point because I think that people tend to remember them, but I should also remember that different people perceive pictures in different ways.

            So, again, I apologize for the over the top post, it was just that I am so enthusiastic about KpackageKit and think it is the wave of the future.



              Re: What is wrong with kpackagekit?

              In the past, KpackageKit seemed rather troublesome, buggy and least that was my impression when i had checked prior editions of Kubuntu (hadn't never installed it until now)...but when i checked out the live cd of kubuntu 10.10 i was totally AMAZED at how much it had been, reliable, polished, complete (has all packages that synaptic does) excellent descriptions, etc....And even the overall polish of 10.10 encouraged me to install and now i am a very happy camper!

              Prior to this, i was always a gnome person, finally got hooked on KDE while using Mint 9 KDE and was going to wait for Mint 10 KDE but got impatient, checked out Kubuntu 10.10 and now i am a Kubuntu convert

              So while many here have said KPackageKit sucks...that probably was true of previous editions but now it "ROCKS " 8)

