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You MUST watch these two films ...

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    You MUST watch these two films ...

    One is primarily for citizens of the United States and other Democracies where politicians now campaign 24/7/365 to get themselves relected:
    Lawrance Lessig:

    The next is for people in all countries:
    If you own a dog and it jumps your neighbors fence and impregnates their dog, you are liable.
    If Monsanto's "Roundup Ready" pollen drifts across your fence and pollinates your corn YOU are guilty of IP infringement and your farm is taken.

    What do these two films have in common? See if you can identify the common theme.

    Oh, and welcome to the Cabal.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

    The next is for people in all countries:
    Hmm, I don't know anything about the politics involved with hulu and this movie but:

    Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States
    They say they're working on making it more available.


      Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

      Download aria2c
      Then open a Konsole and cd to the directory where you want the film to be stored.

      Then issue

      on one line. (The break in the URL above, if there is one, is because of margins.)

      Aria2c is a high speed (several pipes) downloader.

      EDIT: I found another online presentation here.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

        Ever hear of the "Terminator Gene"?


        You may find this surprising to learn, but U.S. corporations have actually designed, patented and aggressively promoted "gene terminator" plant technology that causes second-generation plants to self-destruct. By doing this, the corporation can control intellectual property (seed patents) and demand royalties on seeds from poor farmers in third world countries. It eliminates the whole practice of "saving seeds" and propagating food from one plant generation to the next -- a practice that humankind has depended on for survival since the beginning of human history.

        In doing so, this gene terminator technology is a crime against both nature and humanity. To deny farmers the ability to propagate seeds from one generation to the next is to enslave humanity in a system of corporate control that violates the laws of nature and God. Care to take a guess which U.S. corporation is engaged in this activity?
        The article names the corporation.

        I believe there is no natural law that evil corporations led by greedy men will not violate in order to increase their own power or profits. Corporations have proven they will poison the environment, kill members of the public, bribe politicians, violate federal law, engage in competitive espionage, threaten critics, bribe the media, endanger lives, wipe out animal species and sacrifice the very future of life on planet Earth in order to squeeze out one more quarter of filthy profits. And they will do it with a straight face, while actually claiming they are "green."
        The question is, then, how can you tell which corporations are not evil? If they don't do what is listed above.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

          Aria2c gives a 403 Forbidden and so does wget. I think we're hooped on that one. However, the online presentation link looks like it's working. I'll have a look at that a little later. Thanks for the link.

          GG: The question is, then, how can you tell which corporations are not evil? If they don't do what is listed above.

          I think you have to have at least one of the above in order to get ahead. As humans, at some point we will have to decide between competition and cooperation. Unfortunately when it comes to humans vs nature, I'm afraid that we've already made our opening moves and the endgame is a given. It's too late to withdraw the challenge. Sometimes I think that we just have to think of humans as being part of nature and we are like a culture on a petri dish that is about to exhaust all it's resources. The fact that we define "intelligence" as a only a human trait has allowed us to fool ourselves for a long time. Definitions are really handy that way.


            Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

            that .....

            is crasey...........I just dont know what to jaw is still on the flore .....patent a seed?

            geneticley ingeniear a plant and let it polenat in the wild then sue when it's marker's found in your's crazey.

            and that "Terminator Gene" .......... are thay insane.

            as then so it is now " the love of money is the root of all evil "

            and that line of thinking will be the destruction of meney.

            thanks GreyGeek I wont be abel to sleep tonight now ..........

            no realey that's got to be stoped you cant patent a living thing (or shouldent be abel to)
            what's next rent on the babey becose you used patented fertilety drugs?

            O and dispite tomato blight my garden will be biger next year

            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
            16GB RAM
            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


              Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

              Stunned me too. That's why I posted it.

              You can see their greedy little minds working ... Squeezing the farmer at both ends -- manipulating the commodity markets at harvest time to keep the farmer's sale price low, and jacking their input costs to extract the last nickle from them. Then the wife starts working in town so they can afford to stay on the farm, thus the farmers are subsidizing the ag corps.

              I can't see any difference between farmers and coal miners when it comes to how the corporations are treating them. 100 years and no change.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                The question is, then, how can you tell which corporations are not evil? If they don't do what is listed above.
                All corporations are evil. Some are more evil than others.
                linux since slack 2. kde since beta 1. kubuntu since hardy.


                  Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                  I watched the future of food probably a year ago or so and it was very interesting. I will check out the other one. I hope we can unplug enough Americans from the matrix to stop our democracy from collapsing.....further. I am not hopeful!

