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Going from 9.04 to 10.04

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    Going from 9.04 to 10.04

    My KDE experience

    I’ve been playing around with various distro’s for a few years now. Never was ready to make Linux the primary OS, but it was testing them out in a VM environment under Windows.

    Finally I got tired of using VMware, so I grabbed an old machine and started looking at the distros out there.

    I tried SUSE, Mandrake, and Ubuntu. However once I loaded Kubuntu I was hooked, and have stuck with it since.

    I first installed 9.04 as a dual boot environment with XP on my desktop computer. I was amazed how much crisper the image was using the Linux graphics driver than the XP drivers. Plus 9.04 seemed to take full advantage of the on-board 5 channel sound card I have. Music seemed to have more depth to it.

    When 9.10 came out I decided to dual boot with it on my notebook (Dell Vostro 1500), but use Kubuntu as the primary OS, and XP for games and such.

    Everything worked, with the exception of networking. For some reason Kubuntu could “see” my windows network, but asked for a username/password every time I tried to connect to it. Assorted members on this forum assisted me with this problem, but we never could figure out a resolution.

    I ran with Kubuntu as the primary OS for a few months, but between not being able to connect to the network, and can’t play games (Civilization and Simcity), I reluctantly went back to XP as the main OS, and kept Kubuntu around to test and play with.

    I looked forward to the release of 10.04, to see if my networking problems would be fixed or not. I decided to do a clean install, so I also went from XP to Vista at the same time.

    Once both OS were installed, I fired up the Kubuntu side, and was pleasantly surprised that 10.04 immediately found my network, and I was able to copy files without a problem. Amarok continues to impress me, and I love the look of the OS.

    If I could just get the few games I play to work until Kubuntu, I would be happy to just make Kubuntu the primary OS and press on. So for the meantime, I’ll continue to dual boot.

    On another note, my five year old son prefers Kubuntu over Windows. He told me that “linux” has better games than Windows.

    I’ve found the best way to learn Linux is to simply use it. So I’ll continue to switch to the linux side just to play around with it and learn something new.

    Re: Going from 9.04 to 10.04

    I seem to recall reading somewhere that Civ4 works with the Wine windows emulator, but I can't recall where I read it. I haven't tried it myself, though. Let us know if it works, assuming you can find the setup instructions.

    I do know that "Freeciv", a "play-alike" game, is in the 10-04 repositories. Start up your favorite package manager (mine is Synaptic), download it and try it out. You might like it.

    There is a SimCity 3000 Howto on UFO (our sister forum), but it MAY NOT WORK (see the link)! Good luck.


      Re: Going from 9.04 to 10.04


      My daughter also prefers Linux... probably because I had her hooked on the "Potato Guy" program (or whatever it's called now) at a young age.

      As askrieger noted, wine is your best bet, and would likely take you away from Windows entirely assuming those are the only games that you play. I have played SimCity 4 via Wine with complete success and no monkeying around. I can't vouch for Civ4 but I have played many modern games on Linux and had little to no problems (like: Dragon Age, Borderlands, Fallout3... to name a few).

      Have a look at the following (not sure which SimCity game you have):
      Civ4 -
      SimCity 2000 -
      SimCity 3000 -
      SimCity 3000 Unlimited -
      SimCity 4 -
      SimCity Classic -
      SimCity Societies -

      The above will give you a good idea about the support official support for your games. Other games, just do a search for them and see.

      Hope that helps and gets you started in the right direction at least.... If you're unsure you can always try installing a game/program through Wine and go the trial-and-error route.

      Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.


        Re: Going from 9.04 to 10.04

        Originally posted by ScottyK
        I tried SUSE, Mandrake, and Ubuntu. However once I loaded Kubuntu I was hooked, and have stuck with it since.
        Funny thing. I went the same route recently. I haven't been using Kubuntu in quite a while. I've been using Ubuntu for a few years now. I too have been dual booting XP/Linux. Mainly because of a financial program and Skype.

        Got back to Kbuntu through first trying the new suse. The old OpenOffice crash is still there which turns me off. Also trouble getting codecs. Regarding the crash. I finally got the suse folls to finally admit it had some isse then they did some song and dance very similar to Apples I-phone4 fiasco -- don't hold it that way?! Once I found a solution to get simple mp3 codecs, suse wanted to install over 500megs of files! I read someone else complaining about the exact same issue- I gave up. I removed suse , then tried Mandriva. It was even harder to find codecs for than suse was.

        I should really thank openSuse & Mandriva for helping me find my way back to Kubuntu

        The one big plus in using Kubuntu is I'm very familiar using aptitude , apt-get, and the rest of the gang, that getting set up for video and music was a snap.

        The only issue I ever have with Linux is getting Skype to run consistently. An earlier release to works then a new release and it fails. It works flawlessly on any windows. Thats to be expected. Skype devs spend most of the energy there.

        As far as games go. I only play board(bored) games, Chess, Freecell, and the like. I have play some of the hard core type games, but my integrated video surly wouldn't handle the heat.

        Boot Info Script


          Re: Going from 9.04 to 10.04

          Taco -

          My kids love potato guy and Tux Racer!

          It's Simcity 4 that I play, and thanks for the links for the older games. My kids are looking to play the older ones anyway.

          I haven't loaded WINE in 10.04 yet, so I need to do that.


            Re: Going from 9.04 to 10.04

            I just loaded up a Compaq Presario 1500 with Kubuntu 10.4 and over 800MB of Childrens Games and Education programs for my four year old grandson. That it has 1GB of RAM helps that old machine a lot!

            HE LOVES Potato Head and has no problem using the mouse. (He beats me in bowling on our WII, too! )

            Gcompris is an excellent educational package for his age and up to 10, as is Childsplay.
            There are the word games, like hangman, or biology games like Animal, TuxMath, TuxType, pysycache, kstars, kalzium, stellarium, cellestia, etc...

            Games like TuxRacer, Frozen-Bubbles, Kolf, PinBall, torcs and some of the 2D shoot'm ups appeal also.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

