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Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

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    Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!


    Did you see the John Pilger thing on ITV last night? Assange features on it.

    If Pilger is right, and he seems to have a history of being so, the leaders of the western world particularly the US and UK should hang their heads in shame!
    The only conclusion I could reach was how the world needs whistleblowers and unfettered journalists.


      Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

      Thanks for that pointer, Liquidator. What an excellent film, even though a tale of lies, untruths and elite self-interest. It stinks, and it saddens me to see such obvious atrocities being white-washed and forgotten.
      I think such programmes should be compulsory viewing for older school children, and all military cadets!
      I'm afraid the media have colluded too much and too eagerly with their political leaders. Thank goodness for Wikileaks! :P
      I was opposed to the Irag war (as were probably 50% of the UK population) and I think Tony Blair and George Bush (and a large number of their associates) should be prosecuted for war crimes in the light of the vast number of civilian "collateral damage" deaths caused by their lies and economic imperialist activities. So should Margaret Thatcher for her role in sanctioning the deaths of nearly 900 sailors on the Belgrano during the Falklands war (it was outside the exclusion zone and sailing away when sunk by British torpedoes). But ... she got away with it and won the next election, and began her campaign of monetarist mayhem. Interestingly if a few more dud French Exocet missiles had exploded and the USA had not provided air intelligence the UK would have lost that war - and who knows how different the end of the 20th Century would have been? But probably a lot better. The military industrial complex seems to have become a vast self-serving cancer eating up all the resources of its host. If the pentagon spends a $1billion on propaganda per year and $18million a second on "Defence" it's no wonder the USA is running out of money to bail out dispossessed home owners and treat all the sick.


        Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

        "Sorry, the video could not be found"

        Is something blocking that film in the USA?
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

          I have no idea GG, the link takes me straight to it from here.

          Do you have any joy accessing programs with the player from here


            Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

            From the Terms and conditions

            "Geo-blocking: Our Services are using geo-blocking software to prevent you from accessing them from outside the United Kingdom: this is necessary for us in particular to comply with the terms of our broadcast and content licences. You agree not to attempt to access, and/or not to attempt to circumvent the geo-blocking software to access, the Services from anywhere outside the United Kingdom. "


              Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

              Originally posted by skunk
              From the Terms and conditions

              "Geo-blocking: Our Services are using geo-blocking software to prevent you from accessing them from outside the United Kingdom: this is necessary for us in particular to comply with the terms of our broadcast and content licences. You agree not to attempt to access, and/or not to attempt to circumvent the geo-blocking software to access, the Services from anywhere outside the United Kingdom. "
              "There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits."
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                . . . from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits."
                Very funny! However - if only.

                You agree not to attempt to access, and/or not to attempt to circumvent the geo-blocking software to access, the Services from anywhere outside the United Kingdom.
                As it turns out: I don't. I'll probably never get around to it though, but that's another matter.

                It's amazing how many people take the net to be like free speech, that is, something to be squashed at all costs. Opinions vary. Still, this blocking only shows that the money is in controlling the product, not producing it. That's an old story. The world's oldest profession is pimping isn't it?

                Anyway, this whole discussion has been going on for a long time. The first bible printing wasn't all that well received by some. Communications technology will always rub some people the wrong way, especially when it is new.


                  Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                  I think a few "facts" about the Internet are over rated or grossly distorted.

                  First, information doesn't always want to be free, especially if someone can build a tollbooth at the foot of your driveway. If you can't afford a lawyer to fight DMCA take down requests or patent infringement lawsuits, then your rights are illusory.

                  Second, the Internet DOES forget. Some web pages disappear for ever. The number of stale links is increasing exponentially, especially those which the power players want to make go away. The "WayBack Machine" isn't big enough to mirror the entire web, and gave up several years ago. Copyright, DMA and other laws now block the creation of "backup pages" to a lot of web sites. Many "major media" web sites, on both the Right and the Left disconnect web pages that contain information or articles which, because of subsequent events, embarrasses their favorite political figures. Some get tired of playing the game, pick up their toys, and go home.

                  Third, the Internet doesn't always find ways around roadblocks. MOST people, when blocked by government or accidental "firewalls" cannot work around them or through them. When the USA (not if) begins censoring what it doesn't want folks in the US (or any other place) to see most folks won't see the "offending" pages. The WikiLeaks fiasco has already proven that.

