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Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

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    Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

    1) One click shutdown.

    2) FF upgrade restores plugins and extensions, and their configurations

    3) Browser tab re-attachment (undo?) after you've torn it off

    4) A "revert to previous configuration" button on all apps

    5) When we navigate application and Web menus with arrow keys, why can we only go forward with the right arrow key, and not go backwards with the left arrow key? The up and down keys work both ways.

    6) An instant stop button ... no waiting for a slow operation if you don't want to run the app (Ctl+Alt+Esc ?)

    7) How about a "open/edit configuration file" button in every application

    8) How about application GUIs that learn, and get more streamlined over time because they remember your previous operations

    How many of these have you wished for over the years? It's like she read my mind. I like 7 and 8.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

    Number 6 is one I have always wished for. How many times have you clicked on something and immediately realized it was a mistake? I have said many times a system should come with an "Aw S**t" button!!


      Re: Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

      The best one can do now is the Skull & Crossbones (ctl+alt+esc) and then click on the apps splash page. Even then, if the spinning balls is all that is showing and one uses the S&C on it they blow their desktop away!
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

        You forgot to mention that fluxbox has a a *** cool feature that will enable you to tab windows, and not just windows of the same application, but of very different applications.
        For example, I am running an instance of iceweasel and an instance of amarok under fluxbox. I middle click/hold on the windowbar of the amarok window, drag it onto the iceweasel windowbar, and I end up with a single window with an amarok tab and an iceweasel tab.
        Yeah, fluxbox!
        ((for the record, I use KDE for goofing off, I use fluxbox for getting productive things done))
        I like what that user commented there, it seems to be quite a nice feature even if it's not necessary.
        Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
        Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
        Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
        Using Linux since June, 2008


          Re: Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

          I didn't know about the Skull & Crossbones (ctl+alt+esc), it is very handy. I also hope to get all the other mentioned features one day. But even without those, at the moment Linux is much more user-friendly and productive than some other operating systems out there. If more people knew about Linux, I'm sure they would not have many of the headaches they have now with their current operating system and would instead get the work done faster.


            Re: Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

            Originally posted by GreyGeek
            8) How about application GUIs that learn, and get more streamlined over time because they remember your previous operations
            Hmm. Even the 'bad' operations? :P

            "Hey, look! Now I can make the mistake in half the time it used to take!"
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Carla Schroder has some EXCELLENT ideas!

              Of course! Good AI has to learn the bad stuff too, so it will know how to recognize it the next time it sees it.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

