One is primarily for citizens of the United States and other Democracies where politicians now campaign 24/7/365 to get themselves relected:
Lawrance Lessig:
The next is for people in all countries:
If you own a dog and it jumps your neighbors fence and impregnates their dog, you are liable.
If Monsanto's "Roundup Ready" pollen drifts across your fence and pollinates your corn YOU are guilty of IP infringement and your farm is taken.
What do these two films have in common? See if you can identify the common theme.
Oh, and welcome to the Cabal.
Lawrance Lessig:
The next is for people in all countries:
If you own a dog and it jumps your neighbors fence and impregnates their dog, you are liable.
If Monsanto's "Roundup Ready" pollen drifts across your fence and pollinates your corn YOU are guilty of IP infringement and your farm is taken.
What do these two films have in common? See if you can identify the common theme.
Oh, and welcome to the Cabal.