                  Now that the "Gentlelady" from Kansas has introduced a bill to prevent the FCC from preventing the major ISPs from throttling the Internet, you can count on being charged premium prices for ancient Copper wire technology carrying two or more kinds of packets: the expensive "premium" packets and all the rest. The purpose, of course, is to drive as many folks as possible to the "4G" cellphone technology, where data can be capped and parceled out at premium prices:
                  If you haven't heard, AT&T will offer new iPhone users a choice of data plans starting Monday, June 7. New users will have to decide between a 200MB plan for $15/month or 2GB for $25. Any data usage above those limits will incur overage charges that have the potential to double your monthly data fees for the iPhone.
                  200MB of data gives you the capability to send and receive 1000 e-mail messages (no attachments) and 150 e-mails with attachments, view 400 Web pages, post 50 photos on social media sites, and watch 20 minutes of streaming video.
                  AT&T's tethering fee is simply a convenience charge.
                  monthly usage limits may make consumers wary of downloading and using applications,
                  Now, why should any of the telcos upgrade their networks when they can charge more for the old stuff, just like the Copper wire cables? Caps may kill the use of GPS on your iPhone or Droid because it may quickly eat through your 2GB data cap. Then your cellphone data charge will jump from $25 to $50 or even higher. That's in addition to the $125-150 you're already paying for your 3G connection.

                  I download 700MB files several times each month testing distros and, on occasions, 4GB iso files, in addition to my normal browsing, emailing, IRC stuff, video watching, movie watching, etc... I couldn't continue testing Linux distros with AT&T's "data plans". Those aren't plans. They are extortion plots. I would still need to keep my big pipe plan from Earthlink.

                  With all this and the switch over from IPv4 to IPv6 the Internet/Cellphone world is going to get very unstable during 2011 and perhaps several years beyond. The depression isn't going to help.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                    Back on the Pilger thing....

                    I posted an enquiry on his website and have just got the following response

                    "Thanks for emailing the site. At the moment you can't watch the film outside the UK, sorry. But in 2011, the whole film will be available to watch on

                    in the Video section so keep a look out! If you sign up to the newsletter then you will be alerted that way."

                    In case anyone's interested I'll register and will advise when it becomes available. I found it compelling viewing.


                      Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                      Just update this thread with a URL, Liquidator, that should do it!
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!



                          Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                          As usual, youtube beats everyone to it

                          Nice find


                            Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                            Very interesting these turn of events. Sad in my opinion. I'll keep reading this thread. It has been very nice reading. Thanks guys!


                              Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                              Originally posted by skunk
                              From the Terms and conditions

                              "Geo-blocking: Our Services are using geo-blocking software to prevent you from accessing them from outside the United Kingdom: this is necessary for us in particular to comply with the terms of our broadcast and content licences. You agree not to attempt to access, and/or not to attempt to circumvent the geo-blocking software to access, the Services from anywhere outside the United Kingdom. "
                              The above is just hilarious to me! Some people may remember that I posted in TWO other forums that this would happen and was roundly derided by those who are much smarter than the old woodsmoker; with little spittles of acid dripping from their mouths.... they said it would NEVER happen! NObody could or would do something like THAT!!!

                              And especially in the U.S............ just wait is almost here... the FCC has ruled that the internet in the U.S. will be considered a "common carrier" and subject to ..........their rules and regulations as they see fit........the woman from California is going to build a wall around the U.S. that will be impenetrable.............and all so she can get face time from Sony et al for free re-election non-advertising.... and also under the guise of "national security" and "freedom".....that last one...I just LOVE that one.

                              I just love it..........not the fact of the geo-blocking software but that.... they were WRONG yet again!!!

                              sorry...........i just had to rant...



                                Re: Wikileaks - Documents aiming to stop FOSS in Europe - and errata too!

                                The Battles of DDOS.....kinda like the rants at a certain now defunct forum used to have...

                                I'm gonna attack YOUR sites because YOU DID THIS... well then.......I'm gonna attack YOUR sites because YOU did THAT to ME... I just love it.

                                What goes around comes around...

                                And I just love the next to last para...



