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What has switching to Linux done for you?

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    Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

    Gave me more choices of how to use the PC.
    More control within each of the above choices (OSs).
    Made it easy to learn more about using the PC, BIOS/booting, and OSs.
    Made it fun to do the above.
    Saved money. (A former full-cash-payer MS Office Pro buyer).
    Simplified using the PC.

    But after all the study, research, preparation, I used a simple tutorial of dedo,
    to first start using Kubuntu as a dual boot to XP, 2005.
    > Many sincere thanks to dedo.
    Btw, dedo, where are you these days? (your website looks good--mikemqa@hardwareguys)

    => Suggests another topic for someone to start:
    Who/what first got you into using Linux and what acknowledgments do you wish to make?

    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

      I forgot to mention this earlier, but because of the price, Linux has allowed me to play with computers.

      I don't know what MS-Windows costs, but I believe that I would never be able to afford to run it even if I wanted to. I could go on about that, but since I don't want to sidetrack this thread, I started another one called "The cost of software".


        Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

        I put Linux on a mate's machine. He was convinced it was getting old and decrepit and wouldn't believe me that it was JUST FINE, a blinder of a box as a matter of fact.

        Now, without a windows registry and virus checker it flies along.
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

          I learned a lot with Linux. Overall I learned much more about security; learned how fun and easy other operating systems can be if you loose the myth that Windows is the easier operating system and all others are difficult and scary; learned how fun and powerful the command line can be in Linux, but you don't have to use it at all if you don't want; learned a lot about Kubuntu and all the amazing times I can do (for example: why update every piece of software separately and waste a lot of time if you can can update them all in one place; or why have a BSOD or the system frozen if you can only ctrl+alt+esc and kill the hanging software); I even learned more about other operating system besides Linux, insn't that funny? I also view computers in a different way now, they don't tell to reboot now or to use this, instead I tell the computer what I wanna do. I'm really glad one day I putted Ubuntu 8.04 CD on my Windows XP machine and installed it. I was just bored that day, but I had no idea I would have so much fun and that I would learn so much, and know what? It was all funny


            Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            Then the new gov came into office just before I retired and demanded that the state become an MS shop.
            It's still happening. The Air Force used to run the off the shelf variety of XP, then came up with a "branded" version of XP. Then things became worse when they switched to the Air Force Branded version of Vista. The Air Force told Microsoft what security it wanted in the OS, as per Air Force regulations.

            Result is a OS that is even more unstable than the off the shelf Vista. I've tried to upchannel the idea that if they would just grab a distro, customize it for Air Force needs, they would save a ton of money. But no, somebody high up is in Microsoft's back pocket, so we are stuck with all Microsoft products at work.


              Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

              Originally posted by Snowhog
              Simple question. Likely though, not a 'simple' answer.

              So, what has switching to Linux done for you personally?
              Linux is a kernel, and it doesn't "do" anything for me. Knowing how to interact with (and repair) the kernel and the rest of the tools that make up a distribution helped me to build a career earning a 6 figure income. I thank Linus for creating a reasonably stable kernel, and I thank RedHat for building a solid distribution.

              Originally posted by Snowhog
              Did you experience an 'awakening', like Neo, after listening to Morpheus when he said: "You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
              No, that would be silly. Linux is a kernel and a tool, not a religion.

              Originally posted by Snowhog
              For me, the switch to Linux (Kubuntu) was an awakening; a realization that I could have control over my PC. That I didn't have to be beholding to M$; that I could do with my PC what I wanted. I found that the PC I paid for really did belong to me; not to the Corporation that had installed the OEM OS that came with it.
              First, stop saying M$ it causes people to disrespect you. Second, I agree that you have more control however more control isn't necessarily better. Buying a PC with Windows on it also doesn't mean that some corporation controls you either. You still have the ability to do whatever you want with Windows. So you can't compile the Windows kernel, so what, not necessary or important.

              I use Linux because it pays the bills. If it wasn't for Linux, then I would probably be using Windows because it unlike many would have people believe works just fine. I don't subscribe to OSS religion because I have better things to do with my life.
              Don't blame me for being smarter than you, that's your parent's fault.


                Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                Originally posted by zlow
                I don't subscribe to OSS religion because I have better things to do with my life.
                yeah like troll the kubuntu forums.
                FKA: tanderson


                  Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                  Originally posted by tanderson
                  Originally posted by zlow
                  I don't subscribe to OSS religion because I have better things to do with my life.
                  yeah like troll the kubuntu forums.
                  Jealous much? Don't blame me for being smarter than you, that's your parent's fault.
                  Don't blame me for being smarter than you, that's your parent's fault.


                    Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                    zlow, good thing you are in computing because you're a bit short in the common sense department and wouldn't make it in more social pursuits. Don't dissect Snowhog's post and try to impose a literal interpretation on each word, phrase, sentence. Snowhog is--quite obviously--referring to the experience of using Linux distros, and that experience is part technical, part social, and part personal (e.g., learning, self growth). (Hey Snowhog: next time, better hire a lawyer to help you craft your posts )
                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                      Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                      Originally posted by zlow
                      First, stop saying M$ it causes people to disrespect you.
                      Perhaps, but not as much as making a point of mentioning that and then calling OSS philosophy a religion in the next sentence. Respect goes both ways, and you won't get any if you don't give any.


                        Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                        Originally posted by kubicle
                        Originally posted by zlow
                        First, stop saying M$ it causes people to disrespect you.
                        Perhaps, but not as much as making a point of mentioning that and then calling OSS philosophy a religion in the next sentence. Respect goes both ways, and you won't get any if you don't give any.
                        Your comment just proves my point. If it wasn't considered a religion, you wouldn't have been offended by the statement. As for respect going both ways, having respect of people that use terms like M$ isn't really that important to me.
                        Don't blame me for being smarter than you, that's your parent's fault.


                          Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                          Originally posted by Qqmike
                          zlow, good thing you are in computing because you're a bit short in the common sense department and wouldn't make it in more social pursuits. Don't dissect Snowhog's post and try to impose a literal interpretation on each word, phrase, sentence. Snowhog is--quite obviously--referring to the experience of using Linux distros, and that experience is part technical, part social, and part personal (e.g., learning, self growth). (Hey Snowhog: next time, better hire a lawyer to help you craft your posts )
                          Oh noes, I replied to his comment! I'm such a bad person! Just so you know, I did post my experience. Perhaps I am not the one missing something in the common sense department.
                          Don't blame me for being smarter than you, that's your parent's fault.


                            Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                            What is wrong with M$? I find it perfectly descriptive. Anybody taking offence has a prescriptive set of values and can bugger off afaic - nothing personal, of course, and present company excepted.

                            But we are veering somewhat off topic unless you want to include flame wars in the list of what Linux has done for you
                            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                              Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                              Originally posted by zlow
                              Your comment just proves my point. If it wasn't considered a religion, you wouldn't have been offended by the statement.
                              What makes you think I'm offended? I think your post was hilarious, in the best Dilbert tradition.


                                Re: What has switching to Linux done for you?

                                Originally posted by toad
                                What is wrong with M$? I find it perfectly descriptive. Anybody taking offence has a prescriptive set of values and can bugger off afaic - nothing personal, of course, and present company excepted.

                                But we are veering somewhat off topic unless you want to include flame wars in the list of what Linux has done for you
                                Using the term "M$" is disrespectful, immature, and pathetic.

                                I have no interest in a flamewar, so feel free to halt it here. I'm sorry if some of you don't like my opinion, but get over it.
                                Don't blame me for being smarter than you, that's your parent's fault.