                  FKA: tanderson


                    Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                    Originally posted by budr
                    The question is, then, how can you tell which corporations are not evil? If they don't do what is listed above.
                    All corporations are evil. Some are more evil than others.
                    That, sadly, is what 40+ years of being in, around and observing corporations of all kinds has taught me. And, I must add, I've noticed that elected officials are not above violating the law when it suits their purpose. When a new governor took office the first task his newly appointed tax commissioner undertook was to ask an assistant to the personnel manager for a list of all employees by salary and age. Such a request is undeniably useful only for age-discrimination and hence completely illegal. After a short period of time jobs were reclassified and their descriptions were rewritten and a "RIF" took place in which the more highly paid and older department heads and managers were terminated. Despite the new job descriptions the young replacements are doing exactly the same work, but at a lower pay scale. Two birds, one stone.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                      Originally posted by tanderson
                      I hope we can unplug enough Americans from the matrix to stop our democracy from collapsing.....further. I am not hopeful!
                      Neither am I. One has to only read the comments sections of everyday news stories to see what difficulty our country is in. We pay our sports stars MILLIONS (last year's Cornhusker football hero just signed with the Lions for $60M) and our education system is bankrupt, hiring teachers whose degrees are in "Education" and cannot teach or even read or do basic math. All they do is propagandize the children with the propaganda they were fed in college.

                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                        Every time we go to the grocery store we put in a vote for these people.
                        How often do you pay extra for organic foods?
                        Would you pay $10 a pound for range fed beef or $3 for Monsanto's grain fattened beef?

                        When a doctor says "change your life style or take drugs" we choose the drugs, It's easier.
                        Change your life style means eat a wide variety of vegies, (organic). Will the doc tell you that? Likely not.
                        He's running a business. If he cures the patient he looses a client. It's not his fault though, the drug and insurance companys need our money too.

                        The corporate mentality is to improve the profit for it's company. If others loose he wins. If the Earth dies. It's someone else's fault.

                        I need a drink!

                        Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


                          Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                          Originally posted by lcorken
                          Every time we go to the grocery store we put in a vote for these people.
                          How often do you pay extra for organic foods?
                          Would you pay $10 a pound for range fed beef or $3 for Monsanto's grain fattened beef?
                          Actually I think I can get range beef locally for less than $3. My local herd has not had contact with the rest of the world in very many years, so you can probably even eat it raw just like you used to until the big companies started selling diseased meat. What gets me is that they sell it without saying directly that it is contaminated - using the more delicate phrase of "cook out the red". Well the reason for "cooking out the red" is that these companies are completely incompetent at raising cattle and are putting the public health at risk without batting an eye.

                          You're right Ken, we vote at the store. Nobody complains about low quality. Probably because of lack of education. I see people paying full price for yesterday's bread. Just a few years ago "day old" was 50% off everywhere in North America. I've even seen loaves that are over a week old selling for full price! The same with vegetables. People buy it even if the quality is down. Are we really that poor here in NA? Do we have to accept starvation level quality? Almost everyone does. Again, it is lack of education. The produce looks bright on the shelf because of genetic engineering and chemical tricks, but its bogus. Even something as simple as cheese is beyond the skills of these incompetent corporations and we are getting pasteurized products replacing the real thing. They're going to kill us all with diseases soon. Still nobody cares. The average bloke will gladly eat a piece Kraft cheese because he doesn't know sheep sh*t from dates. We have to educate people but is that even possible? Everyone is so far removed from the source and the average city goober doesn't know where the food comes from, let alone even have an opinion on soil health or microbial symbiosis or anything else on which their life actually depends.

                          The corporate mentality is to improve the profit for it's company. If others loose he wins. If the Earth dies. It's someone else's fault.
                          That's the thing about competition versus cooperation. It's a delicate balance. Competition is only good when it is combined with cooperation and an understanding and respect for your competitors. That is no longer the case with the modern corporate system. We've made our choice and we're paying the price. Apparently the introductory price is, like you say "$10 a pound for range fed beef or $3 for Monsanto's grain fattened beef". They are both expensive, because there is a hidden price in the $3 one. In fact the Monsanto beef is actually the more expensive one.


                            Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                            Originally posted by lcorken
                            Every time we go to the grocery store we put in a vote for these people.
                            How often do you pay extra for organic foods?
                            Would you pay $10 a pound for range fed beef or $3 for Monsanto's grain fattened beef?

                            When a doctor says "change your life style or take drugs" we choose the drugs, It's easier.
                            Change your life style means eat a wide variety of vegies, (organic). Will the doc tell you that? Likely not.
                            He's running a business. If he cures the patient he looses a client. It's not his fault though, the drug and insurance companys need our money too.

                            The corporate mentality is to improve the profit for it's company. If others loose he wins. If the Earth dies. It's someone else's fault.

                            I need a drink!

                            My wife and I have been shopping Organic, getting veggies at the Farmer's market (except for that which we grow), eggs from local farmers whose chickens range the pasture. We've been doing that for years. We also store dry goods, canned goods and dried eggs in case the shelves become empty.

                            We've recently moved from eating range fed beef to range fed Buffalo. That Buffalo tastes fantastic!
                            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                              Re: You MUST watch these two films ...

                              Talk about evil corporations and what do you know ... we get an immediate example of how a corporation files patent applications on other people's software:
                              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

