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And you thought they were over ...

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    Re: And you thought they were over ...

    Let's see, I use the following add-ons for FF:

    LastPass (password generator/manager/autofiller)
    CopyPlainText (convenient for work)
    DownloadHelper (nice for downloading youtube content)
    FirfoxSync (keeps my bookmarks synchronized across boxes)
    FireGestures (wouldn't know what to do without mouse gestures!)
    FlashGot (integrates KGet)
    MultipleTabHandler (advanced tab management)
    NoScript (java buster)
    NoSquint (I'm going blind!)
    PlasmaNotify (plasma desktop integration)
    AdBlock (I am no fan of ads)

    I suppose I could do without some of those, but I think dibl put it succinctly:

    I've been a happy user of ...
    But IE Okay, IE 8 introduced the marvellous innovation of tabs - fantastic and only four years of so behind its competitors. IE9 can do html5 - excellent, the sooner flash is gone, the better afaic, but apart from that they don't even run on Linux, do they? Some poor sods have to use them at work and I don't envy them...
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: And you thought they were over ...

      Originally posted by toad
      ...It works! My info was about two years old and I haven't tried FF since. I've always had opera just for banking - made me feel kind of even more secure, my bank had its own browser
      FF has the "Private browsing" feature.

      Also, apparmor adds to Internet browsing security. The man gives the details, as does this URL.

      sudo apparmor_status

      will show what condition your apparmor is in. One note: I found that
      sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox
      the oft repeated command to put firefox into the enforcement mode, does not work. One has to

      sudo su -
      aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox

      instead. It would be nice if apparmor control was behind an icon in System Settings. Another project, eh Snowhog?
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: And you thought they were over ...

        My bank lets me use FF as normal but I haven't try it on Opera or Konqueror or Rekonq or Chromium or Arora, yet.
        Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
        Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
        Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
        Using Linux since June, 2008


          Re: And you thought they were over ...

          My bank works just fine with Firefox. Have tried it with Opera just for fun, and that also works fine.
          Seriously, if some stupid bank would try to force me to use that IE junk, I would definitely change banks!
          Shinda Sekai Sensen<br /><br />Kubuntu Maverick RC x64 w/ Kde 4.5.2 (main)<br />Kubuntu 10.04 x64 w/ Kde 4.5.1 to be wiped, no point in keeping it any longer


            Re: And you thought they were over ...

            Originally posted by Yuri sss
            My bank works just fine with Firefox. Have tried it with Opera just for fun, and that also works fine.
            Seriously, if some stupid bank would try to force me to use that IE junk, I would definitely change banks!
            I thought of doing just that, but I have to much invested - time based sensitive investments, that its not viable right now. Besides I found using Opera to work well with Linux.

            I was going to call them back and suggest telling any other Linux users to use Opera, but had second thoughts...what if who's in charge decided to block Opera. At any rate, their investment bankers and not IT. Even the IT guy is really not IT, hence his statement, Linux won't work period?! As soon as they heard Linux, it was a deer in the headlights, a pregnant silence ensued.
            At that point I knew they either couldn't or wouldn't help. In talking with the IT department, I figured it was the former.
            Boot Info Script

