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As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

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    As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

    Subject says it all.

    Re: As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!


    Doesn't augur well for other Sun FOSS projects ....


      Re: As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

      No it doesn't.. They even changed the internal name of the Java .exe (Yes, Windows) which broke another project. Now I agree with some why a program would rely on an internal company name but hey, they, Oracle, should still be one with Open Source and they clearly aren't. As I said though, like we didn't know that was going to happen!


        Re: As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

        Originally posted by dibl
        Doesn't augur well for other Sun FOSS projects ....
        Anything which already has a Free Software license is protected. Since we have the source code and are free to use it they can't close it down.

        I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Oracle made this purchase for the sole purpose of kicking their competition in the teeth.
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          Re: As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

          Originally posted by Telengard

          they can't close it down.
          True, but they can certainly discontinue providing any maintenance whatsoever, leaving it to languish unsupported.


            Re: As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

            Oracle shut down its three PostgreSQL build farm servers without warning,
            PostgreSQL is an open source database used by the likes of Yahoo, Skype and MySpace and is now widely seen as an alternative to the Oracle-owned MySQL database, especially after the European Commission cleared Oracle's acquisition of Sun Microsystems on the basis that PostgreSQL presented competition.

            Using PostgreSQL as proof of competition to clear Oracle with the EU, then shutting down PostgreSQL's test servers WITHOUT WARNING! Talk about a kick in the teeth.
            Better start looking for alternatives to MySQL and VirtualBox.

            Ellison's unmitigated greed combined with a total lack of community spirit or cooperation doesn't bode well indeed. Can the EU re-evaluate Ellison's commitment to competition?

            I must say, though, I am not surprised. This event correlates nicely with their change in licensing for ODT plugins. It's the same ruthless greed.

            My son was the Oracle db admin where he worked and he's had lots of dealings with Oracle and their paid tech support, which is why he uses open forums. The ONLY reason why they don't drop Oracle and switch to PostgreSQL is because they have over 4 TB of data locked into Oracle databases and hundreds of queries and reports depending on features and functions not present in PostgreSQL, or not implemented the same way. Moral: Choose your ruts wisely, you'll be in them a long time.

            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

              The ONLY reason why they don't drop Oracle and switch to PostgreSQL is because they have over 4 TB of data locked into Oracle databases and hundreds of queries and reports depending on features and functions not present in PostgreSQL, or not implemented the same way. Moral: Choose your ruts wisely, you'll be in them a long time.
              That's how these software companies maintain users. Lock them in by making it VERY difficult to migrate. We have one Oracle DB that does OK but it is VERY unwieldy. When looking at a new ERP system we had a choice between Oracle and MS SQL. Lesser of the two evils? Went with MS SQL. Believe it or not and I am saying this, best decision. MS actually made SQL very easy, at least to me .


                Re: As If No One Knew This Would Happen!!

                Slightly off topic, but this article gives an interesting slant on the current Oracle - Google spat.

                To quote: "To suggest that Oracle is being heavy-handed ignores the larger truth, which is that in recent years Sun's governance of Java has been meek and ineffective. In the absence of strong leadership, the Java community has been saddled with a slow and burdensome development process that has left the future of the platform in serious doubt. The complaint against Google is proof that Oracle aims to change all that -- and it could be just what the Java community needed."


                On the other hand, is it just a play for royalties? If so I suppose GGs concerns about the future of OOo and VirtualBox may be well founded?

