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Nework Manager Fails to Run

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    Nework Manager Fails to Run

    Hello to All,

    Network-Manager simply doesn't work.

    There are allways something that don't work with my wifi connection when using Network-Manager.

    I also have the issue reported ... is unbelievable need editing a text file to solve the problem a reboot the
    machine again to have a operational wifi connection again ... and if the system hibernate again here we go again for editing and rebooting. Inacceptable !!!

    I'm using Kubuntu 10.04.LTS a very few weeks (but not Linux) and I don't understand in a main distro as this one (Ubuntu) that claims to be one of the bests and polish and easier to use, one basic function such wifi connection still become so buggier and web blocking at this moment. If you digg in the Internet there are plenty of posts about wifi connection trouble with the different Ubuntu flavours so why insist in NM

    In future versions I suggest to replace Network-Manager for other one such as Wicd (the one that I use to replace "my" NM) or Ceni that simply work and don't put you loose completly your patience or near a "heart attack" or loosing a lot of time looking for a solution (and for this you need a working network connection ...) or put you thinking why Windows is so popular ...

    I'm still Furious because with the time that I already spend with this stupid NM I already bought a Windows copy !!!

    This kind of issues are very against Linux reputation because in this way you mainly can't have a Operational System that really work good and let you forget that this OS exist.
    Like that you have peace and conditions to start working with applications ...

    No Regards

    Artur Oliveira

    Re: Nework Manager Fails to Run

    The title of this message has been changed. If the author of this post is actually interested in a solution to the problem that has obviously frustrated and angered him, I would suggest a more rational post in the Newbie Help Section.


      Re: Nework Manager Fails to Run

      I'm sorry your challenge has angered you so much. I don't think there's a Linux user anywhere on the planet that hasn't had challenges to make their OS of choice work the way they want it to.

      The other side of this coin must also be considered. You did not pay a dime for Kubuntu and I suspect most of the challenges you're having are simple fixes once you have the correct information. You said it yourself Artur -- all you had to do was replace NM with either Wicd or Ceni. So download one of them from the repository and do it. Oh, and while you're at it, consider the fact that your solution, like your OS was free!!! I'll also bet the next time you have a challenge, you'll look for another app sooner.

      If this response has not helped, I'm sorry, but would have to agree with askrieger at that point. Post your rant in the Newbie section. This forum has some of the most helpful and gracious -ubunu users in the world just waiting to help. We all choose to use Kubuntu and learn and we invite you to do the same. Good luck.
      "If you're in a room with another person who sees the world exactly as you do, one of you is redundant." Dr. Steven Covey, The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People


        Re: Nework Manager Fails to Run

        The cause for all the trouble is most likely not NetworkManager itself, but Knetworkmanager (network-manager-kde), the Kde frontend for NetworkManager, which sucks like a vacuum cleaner on full power.
        Knetworkmanager frequently has all sorts of problems with wireless connections (I hear about it in various forums all the time), and its Dsl support is even completely broken > (which is why I can't use it.)

        When I started using Linux, I couldn't make the distinction as well. When trying out distros, I simply avoided all distros that were using Knetworkmanager (including Kubuntu), because I simply couldn't connect to the internet there, and only used Mandriva and openSuse because they had custom internet connection applets.

        It was only when Ubuntu dropped their excrement-coloured scheme and introduced a nice pruple scheme with 10.04 that I finally decided to try it out - I had never liked Gnome and thus had never tried Gnome-based distros, but I was simply curious.
        I was very surprised then when I tried to create a Dsl connection with the Gnome frontend for NetworkManager (network-manager-gnome), and it worked perfectly without any problems. I then installed kde-full ontop of Ubuntu to get Kubuntu and was again surprised at how much better it worked all around than the openSuse I had used before.

        I'm quite sure that a good amount of Kubuntus bad reputation is caused by bad experiences with that Knetworkmanager junk. If people can't connect to the internet, or frequently have problems with it because of Knetworkmanager, it leaves a very bad first impression. Hardly anyone can pinpoint the problem on the crappy Knetworkmanager, so they all seek fault in Kubuntu as a whole.

        If Kubuntu did the sane thing and dropped the Knetworkmanager junk in favour of the actually working Gnome frontend, it would probably be much better received.
        Shinda Sekai Sensen<br /><br />Kubuntu Maverick RC x64 w/ Kde 4.5.2 (main)<br />Kubuntu 10.04 x64 w/ Kde 4.5.1 to be wiped, no point in keeping it any longer

