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64 bit Flash FYI....

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    64 bit Flash FYI....

    Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

    Yep. Debian pulled flash support from their repos yesterday -- I'm still fiddling with my sidux / chrome / gnash setup to get it working again. As usual, had I resisted the temptation to run dist-upgrade, I would not have the problem .... :P

    But, honestly, if the plugin was that buggy, we're probably better off without it.

    And yes, I do suspect Adobe's intentions -- the world will be a far better place when HTML 5 and open source players are the way we watch videos.


      Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

      I am still running the plugin. I am a little concerned about the danger, but it works so well I am reluctant to remove it. What is the real danger?


        Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

        For understandable reasons, no one is saying exactly how the vulnerability works, but here's what Google says about it:

        I think we're OK with Kubuntu for the moment ("OK" meaning "open to playing flash and being exploited ..." :-X ) -- I have not heard any suggestion that *buntu is pulling the plugin from the repos.

        EDIT: Here's a little more:


          Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

          That article seems to be mostly directed at Windows users. I'm running the 64 bit version that was installed directly from the Adobe site. I don't plan to downgrade or go to the 32 bit version unless I start hearing about a lot of exploits affecting linux users computers.


            Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

            Originally posted by Detonate
            That article seems to be mostly directed at Windows users. I'm running the 64 bit version that was installed directly from the Adobe site. I don't plan to downgrade or go to the 32 bit version unless I start hearing about a lot of exploits affecting linux users computers.


              Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

              FYI (since this issue is probably going to come up for *buntu), I discovered this much, regarding playing videos with gnash:

              - in addition to basic ffmpeg, it needed gstreamer plugins ("bad" and "ugly) to get the audio to work
              - with that combination, youtube videos work just fine in the Chrome browser
              - BBC and CNN don't work, and probably others I have not tried


                Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

                Maybe all of this will be moot soon.



                  Re: 64 bit Flash FYI....

                  This post from late February, although dated in calendar terms, now has some very interesting analysis and predictions on the subject of VP8 and H.264, vs Flash:

